Petty Things People Do That Are Secretly Satisfying

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We’ve all got a little bit of “pettiness” in us, don’t we? It’s those tiny acts we do that might seem a bit vindictive on the surface, but deep down, they just feel so darn satisfying. Whether it’s a subtle dig at someone who’s wronged you or simply reveling in someone else’s misfortune, these little acts of mischief can bring a weird sense of joy. But hey, don’t worry, you’re not alone. Here are some of those secretly satisfying petty things we all do from time to time.

1. Removing someone’s name from a group chat after they leave

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Picture this: someone decides to ditch the group chat. Maybe they got tired of the endless notifications or simply outgrew the conversation. Whatever the reason, once they’re gone, you seize the opportunity to remove their name from the chat. It’s a subtle way of saying, “We acknowledge your departure, and now we’re moving on without you.” It’s a little petty, sure, but it’s also a symbolic gesture that feels strangely satisfying.

2. Replying to emails with just an “ok” (in lowercase)

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Sometimes, you receive an email that doesn’t warrant a lengthy response. Maybe it’s a simple request or a quick update. In those moments, firing back a lowercase “ok” feels incredibly liberating. It’s a way of saying, “I acknowledge your message, but I’m not going to waste my time on a flowery response.” It might seem a bit passive-aggressive, but let’s be honest, it’s also pretty funny.

3. Taking up two parking spaces on purpose (when there are plenty left)

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We’ve all seen those cars that take up two parking spaces, haven’t we? It’s usually a sign of inconsiderate behavior, but let’s face it, sometimes it’s just plain fun. When there’s a sprawling, empty parking lot, deliberately parking across two spaces can feel like a rebellious act. It’s a way of saying, “I’m taking up extra space because I can.” Of course, it’s not the most neighborly thing to do, but hey, sometimes a little bit of harmless mischief is just what the soul needs.

4. Not holding the door open for someone

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Holding the door open for someone is a common courtesy, HuffPost notes, but sometimes, you just don’t feel like it. Maybe you’re in a rush, or perhaps you’re simply not in the mood to be polite. Whatever the reason, letting the door swing shut in someone’s face can feel oddly satisfying. It’s a way of saying, “I’m not obligated to be nice to you all the time.” It might seem a bit rude, but hey, we all have our moments of defiance.

5. Leaving someone on read

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In the age of instant messaging, leaving someone on “read” has become a modern-day power move. It’s a way of acknowledging their message without actually responding. Maybe you’re busy, maybe you’re not interested in the conversation, or maybe you just want to mess with their head. Whatever the reason, leaving someone on read can be a subtle way of asserting control over the situation. It might seem a bit petty, but hey, it’s also pretty effective.

6. Purposely mispronouncing someone’s name even though you know it’s wrong

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Sometimes, you meet someone with a name that’s a bit tricky to pronounce. It could be a foreign name, a unique spelling, or simply a word that doesn’t roll off the tongue easily. In those moments, purposely mispronouncing their name can be a strangely satisfying act of defiance. It’s a way of saying, “I’m not going to bother learning your name correctly.” It might seem a bit immature, but hey, sometimes we all need to let our inner child out.

7. Telling people how much your clothes cost

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Whether it’s a designer handbag, a limited-edition sneaker, or simply a well-tailored suit, revealing the price tag of your clothes can be a subtle way of showing off. It’s a way of saying, “I can afford this, and you probably can’t.” It might seem a bit shallow, but let’s be honest, sometimes it’s just plain fun to brag a little. After all, you worked hard for those clothes, so why not flaunt them a little bit?

8. Pretending to not see someone you know in public

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We’ve all been there: you’re walking down the street, minding your own business, when suddenly you spot someone you know in the distance. It could be an old friend, a former colleague, or even an ex-lover. In that moment, you have a choice: do you acknowledge their presence, or do you pretend to not see them? Sometimes, the latter option feels incredibly satisfying. It’s a way of saying, “I don’t want to deal with you right now.” It might seem a bit cowardly, but hey, sometimes avoidance is the best course of action.

9. Bragging about your upcoming trip or vacation

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You’ve been looking forward to this getaway for months, meticulously planning every detail. Now, you can’t resist sharing your excitement with everyone you meet. You casually drop hints about your upcoming adventure, mentioning the exotic destination, the luxurious accommodations, or the thrilling activities you have planned. It’s not exactly humblebragging, but it’s definitely a way of letting people know that you’re about to have a fantastic time while they’re stuck in their mundane routines.

10. Asking a friend for a favor when you know they’re busy

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Sometimes, you need a helping hand, even if you know your friend is swamped with work or personal commitments. You might ask them to run an errand for you, babysit your kids, or simply lend a listening ear. It might seem a bit inconsiderate, but deep down, you know they won’t be able to say no. It’s a way of testing their loyalty and seeing how far they’re willing to go for you. Of course, you wouldn’t want to take advantage of their kindness, but a little bit of harmless manipulation can be strangely satisfying.

11. “Accidentally” liking an ex’s old social media post

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In the digital age, social media has become a battlefield for petty revenge. One particularly satisfying tactic is to “accidentally” like an ex’s old post. Maybe it’s a photo from a trip they took with their new partner, or perhaps it’s a status update about their latest achievement. By liking the post, you send a subtle message: “I’m still here, and I’m still paying attention.” It’s a way of reminding them of your existence, even if it’s just for a fleeting moment.

12. Watching a show you hate just to complain about it

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We all have that one show that we absolutely despise. It might be a reality TV train wreck, a poorly written sitcom, or a cringe-inducing drama. But for some reason, you can’t help but watch it. You tune in week after week, just so you can complain about it to your friends, family, or even strangers on the internet. It’s a way of bonding with other people over shared hatred, and it’s oddly satisfying to know that you’re not alone in your disdain.

13. Leaving your dirty dishes in the sink for someone else to clean

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In any shared living situation, there’s always that one person who leaves their dirty dishes in the sink. It’s a classic act of passive aggression, a way of saying, “I’m too important to clean up after myself.” It might seem lazy or inconsiderate, but deep down, it’s also a way of rebelling against societal expectations. After all, who says you have to be tidy all the time?

14. Gossiping about someone behind their back

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Let’s face it, we all love a good gossip session. Whether it’s about a mutual friend, a celebrity, or even a stranger, there’s something strangely satisfying about sharing juicy tidbits of information. It’s a way of bonding with other people, feeling superior, and indulging in a bit of harmless schadenfreude. Of course, it’s not the nicest thing to do, but hey, we’re all human, and sometimes we just need to let loose and talk about other people’s lives.

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