15 Surprising Traits Of Highly Empathetic People

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We’ve all met those people who just get it. You know, the ones who seem to understand what you’re feeling before you even say it. They’re often described as empathetic, but there’s more to this trait than meets the eye. Highly empathetic people have a unique way of seeing the world and interacting with people. It’s not always about being overly emotional or constantly putting everyone else before themselves. Sometimes, their empathy manifests in unexpected and surprising ways.

1. They’re surprisingly assertive.

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Don’t mistake empathy for weakness. While highly empathetic people are great at understanding other people’s perspectives, they also know how to stand up for themselves and what they believe in. Their assertiveness isn’t aggressive; it’s rooted in a deep understanding of fairness and respect for everyone involved.

2. They sometimes avoid overly emotional situations.

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It might seem counterintuitive, but highly empathetic people can sometimes feel overwhelmed by intense emotions, Medical News Today explains. Because they absorb the feelings of those around them, they might steer clear of situations they know will be emotionally charged. It’s not about being cold or uncaring; it’s a form of self-preservation.

3. They’re often drawn to creative pursuits.

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Empathy isn’t just about emotions; it’s about connecting with the human experience on a deeper level. This connection often translates into a passion for creative expression. Whether it’s painting, writing, music, or any other art form, highly empathetic people find ways to channel their understanding of the world into something tangible and beautiful.

4. They’re not afraid to be alone.

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While empathetic people value connection, they also cherish their alone time. They use these moments of solitude to recharge and process the emotions they’ve absorbed from other people. It’s not about being anti-social; it’s about finding balance and taking care of their own emotional well-being.

5. They’re often drawn to helping professions.

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Their deep understanding of human emotions and experiences often leads them to careers where they can make a real difference in other people’s lives. You might find them working as therapists, counselors, social workers, teachers, or even in the arts where their work touches the hearts of many.

6. They’re surprisingly good at setting boundaries.

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While they care deeply about people, highly empathetic people also know where to draw the line. They understand the importance of protecting their own energy and well-being. This might mean saying no to requests, stepping back from draining situations, or simply taking time for themselves. It’s not about being selfish; it’s about recognizing their own needs and limitations.

7. They often have a strong sense of justice.

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Their empathy extends beyond individuals to a broader understanding of social issues. Highly empathetic people often feel a deep sense of responsibility to make the world a better place. They might be passionate advocates for causes they believe in, working to fight injustice and promote equality in any way they can.

8. They’re surprisingly observant.

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Empathetic people pay attention to the subtle details that most people ignore. They notice the slight changes in someone’s facial expression, the hesitation in their voice, or the way they carry themselves. This keen observation allows them to pick up on unspoken emotions and needs, making them incredibly intuitive and supportive friends and partners, per Forbes.

9. They’re not always the life of the party.

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Don’t be fooled by their ability to connect with people on a deep level. Highly empathetic people aren’t always the loudest or most outgoing in a crowd. In fact, they often prefer meaningful conversations to superficial small talk. They might be the quiet observer, taking in the energy of the room and genuinely listening to what other people have to say.

10. They can be surprisingly funny.

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Empathy and humor might seem like an unlikely pair, but they often go hand-in-hand. Highly empathetic people have a knack for finding the humor in everyday situations and using it to connect with people. Their humor isn’t mean-spirited; it’s often self-deprecating, observational, or based on a shared understanding of the human condition.

11. They’re surprisingly resilient.

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While they might feel things deeply, highly empathetic people also have an incredible capacity for resilience. They understand that life comes with ups and downs, and they’ve learned to navigate through challenges with grace and compassion. They might even use their experiences to help people who are going through tough times.

12. They’re surprisingly good at resolving conflicts.

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Their ability to see multiple perspectives makes them excellent mediators. They can understand where each party is coming from, which helps them find common ground and reach solutions that work for everyone. They approach conflicts with empathy and understanding, striving for win-win outcomes rather than trying to prove someone wrong.

13. They’re surprisingly forgiving.

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Holding on to grudges isn’t their style. Highly empathetic people understand that everyone makes mistakes, and they’re willing to give people second chances. They believe in the power of forgiveness to heal relationships and move forward, both for themselves and other people.

14. They often have a strong connection to nature.

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Being in nature can be incredibly grounding and rejuvenating for highly empathetic people. They might find solace in the quiet stillness of a forest, the vastness of the ocean, or the simple beauty of a flower. Nature offers a space to connect with something larger than themselves and recharge their emotional batteries.

15. They’re constantly growing and learning.

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Empathy isn’t a static trait; it’s something that can be cultivated and deepened over time. Highly empathetic people are committed to their own personal growth and development. They seek new experiences, learn from their mistakes, and strive to become even more understanding and compassionate individuals.

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