17 Things Men Do That Drive Strong Women Crazy

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Strong women are a force to be reckoned with, and they’re not afraid to call out guys for their annoying habits. While every woman has her own preferences, there are some common behaviors that tend to drive them up the wall. So, guys, if you want to keep those strong women in your life happy, take note of these things that might be making them crazy.

1. Mansplaining

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This one’s a classic. Mansplaining is when a guy explains something to a woman in a condescending or patronizing way, assuming she doesn’t already know what he’s talking about. Strong women are intelligent and capable, and they don’t need anyone to talk down to them or explain things they already understand. As Forbes points out, it’s offensive! Trust us, we can figure it out on our own.

2. Not listening

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There’s nothing more frustrating than trying to have a conversation with someone who isn’t really listening. Strong women value communication and connection, and they want to be heard and understood. If you’re constantly interrupting, checking your phone, or just zoning out, it’s a surefire way to make a strong woman lose interest.

3. Being overly competitive

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A little friendly competition can be fun, but constantly trying to one-up a strong woman is just plain annoying. We’re not interested in proving ourselves to you or competing for your attention. We want a partner who can celebrate our successes and support us in our endeavors, not someone who sees us as a rival.

4. Trying to fix all our problems

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Strong women are independent and capable of solving their own problems. While we appreciate your willingness to help, constantly trying to fix everything for us can come across as patronizing and controlling. Sometimes, we just need a listening ear and a shoulder to lean on, not a solution to every problem.

5. Making decisions without consulting us

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Strong women value their autonomy and want to be involved in decision-making processes, especially when it comes to things that affect them directly. If you’re constantly making plans or choices without consulting them, it can make them feel like their opinions and desires don’t matter. Remember, a strong woman is looking for a partner, not a dictator.

6. Being emotionally unavailable

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Strong women are looking for a partner who can connect with them on a deeper level, emotionally and intellectually. If you’re always shutting down emotionally, avoiding difficult conversations, or refusing to express your feelings, it’s a major turn-off. We want someone who’s willing to be vulnerable and share their emotions with us, not someone who hides behind a wall of stoicism.

7. Playing games

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Strong women have no time for mind games or manipulative tactics. We value honesty, transparency, and direct communication. If you’re playing hard to get, sending mixed signals, or trying to make us jealous, it’s not going to work. We’re looking for a partner who’s genuine and upfront, not someone who’s trying to play us.

8. Not taking initiative

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Strong women want a partner who’s proactive and willing to take the lead sometimes. If you’re always waiting for us to initiate plans, make decisions, or express our desires, it can get exhausting. We want a partner who can step up and take charge, whether it’s planning a date, making a reservation, or simply suggesting what to do for dinner.

9. Bragging about their accomplishments

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Confidence is attractive, but there’s a fine line between self-assured and arrogant. Strong women appreciate men who are proud of their achievements but don’t feel the need to constantly boast or brag about them. We want a partner who’s humble and down-to-earth, not someone who needs constant validation for their ego.

10. Being overly controlling or jealous

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Strong women value their independence and freedom. If you’re constantly checking up on them, questioning their whereabouts, or trying to control their actions, it’s a major red flag, the Cleveland Clinic notes. Trust is a fundamental building block of any relationship, and if you don’t trust us, it’s unlikely to work out in the long run.

11. Not pulling their weight in the relationship

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Strong women are looking for a partner, not a project. We want someone who’s willing to contribute equally to the relationship, both emotionally and practically. If you’re not pulling your weight around the house, not putting in the effort to plan dates or activities, or not offering emotional support when needed, it’s a major turn-off. We want a partner who’s invested in the relationship and willing to put in the work to make it thrive.

12. Being dismissive of our feelings

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Strong women have strong emotions, and they want a partner who can validate and respect those emotions. If you’re constantly dismissing their feelings, minimizing their concerns, or telling them they’re overreacting, it’s a surefire way to push them away. We want a partner who’s empathetic and understanding, not someone who makes us feel like our emotions are invalid or unimportant.

13. Not being able to handle our success

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Strong women are ambitious and driven, and they want a partner who can support and celebrate their successes. If you feel threatened by their achievements, belittle their accomplishments, or try to undermine their confidence, it’s a major red flag. We want a partner who’s secure in themselves and can genuinely be happy for our successes, not someone who feels threatened by our ambition.

14. Making sexist or derogatory comments

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This should go without saying, but any kind of sexist or derogatory comments towards women are completely unacceptable. Strong women will not tolerate being objectified, belittled, or stereotyped. We want a partner who respects us as equals and treats us with dignity, not someone who perpetuates harmful stereotypes or makes us feel uncomfortable or unsafe.

15. Being afraid to be vulnerable

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Vulnerability is a key component of intimacy. Strong women want a partner who’s willing to let their guard down, share their fears and insecurities, and express their emotions openly. If you’re always trying to be the “tough guy” and refuse to show your vulnerable side, it can create a barrier in the relationship. We want a partner who’s authentic and real, not someone who’s afraid to show their true self.

16. Not standing up for us

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Strong women want a partner who has their back and is willing to stand up for them when necessary. If you’re passive in the face of conflict, avoid confrontation at all costs, or let others disrespect your partner, it’s a major turn-off. We want a partner who’s not afraid to defend us and speak up for what’s right, even when it’s difficult.

17. Not apologizing when they’re wrong

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Everyone makes mistakes, but it’s important to own up to them and take responsibility for your actions. If you’re always making excuses, deflecting blame, or refusing to apologize when you’ve hurt your partner, it’s a sign of immaturity and a lack of respect. Strong women want a partner who’s humble enough to admit when they’re wrong and willing to work on improving themselves.

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