15 Things People Do That Scream “I Have No Taste”

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If you spend a little bit of time online researching tasteless things people do, you’ll find a bunch of articles talking about rich people and their tactless personalities. The thing is, rich people aren’t the only ones being tasteless out there. Money doesn’t matter when it comes to whether or not you act with class and dignity. Here are some things we’ve seen people do that told us they have no taste. If you’re guilty of these things, know people out there are judging.

1. You treat wait staff like garbage.

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This is in the first slot on the list because it is an awful thing to do. If something is wrong with the food, it’s not the wait staff’s fault—take it up with the manager, like an adult. If you think your service was terrible, that’s no reason to get loud and rude. First, consider the situation—has the waiter been working eight hours already, or is the place short-staffed? There are many factors to consider before ruining someone’s day and annoying all the other patrons trying to enjoy their meals.

2. You take selfies at the gym.

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The only thing you should do with your phone at the gym is listen to some tunes. If you’re on a machine messing around with selfies, you’re infringing on someone else’s time who may be waiting to use said machine. Save your selfies for after you leave the gym, or take them before you’re all sweaty and gross.

3. You talk on the phone when checking out at a store.

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You lead a busy life, and that’s fine. However, if you’re chatting on your phone while shopping, please put the conversation on hold when you get to the cash register. The other people in line don’t need to hear your conversation, and you should be giving your full attention to the cashier while they’re ringing you up. It’s called respect.

4. You bring your personal life to work.

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We know that you’ve made friends with some people at work, and it’s easy to start talking about the things going on in your personal life with them while you’re on the clock. But here’s the thing: this tasteless conversing is likely affecting your job performance and annoying your other coworkers, and it could leave you unemployed if you’re not careful. Schedule chat time with your work friends for after work and stay focused on the job after you’ve punched in.

5. You get loud and belligerent at the bar or a party.

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Are you one of those people who get loud when they have a few drinks? You may be boisterously loud and happy because you finally have some freedom at this moment, or perhaps you’re angry, belligerent, and ready to start a fight with anyone who looks your way. Either way, most people think about how trashy and tasteless you’re being rather than understanding what you’re going through.

6. You punish your children in public.

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Children are blank slates learning from the things adults do. While it’s your job as their parent to teach them what is right and wrong, yelling at them or threatening them in public is not the best way to go about a life lesson. Your tasteless way of treating your child when there are many other eyes and ears around could even get you in trouble.

7. You’re always blaming someone else for your poor choices in life.

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Now is the time to start taking responsibility for yourself. Sure, maybe your parents didn’t teach you how to manage your money or time, but you’re an adult now and can learn these things on your own. Rather than telling everyone how someone else is at fault for the negative things going on in your life, start working to change those things.

8. You chase someone down because of a perceived wrong.

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While you may feel slighted because the car next to you didn’t move over for you to merge, they’re not obligated to do so. If someone slid into the checkout line before you arrived, it’s not their problem that you went a little slower than they did. Chasing after them is classless, instead, count to ten and move on with your day so you don’t end up in one of those “Karen” videos on TikTok.

9. You hit on your friend’s significant other.

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Whether you’re fully sober or absolutely wasted, hitting on someone you know is in a relationship, especially if they’re in a relationship with someone you call a friend, is absolutely tasteless. If you’re in a flirty mood, look for someone who is available romantically to use all of your best lines on.

10. You interrupt people when they’re talking.

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It’s one thing to blurt out something because of an emergency, but if you’re the type of person who is always cutting people off when they’re talking to you, it’s time to get some manners. It’s polite to wait until someone is done speaking before you come in with your thoughts and opinions. Even better, rather than thinking of your responses while they’re talking, take time to listen to what they’re saying before you respond.

11. You care more about celebrities than your friends.

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You love those celebrities, and sometimes, that’s all you want to talk about—even if your friends have no interest in what the royals or the Kardashians are up to. Your social media feeds are filled with TMZ articles and pictures of your celebrity crushes. Most of your friends cringe every time they see one of your posts in their Facebook feed, and by now, they’ve probably unfollowed you because you care more about celebrities than the people in your life, or that’s how it appears to your inner circle.

12. You have a know-it-all attitude.

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We know there are people who know a lot about certain subjects, but when it feels as though they’re rubbing that knowledge in someone’s face, it becomes tactless. Before you start ‘splaining anything to anyone you perceive as knowing less than you, ask them if they want to know what you know. There’s no sense in wasting your breath on someone who doesn’t want to hear about your extended studies on, well, anything.

13. You often go to the store in your pajamas.

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Unless you want to appear on the People of Walmart website and social media pages, please change out of your pajamas before you head out for groceries. We know those lounge pants are uber comfortable, but you look tasteless wearing them in public. If you want to fake it, throw a long, flowy skirt over your jammies and wear a hoodie over your matching pajama top!

14. You have loud fights with your significant other.

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Whether you’re having this fight in a public place or at home, people can hear you. Depending on how loud the fight is, the neighbors down the road may even know all of your business. If yelling solves things in your relationship, find a private place to do it. Otherwise, work on learning to talk things out more rationally (and quietly).

15. You’re endlessly hitting on someone who is not interested in you.

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When someone is not interested in you, whether they flat out said so or not, it’s best to walk away. It’s tasteless and embarrassing for you to keep trying. The best approach? Flat out ask the person if they have any interest in you or if your flirting is bothering them—they’ll be more likely to be honest with a direct question.

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