Signs You’re A Mentally Strong Person (Even If You Don’t Think So)

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Mental strength is a notion that means different things to different people. To some, it’s the ability to hide emotions, stay cool under pressure, and bear discomfort without complaining. For others, it’s the determination to chase goals and accomplish difficult feats. The truth is, mental fortitude comes in many forms, and we all possess and display it uniquely. So, how can you determine how mentally strong you are? If you recognize these 15 signs, you’re mentally stronger than you give yourself credit for.

1. You see the value in conflict.

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You understand that conflict is inevitable in human interactions and don’t run from it. You see it as an invitation to get yourself and someone else a little better. If someone steps on your toes, you’re not afraid to confront them about it. You try to get to the bottom of disagreements and find amicable and effective ways to resolve them to satisfy all parties.

2. You’re comfortable with change.

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Even when you’re anxious about new situations, you don’t resist the experience. You’re open to exploring different career opportunities and evolving alongside your relationships. You’re willing to step out of your comfort zone when and face challenges, even if you end up falling flat on your face. These traits make you a mentally strong person, Harvard Business Review notes.

3. You navigate challenges with grace.

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Life is riddled with obstacles, but you don’t let that get you down. You hold your head high and keep moving forward.  You recognize that tough times don’t last forever. You don’t let your struggles turn you into a jerk or stop you from treating others with dignity and respect. You take the time to analyze situations before responding.

4. You welcome contrasting ideas.

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You’re conscious of the fact that people have different life experiences, perspectives, values, and thought processes that you may not be privy to. So, you’re able to hear views that differ from your own without trying to force your beliefs or convictions on other people. Your position may not be swayed by someone else’s argument, but you’ll try to understand where they’re coming from.

5. You don’t let emotions get the better of you.

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It takes mental strength to acknowledge your emotions without letting them cloud your judgment. What this means is that you can be angry at your partner and still have a good and productive day. You can feel hurt and betrayed and still show up for that scheduled interview or meeting. No matter how you’re feeling, you stick to your plans and make well-reasoned decisions.

6. You can ask for help when you need it.

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Being mentally strong isn’t about doing everything by yourself 24/7. It’s about knowing your strengths and acknowledging when you’re confused or overwhelmed. It’s reaching out and asking for support even if it makes you a little nervous because you know that two heads can be better than one.

7. You don’t let failure hold you back.

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You hate the idea of falling short of your goals or giving your all to a project that doesn’t pan out, but you take failure as a part of life. You don’t see failing as an indictment of yourself. You take the time to mourn the loss of that idea, business, or relationship, then dust yourself off and try again.

8. You live by your own rules.

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You’re not pigheaded or uncompromising, but you call the shots in your life and do things according to your values rather than allow peer pressure and external opinions dictate how you act. You have your own principles, thoughts, and preferences, and you don’t conform easily to societal expectations or demands.

9. You know when to walk away.

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Painful as it may be, you can accept when a job, situation, or relationship isn’t working out and call it quits. You don’t keep pouring your energy into it and forcing it to work because you don’t want your efforts so far to be wasted. You understand that loss and pain can be necessary for growth, so you’re not afraid to let go.

10. You embrace vulnerability.

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You don’t put up walls to hide what you’re feeling. You prioritize open and honest communication. You don’t play games in relationships. You acknowledge your shortcomings and lean on others when necessary. Contrary to popular opinion, the ability to express your emotions and own up to your insecurities is a sign of mental strength, not weakness.

11. You don’t let the past imprison you.

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You’ve had it rough, and you’ve been hurt before, but you don’t let the baggage from the past hold you hostage. You accept that you can’t change the past, only the present. You take charge of your life and focus on getting where you need to go instead of reminiscing about the bad or the good old days.

12. You’re fine spending time alone.

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Are you comfortable with your own company? Do you enjoy taking the time and space to reflect on your thoughts and emotions, or enjoy a recreational activity without needing to drag someone else along? Would you rather be alone than cling to toxic people and relationships? If the answer is yes, it indicates that you have a strong sense of self and a handle on your emotions.

13. You don’t take rejection or criticism personally.

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When you receive feedback, you take it as a learning moment and a chance to evolve. If you get tons of rejections for your work, you don’t interpret it to mean that you have no talent or that your ideas aren’t valuable. You can distill criticism, extract the valuable insights it has to offer, and let the rest roll off your back.

14. You learn from your mistakes.

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You don’t waste time feeling sorry for yourself when you screw up. You know that you’re far from perfect and prone to saying or doing the wrong things at times despite your best intentions. You forgive yourself for your missteps, take the lesson, and strive to do better in the future.

15. You don’t let fear stop you from making decisions.

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Mentally strong people aren’t careless or reckless. They weigh the pros and cons before taking action, but they never let the potential risks of a situation stop them from doing what needs to be done. So if you’re able to put fear aside and follow your dreams, have difficult conversations, or face challenges, you’re mentally tougher than you think.

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