Truly Magnetic People Have These 15 Unconventional Habits

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What makes someone charismatic? They walk into a room and everyone gravitates to them because they’re funny, down-to-earth, or make people feel special. The thing is, they don’t have to be decked in bling or expensive clothing to have this effect because it radiates out of their soul. So, if you want people to be drawn to you, copy these 15 habits magnetic people swear by.

1. They make other people the center of attention.

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Although everyone wants to be around magnetic people, the funny thing is that they’re not the ones chasing the spotlight! Instead, they strive to make other people feel like the center of attention, such as by letting them talk about themselves and showing them that they’re engaged in the conversation. By being skilled at active listening, a magnetic person makes other people feel special.

2. They read the room.

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Magnetic people are tuned into everyone around them. They pay attention to body language and people’s words so that they always have a sense of what people really feel or think. Reading the room helps them to know how to talk to different people. It enables them to fine-tune what people want to talk about so they can ask questions and show that they’re interested in what others have to say.

3. They go out of their way to be nice to everyone.

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Whether it’s their best friend, mentor, or waitstaff at a restaurant, magnetic people make a point to be kind and courteous to everyone in their path. They’ll give a sick person at the airport a bottle of water, or reach out to their co-worker who’s going through a tough time with a compassionate text. It’s this warmth that makes them charming to others, who feel their energy and want to be around them.

4. They laugh daily.

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Being around a magnetic person makes you want to laugh because they’re always making funny yet intelligent observations about the world around them. They also like to laugh at themselves, which shows that they’re down-to-earth and relatable. Although they’re humorous, they don’t try too hard to be funny just to give themselves an ego boost. Instead, they radiate optimism and fun because they want everyone to have a good time.

5.  They have a love for life that rubs off on everyone.

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With so many people being negative, it’s refreshing to be around a magnetic person who feels excited about life and views it as an adventure. They tend to wake up in the morning feeling amped about their day. Or, they’re always chasing passions that keep them smiling and feeling positive. It’s contagious to be around them because they make you want to make changes in your life and get out of your rut!

6. They maintain curiosity about the world.

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Someone who’s charming usually has a need to learn more about other people and the world around them. This curiosity makes them interesting to be around because they’re knowledgeable on many topics without trying to dominate conversations. They’re the person who’ll find someone new at a party and engage them in conversation to better understand them, just for the sake of it.

7. They keep their energy up.

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People who draw others to them have an energetic personality. They’re upbeat, positive, and make other people feel enthusiastic about life. They’re the friends you’ll call when you need a pep talk, and they’ll make you end the call with a smile on your face. Magnetic people engage in activities to keep their energy up, whether this involves creative pursuits or self-care because they know the importance of recharging their batteries.

8. They’re punctual and reliable.

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Genuinely magnetic people are charming because they’re trustworthy. When they say they’ll meet you at a certain time, they’ll be there instead of messing you around. They’re true to their word, which makes them predictable. Instead of being boring, this actually has the effect of making them feel safe to be around. By focusing on being reliable, magnetic people show respect to others, which is appealing.

9. They make people feel great about themselves.

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The famous writer Mark Twain once said, “The really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” It’s so true. When you’re around someone who encourages you to chase your dreams and collaborates with you instead of competes with you, you’ll want to become besties with them. Magnetic people know the value of supporting others instead of letting jealousy or envy get in the way of fostering healthy, positive connections.

10. They’re comfortable in their skin.

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Magnetic people have natural confidence, instead of being arrogant. They accept themselves, flaws and all. They speak to themselves with kindness while practicing gratitude to maintain a healthy, positive mindset. They also try to surround themselves with positive people so they feel encouraged and uplifted. By placing more importance on their opinions of themselves instead of desperately seeking approval from others, they remain centered and confident.

11. They know how to tell a great story.

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Someone who’s charming and interesting knows how to keep others hooked on the stories they tell. They do this by using their tone of voice, facial expressions, and body language to make their anecdotes as engaging as possible. Listening to them feels like going on an exciting adventure, and you’ll find yourself hanging onto their every word. They’re skilled at choosing the right words to get people to feel something.

12. They’re eloquent.

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During conversation, magnetic people are skilled at articulating their thoughts and feelings effectively. They speak clearly and simply so that people find it easy to understand them. They also speak with confidence so that they maintain people’s attention. Confidence enables them to come across as trustworthy and speak with authority, both of which help to draw people in.

13. They see beyond their situation.

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Charming, charismatic people tend to have resilience, which enables them to focus on faith and positivity when they’re going through tough times. Instead of being drowned by their challenges, they exude strength and determination to rise above them. Their experiences are the ones you remember when you’re going through your own challenges because their grit and determination are so inspiring.

14. They keep their head during stress.

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Everyone knows someone who they can call during an emergency or crisis because they’re always so cool and collected during stressful times. Instead of letting anxiety and stress get to them, magnetic people stay focused and take control of the situation. They’re masters at regulating their emotions, dealing with their anguish or fear once the challenge is over.

15. They’re empathetic.

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People with charisma have a deep understanding of people’s emotions, making others feel valued and understood. They try to see situations from the other person’s point of view, which helps them to respond with the appropriate support and compassion. This makes people want to open up to them and let them into their deepest secrets and biggest fears.

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