15 Brutal Signs You’re In Love With A Narcissist

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Falling in love can feel like stepping into a fairytale, but sometimes that charming prince or princess is actually a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Narcissists are masters of disguise, luring you in with their charisma and charm, only to reveal their true colors later on. If you’re wondering if you’ve fallen for one of these emotional vampires, here are some brutal signs that might confirm your worst fears.

1. You feel like you’re constantly walking on eggshells.

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One minute they’re showering you with affection, the next they’re giving you the silent treatment. Their moods are unpredictable, and you never know what version of them you’re going to get. You find yourself constantly tiptoeing around their sensitivities, afraid to say or do anything that might trigger their wrath.

2. They never take responsibility for their actions.

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It’s always someone else’s fault. They blame their exes, their colleagues, even the weather for their own shortcomings. They’re never accountable for their mistakes, and they’ll twist the narrative to make themselves look like the victim in every situation, Psych Central warns.

3. They love to talk about themselves.

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Conversations with a narcissist often feel like a one-person show. They’ll dominate the conversation, bragging about their accomplishments and fishing for compliments. They rarely ask about your life or show genuine interest in your thoughts and feelings.

4. They’re always trying to one-up you.

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Did you get a promotion at work? They’ll tell you about their bigger, better raise. Did you have a great weekend? They’ll top it with a story about their even more amazing adventure. They can’t stand it when you have something to celebrate, and they’ll always try to steal your thunder.

5. They’re extremely jealous and possessive.

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They hate it when you spend time with your friends or family, and they might even try to isolate you from your loved ones. They’ll accuse you of flirting with other people or being unfaithful, even if there’s no reason for suspicion. Their jealousy stems from their own insecurity and need for control.

6. They’re constantly seeking validation and attention.

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Narcissists crave admiration and attention like a plant craves sunlight. They’ll fish for compliments, post endless selfies on social media, and surround themselves with people who boost their ego. They need constant reassurance that they’re special and superior to everyone else.

7. They lack empathy.

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They have a hard time understanding or caring about other people’s feelings. They might make insensitive comments, dismiss your concerns, or act indifferent to your pain. Their lack of empathy can leave you feeling emotionally neglected and invalidated.

8. They manipulate and gaslight you.

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Narcissists are experts at twisting your words and making you doubt your own sanity. They’ll deny things they said or did, blame you for their behavior, and make you feel like you’re the crazy one. This manipulation can leave you feeling confused, insecure, and isolated.

9. They have a distorted sense of entitlement.

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As Mark Manson notes, narcissists believe they deserve special treatment and expect you to cater to their every whim. They might demand your undivided attention, expect you to always put their needs first, or throw a tantrum if they don’t get their way. Their sense of entitlement can leave you feeling exhausted and resentful.

10. They have a history of failed relationships.

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Narcissists often leave a trail of broken hearts in their wake. If they have a string of exes who describe them as manipulative, selfish, or abusive, it’s a major red flag. Don’t fall for their sob stories or excuses—their past behavior is a good predictor of how they’ll treat you.

11. They’re incapable of genuine intimacy.

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Narcissists struggle to form deep emotional connections. They might be charming and seductive, but they lack the ability to truly understand and reciprocate your feelings. This can leave you feeling lonely and disconnected, even when you’re physically close to them.

12. They use love as a weapon.

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They’ll shower you with affection and attention when they want something from you, but withhold it as punishment when you don’t comply with their demands. They’ll use your love for them against you, manipulating your emotions to get what they want.

13. You feel like you’re losing yourself.

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In a relationship with a narcissist, you might start to question your own thoughts, feelings, and reality. Their constant manipulation and gaslighting can erode your self-esteem and make you feel like you’re going crazy. You might even start to isolate yourself from your friends and family, losing touch with your own identity.

14. You’re always the one apologizing.

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Even when they’re clearly in the wrong, they’ll twist the situation to make you feel guilty. They’ll never take responsibility for their own mistakes or apologize for hurting you. Instead, they’ll deflect blame and make you feel like you’re the one who needs to make amends.

15. Your gut feeling is screaming at you to run.

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If you have a nagging feeling that something isn’t right, trust your instincts. Don’t ignore the red flags or make excuses for their behavior. Your intuition is trying to warn you that this person is not good for you. Listen to your gut and get out before you get hurt.

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