If You Tolerate Any of These 15 Things, You Lack Self-Respect

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Self-respect is like a sturdy foundation for your well-being. It’s knowing your worth, setting boundaries, and not settling for less than you deserve. If you find yourself constantly tolerating things that make you unhappy or compromise your values, it’s time to take a closer look. You might be overlooking some key signs that your self-respect could use a boost.

1. You consistently apologize for everything.

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Saying sorry when you’ve genuinely messed up is one thing. But if you find yourself apologizing for simply existing, for having needs, or for expressing your opinions, that’s a red flag. You shouldn’t have to apologize for being yourself. Own your space and your choices, and don’t feel obligated to apologize for things that aren’t your fault.

2. You accept disrespectful behavior from people.

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Whether it’s from friends, family, or romantic partners, disrespectful behavior should never be tolerated. This includes name-calling, belittling, gaslighting, or any actions that make you feel small or unimportant. If you find yourself brushing off these behaviors or making excuses for the person who’s mistreating you, it’s a sign you need to prioritize your self-respect.

3. You constantly need validation and reassurance.

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While it’s natural to want to be liked and appreciated, your self-worth shouldn’t hinge on other people’s approval, Psych Central points out. If you find yourself constantly seeking compliments, reassurance, or external validation for your choices and actions, it’s a sign that you’re not confident in your own judgment. Learn to trust your instincts and value your own opinions, regardless of what anyone else thinks.

4. You compromise your own needs and desires to please people.

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Being selfless and caring is admirable, but it shouldn’t come at the expense of your own well-being. If you consistently put other people’s needs and desires before your own, neglecting your own happiness and fulfillment, it’s a sign that you’re prioritizing external validation over self-respect. Remember, it’s not selfish to take care of yourself and prioritize your own needs.

5. You stay in relationships that make you unhappy.

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Whether it’s a romantic relationship, a friendship, or even a family dynamic, no relationship should consistently leave you feeling unhappy, unfulfilled, or mistreated. If you find yourself clinging to a relationship out of fear of being alone, a sense of obligation, or a belief that you don’t deserve better, it’s time to reevaluate. You deserve to be in relationships that bring you joy, support, and mutual respect.

6. You allow other people to make decisions for you.

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You’re the author of your own life, and you should be the one making the major decisions that affect your future. If you find yourself constantly deferring to other people, seeking their approval for every choice, or allowing them to dictate your life path, it’s a sign that you need to reclaim your autonomy. Trust yourself to make decisions that align with your values and goals.

7. You neglect your own well-being.

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Your physical and mental health are crucial components of self-respect. If you’re neglecting your own well-being, whether it’s skipping exercise, eating unhealthy foods, or ignoring signs of stress and burnout, it’s a sign that you’re not prioritizing your own needs. Take care of yourself, nourish your body and mind, and make time for activities that bring you joy and fulfillment.

8. You engage in self-destructive behaviors.

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Self-destructive behaviors like excessive drinking, substance abuse, or reckless behavior are often a sign of underlying emotional pain and a lack of self-respect. These behaviors might provide temporary relief or distraction, but they ultimately harm your well-being and erode your sense of self-worth. Seek healthier ways to cope with stress and emotional challenges, such as therapy, exercise, or creative outlets.

9. You don’t speak up when you’re being treated unfairly.

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Whether it’s a friend who always flakes on plans, a coworker who takes credit for your work, or a partner who dismisses your feelings, you have the right to speak up and express your concerns. If you consistently bite your tongue and let people walk all over you, it sends the message that you don’t value yourself or your time. Remember, assertiveness isn’t rudeness; it’s simply standing up for what you believe in and what you deserve.

10. You compare yourself to other people and feel inadequate.

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Social media can be a highlight reel of other people’s seemingly perfect lives, but it’s important to remember that it’s not the whole picture. If you find yourself constantly comparing your looks, achievements, or relationships to everyone else’s and feeling like you don’t measure up, it’s a sign that you’re not valuing your own unique qualities and accomplishments. Everyone has their own journey, and comparing yourself to people is a surefire way to diminish your self-worth.

11. You’re afraid to say “no.”

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People-pleasing can be a hard habit to break, but it’s essential for maintaining self-respect. If you find yourself always saying “yes” to requests, even when you don’t have the time, energy, or desire to fulfill them, it’s a sign that you’re prioritizing other people’s needs over your own. Learn to set boundaries and say “no” when necessary, without feeling guilty or obligated to explain yourself.

12. You settle for less than you deserve.

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Whether it’s in relationships, career choices, or even the way you treat yourself, settling for less than you deserve is a major sign of low self-respect. This could mean staying in a job that doesn’t fulfill you, tolerating disrespectful behavior from friends or partners, or not investing in your own growth and development. Recognize your worth and don’t be afraid to demand the respect, love, and opportunities you deserve.

13. You don’t trust your own judgment.

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If you constantly second-guess yourself, doubt your decisions, and rely on other people for validation, it’s a sign that you’re not confident in your own judgment. This lack of trust in yourself can lead to a cycle of self-doubt and insecurity, Verywell Mind warns. Learn to trust your instincts, believe in your abilities, and own your choices, even if they don’t always turn out perfectly.

14. You neglect your own passions and interests.

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When you don’t make time for the things that make you happy, you’re essentially telling yourself that your own desires and interests are not important. This can lead to a feeling of emptiness and dissatisfaction with life. Make a conscious effort to pursue your passions, whether it’s hobbies, creative pursuits, or simply spending time doing things that bring you joy. When you nurture your own interests, you’re investing in yourself and your self-respect.

15. You don’t take care of your appearance.

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While self-respect isn’t solely about looks, the way you present yourself to the world can reflect how you feel about yourself. If you consistently neglect your appearance, whether it’s not showering regularly, wearing clothes that don’t fit well, or not taking care of your hygiene, it can be a sign that you’re not valuing yourself. Taking pride in your appearance doesn’t mean being vain; it means showing yourself that you’re worth the effort.

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