15 Behaviors That Reveal An Extremely Deceitful Person

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Dishonesty sucks, and spotting a liar can be like trying to find a needle in a haystack, but we can help with that. Here are some sneaky little habits that might expose a person who’s not exactly being truthful.

1. They dodge eye contact like it’s the plague.

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Have you ever talked to someone who seems to be looking everywhere but at you? While some people are just shy, a person who consistently avoids eye contact might be hiding something, Psychology Today notes. They could be feeling guilty or ashamed, or they might be afraid of giving themselves away with their facial expressions.

2. Their body language screams, “I’m lying!”

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Sometimes, our bodies betray us even when our words don’t. If a person fidgets, crosses their arms, or seems overly stiff while talking, they might be uncomfortable with what they’re saying. On the flip side, if they seem overly animated or try too hard to appear relaxed, that could be a red flag too.

3. Their stories change faster than a chameleon.

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One minute they’re telling you one thing, the next minute it’s an entirely different story. If you notice that a person’s version of events keeps shifting, or they can’t seem to keep their facts straight, it could be a sign that they’re making things up as they go along. Pay attention to inconsistencies and contradictions in their tales.

4. They’re masters of deflection.

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Asking them a direct question? Good luck getting a straight answer. A deceitful person will often try to change the subject, avoid the question altogether, or turn the tables and accuse you of something instead. They might even get angry or defensive to try to throw you off the scent.

5. They’re overly complimentary.

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We all love a good compliment, but if someone is laying it on too thick, it could be a manipulation tactic. A deceitful person might shower you with praise in an attempt to gain your trust, make you feel obligated to them, or distract you from their true intentions. Be wary of people who seem too good to be true.

6. They have a knack for blaming other people.

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Things go wrong? It’s never their fault. A deceitful person will always find someone else to blame for their mistakes or shortcomings. They might even play the victim, trying to garner sympathy and avoid taking responsibility for their actions. This lack of accountability is a major red flag.

7. They’re secretive and evasive.

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Asking about their day? They’ll give you vague answers or change the subject. Trying to make plans? They’re always “busy” but never say with what. A deceitful person often keeps parts of their life hidden, and they may avoid sharing details about their whereabouts, activities, or relationships. This secrecy can be a sign that they’re hiding something they don’t want you to know.

8. Their words and actions don’t match up.

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They say one thing, but do another. They might promise to help you with something, but then never follow through. They might claim to care about your feelings, but then act in ways that hurt you. A deceitful person’s words are often empty promises, and their actions reveal their true intentions.

9. They get defensive when you question them.

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Instead of calmly addressing your concerns, a deceitful person might lash out, get angry, or try to make you feel like you’re the one being unreasonable. They might accuse you of being paranoid, jealous, or trying to cause trouble. This defensiveness is often a way to avoid answering your questions or deflect attention away from their own behavior.

10. They have a history of dishonesty.

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If a person has lied to you or other people in the past, it’s likely that they’ll do it again. While people can change, a pattern of dishonesty is a strong indicator that a person is not trustworthy. If you’ve caught them in lies before, it’s important to be cautious and not take their words at face value.

11. They gossip and spread rumors.

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A deceitful person might talk badly about people behind their backs, spread rumors, or even try to turn people against each other. This behavior is often a way to gain power, control, or attention. If you notice that a person is constantly gossiping or stirring up drama, it could be a sign that they’re not being truthful with you either.

12. They have a hidden agenda.

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Everything they do seems calculated. A deceitful person might befriend you for their own gain, try to manipulate you into doing something for them, or use you to further their own goals. They might pretend to care about you, but their actions reveal their true motives. Be wary of people who always seem to have an ulterior motive.

13. They’re overly charming and charismatic.

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While there’s nothing wrong with being charming, a deceitful person might use their charisma to manipulate and deceive people. They might be skilled at reading people, knowing what to say to win them over, and using their charm to mask their true intentions. Don’t be fooled by a smooth talker; pay attention to their actions, not just their words.

14. They play the victim.

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When confronted with their own wrongdoing, a deceitful person might try to turn the tables and make themselves the victim, per Choosing Therapy. They might exaggerate their own suffering, blame people for their problems, or try to garner sympathy to avoid taking responsibility. This manipulation tactic can be very effective, but it’s important to see through it and hold them accountable for their actions.

15. Your gut feeling tells you something’s off.

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Sometimes, the best way to spot a liar is to trust your intuition. If something feels off about a person, even if you can’t quite put your finger on it, it’s important to listen to your gut. Your instincts are often more accurate than you realize, and they can help you protect yourself from people who aren’t being truthful.

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