15 Amazing Things That Happen When You Start Trusting Your Intuition

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We all have that gut feeling that pops up once in a while. You feel that you need to go one way, and you later learn that something terrible happened the way you skipped. Because you trusted your intuition, you avoided a bad scenario. Our gut is here to protect us, and the more you follow it, the more these things happen.

1. Your intuition keeps growing.

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One of the most important things that happens when you start trusting your intuition is that your intuition grows. You may notice you get more gut feelings. You may even notice that you get more feelings about people and places. Even when your intuition steers you wrong, keep going with it — the more you “practice” trusting your gut, the better your intuition will become.

2. You better understand the people who cross your path.

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When you trust your intuition, it can help you weed out the toxic people who come into your life. Trust that instinct if someone seems off because of an action or something they said. Usually, our instincts and intuition try to save us from being harmed in some way, and toxic, negative, and egotistic people can be harmful.

3. Life seems to flow more smoothly.

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When you’re not battling with the gut feelings the universe throws at you, you spend more time focusing on the things that matter. That means that when you’re trusting your intuition, you’re simply going along with your daily life without spending so much time wondering which way you should go. This smooth flow allows more time to enjoy life while you’re spending less time trying to make decisions, the Harvard Business Review explains.

4. You become more grounded.

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Trusting your instincts allows you to feel more balanced because you believe in yourself more. With this new balance comes more of a grounded existence — you feel more stable and at peace in life. You’re listening internally in a way you didn’t before.

6. It becomes easier to look at things positively.

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Knowing that you can trust your gut feelings and have them send you in the right direction most of the time (of course, sometimes our gut is off) can make it easier to feel more optimistic about the choices we make in life. When making better or wiser choices, you look at things more positively.

5. Healthier people begin to gravitate toward you.

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If you’ve ever researched the Law of Attraction, you know like attracts like. If you’re feeling more positive about life, you’ll attract more positivity into your life, including people. You’re trusting your gut more and keeping the negative and toxic people away, allowing for more positive interaction with other humans.

7. You worry less about the future.

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Now that you’re spending ample time trusting your gut, you’ll be more prepared for what the future has in store for you. Your gut will warn you when something bad is coming and give you time to do something about it.

8. You find a deeper connection with yourself.

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Your gut and your intuition are a part of you. You’re also balancing and connecting with your solar plexus chakra, where those gut feelings can be found. The things we’ve already mentioned here and what follows are all you can gain with a balanced solar plexus chakra, so it makes sense that trusting your intuition would help you open this chakra more.

9. You realize you’re not always right.

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Though you should always trust your gut, you will learn that your gut isn’t always going to point you in the right direction. Your improper intuition teaches you that you don’t always have to be correct. Just because your intuition was off, keep trusting those feelings so that you can hone this ability we all have.

10. You may experience increased self-confidence.

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Building your intuition and trust in yourself will likely give you more self-confidence. You will know your mind and gut are trustworthy and begin to see yourself in a new, brighter light. Your new ability to weed out toxic people and things will also help build that self-esteem.

11. You’ll be more connected to your emotions.

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Feelings are emotions, and your gut instinct is an emotion. By trusting these feelings, you are better developing your emotional intelligence. This newfound connection with your emotions can help you deal with your feelings more intelligently — you’ll be in control of your emotions rather than them being in control of you.

12. You may spend less time making decisions.

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When you trust your intuition and your gut, you spend less time deciding what to do. Go with your first choice; that’s what your intuition pointed you toward. You can save time by weighing the options, looking at the various outcomes, and getting on with your life.

13. You feel freer and more creative.

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And, now that you’re spending less time making life decisions each day, you have more time to do other things, like be creative. Your mind is freer when you trust your gut because you’re not spending as much time living in your head imagining all the outcomes — now you can imagine what you want to do with your free time.

14. You become more aware of the world around you.

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Did the hair stand on the back of your neck when someone stepped in line behind you? Your intuition tells you something, making you more aware of what happens around you. Pay attention, and you’ll learn new things. Your new connection to those gut feelings is helping you see things clearer and look at the big picture more often.

15. You could develop trust issues.

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On the negative side, if your intuition is often spot-on, it can cause you to start having trust issues. Everyone makes mistakes occasionally, and your intuition may see one mistake as a red flag, leading you to ditch someone who may not have been so bad after all.

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