Signs You’re A Complex Thinker Whose Mind Works Differently

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Do you often feel like you struggle to conform to societal norms, or find yourself with racing thoughts while everyone else is making small talk? You may be a complex thinker. These thinkers tend to look at things more deeply and explore different perspectives. Many complex thinkers are seen as confrontational or disobedient as children when in fact they’re just curious. Being a complex thinker is a strength that you should embrace.

1. You have an insatiable curiosity.

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The most common trait of complex thinkers is intense curiosity. You always want to know the “why” and the “how” behind things.  You want to understand the reasoning behind a decision so you can analyze it deeper. This usually comes with a love of learning, from examining the animal kingdom to learning the inner workings of machines. Wherever you go, you find something to wonder about.

2. You’re highly creative.

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Complex thinkers have a lot of thoughts jostling around in their head, and being creative is a great way to express those. Maybe you like painting lifelike portraits, or creating enthralling sculptures, or writing blog posts to engage with others. Whatever method you choose, you feel a calling to creativity, and will often find innovative ways to solve problems and confront obstacles.

3. You question everything.

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You know not to take anything at face value. This goes hand-in-hand with your sense of curiosity. You won’t just blindly follow orders, but will question whether the instructions you’ve been given feel correct. Others might feel like you’re being confrontational or aggressive, but really you just want to know that you’re doing the right thing.

4. You see nuance and layers.

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Ordinary thinkers tend to look at issues on the surface, but you can see what lies beneath. When someone’s upset, you might look at what’s causing their hurt and what can be done about it. When you face a problem at work, you want to see all the possible solutions and outcomes before deciding. You know that life isn’t black and white, and there can be a lot of important information in that gray area.

5. You prefer quiet introspection.

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Complex thinkers like to be alone. It might seem like there’s no end to your thoughts, so you always have something to keep you busy. Meditation, retreats, and solo nights in are appealing to you. When you’re facing a big challenge, you like to sit down and think through all the possibilities on your own before confronting it with others.

6. You read a lot of books.

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If you’re highly creative and have complex thoughts, being an avid reader just makes sense. The worlds in fiction feel alive in your head, and you love exploring all their nooks and crannies. Nonfiction introduces you to new subjects and thoughts. Books may have helped you develop a lot of your key traits. Reading is a way to channel your deep questions, and another way to practice introspection.

7. Deep conversations are more appealing to you.

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Some people are perfectly entertained by small talk: last night’s soccer game, the latest episode of a medical drama, or the weather. And you might enjoy this too. But you really want deeper, engaging conversations. How have you been feeling lately? What questions are you pondering? Is there a world event that draws on philosophical debates? These are the kinds of things you like discussing with your friends and family.

8. You prefer working independently.

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As a complex thinker, working with others can be challenging. You have a way you like to do things. When someone else disrupts your system, it creates a barrier. While you enjoy nuance and other perspectives, you also might like to be in control. Or, someone else isn’t pulling their weight on a project, and that frustrates you. Whatever your reasons, working alone just feels better to you.

9. You feel your emotions more strongly.

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Many complex thinkers are considered more sensitive. That’s because you’re more likely to acknowledge and explore your emotions, instead of pushing them down. This leads to you getting upset easily, crying often, and being giddy when you’re excited. These aren’t weaknesses, though. Feeling your emotions more heavily means you understand them better, and hopefully, you know how to care for yourself.

10. Debates feel like fun to you.

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Well-structured debates are the avenue for many complex thoughts. This provides you a space to explore nuance and curiosity while also having an element of competition. You enjoy getting to dive deep into an issue and find ways to create an argument out of information you learn. Rather than being stressful, debates provide you with a sense of fulfillment.

11. You crave mental stimulation.

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Having a lot of thoughts is great, but your brain still needs to be “exercised”. Crosswords, Sudoku, jigsaw puzzles, brain-teasers. All of these are classic ways you might try to stimulate your mind. But you also might seek other things, like reading, debates, and even your work. You’re always looking for a challenge. Hours of monotonous tasks are a nightmare for you.

12. You’re always changing and improving.

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Complex thinkers know that people aren’t static. We’re always learning and growing, and you’re no different. You make an active effort to learn new things, in the form of reading, watching media, and lectures or trainings. When you make a mistake, you try to learn from it rather than sweeping it under the rug. You acknowledge that you still have the capacity to grow and change.

13. You’re a perfectionist.

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You probably know how this feels. You don’t want to turn in that paper for class until you’re sure it’s the absolute best it can be. Because you explore every option and the nuances of opinions, you want to present your best work every time. While this can be helpful at times, it can also lead to developing challenging habits. But it does mean that you usually perform very well in work and school.

14. Quality feels better than quantity.

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Getting 100 gifts just for the sake of having a lot feels… pointless. Instead, you prefer finding things with meaning. You’d rather have a well-cooked steak than a whole plate of mashed potatoes. The same is true for conversations. You prefer a deep 30-minute conversation over two hours of small talk. In every area of your life, you try to focus on finding meaning rather than abundance.

15. You can focus very intently.

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Complex thinkers often find themselves focusing very hard on something they enjoy. You might lose hours in a good book, or become so focused on work that you forget to eat lunch. Your brain enjoys the stimulation provided by these activities, to the point that you forget about other worries. This can be a real strength, especially when it comes to getting work done or finishing creative projects.

16. You ask big questions.

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You’re not afraid to tackle the big mysteries in life. Why is your company structured the way it is? What does death really mean to you? Is your partner really showing up for you? You frequently wonder these things, and may have conversations about them. Some people shy away from questions like these, but you eagerly welcome them in. Your curiosity and desire for learning drives you to seek the answers, wherever you can find them.

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