15 Signs A Woman Is Falling Out Of Love With Her Husband

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When they tie the knot, a couple might feel like they’re going to be blissfully in love forever. But that’s not always the case. For many women, the process of falling out of love with their partners is gradual and marked by some subtle changes. Here are 15 signs that a woman’s losing interest in her husband and wants to check out of her marriage.

1. She never talks to him about her life.

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If a woman doesn’t receive the emotional support that she needs in her marriage, this could cause her to lose love. She might shut down and become more private about her life, keeping her problems and experiences to herself. Or, when she needs to get something off her chest, she might choose to open up to people outside of the relationship instead of to him. This causes an emotional rift between her and her husband that just gets bigger.

2. She never shares a laugh with him.

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A 2023 study, via Current Psychology journal, reported that couples perceive having a sense of humor as the second most important factor that makes their relationship successful. If a couple can’t laugh together, that’s usually a red flag that their marriage is on the rocks. It implies that they’re being too serious all the time, perhaps because they’re constantly embroiled in conflict or they irritate each other too much.

3. She looks disinterested in his company.

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Whenever a woman is around her husband, you can tell what she really thinks of him by noticing how attentive she is during a conversation. If she regularly looks bored with what he’s saying or like she’d rather be talking to anyone else, that’s usually a sign she’s checking out of the relationship. She might lack the feelings of love that used to make her interested in her partner and hang onto every word he said. Similarly, if the relationship is filled with conflict, she might find fault with everything he says, which causes her to zone out during conversation.

4. She’d rather spend time with friends than her husband.

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If a woman is losing interest in her partner, she might want to dedicate more of her spare time to her friends. She might even start prioritizing her friends over her partner and making plans to see them instead of hanging out with her husband at home. If her social life makes her feel positive and happy, she’s going to be more drawn to it than her marriage, especially if she feels lonely in a loveless relationship.

5. She finds excuses to stay out of the home.

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Perhaps she doesn’t spend time with her friends, but she likes finding any opportunity she can to be away from her husband. Being at home might cause her stress and tension that she wants to avoid. Maybe she finds reasons to work later at the office every day and on weekends or, she spends a lot of time on her own, pursuing her hobbies or interests separately from her husband. She might want to avoid him rather than work on their issues because she’s emotionally checked out of the marriage.

6. She’s always complaining about her husband.

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If a woman is always moaning about her husband’s quirks or annoying behavior in a serious way, this indicates that she’s falling out of love with him. It’s usually a sign of deep-seated frustrations or resentment that she doesn’t want to address constructively within the relationship. When she talks badly about her husband, it displays a lack of respect that only futher erodes the foundation of trust and love in the marriage.

7. She doesn’t include him in her future plans.

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If a woman doesn’t mention her husband in her future plans or discussions, this is a huge sign that she lacks a long-term commitment to the marriage. So, for example, she might be reluctant to plan vacations with her husband or make joint financial decisions with him. Maybe she also makes decisions without consulting him, which shows she doesn’t consider his needs. This displays a shift from seeing her marriage as a partnership to favoring the idea of flying solo in life.

8. She looks for emotional fulfillment elsewhere.

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When a woman doesn’t love her husband anymore, she’ll turn to others outside of the relationship to get the emotional support she needs. It’s likely that she’s been rejected emotionally or feels constantly misunderstood, so she leans on family and friends for validation. It may boost her self-esteem, but only temporarily until she addresses the underlying issues.

9. She doesn’t ask him about his life.

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It’s always a bad sign that a woman is falling out of love with her husband if she lacks interest in his life. Maybe she never asks him about his hobbies, social circle, work, or feelings anymore. She doesn’t care to learn about his life because she’s no longer feeling connected to him emotionally. She doesn’t value the shared interests and experiences that used to make them feel like a strong, bonded couple.

10. She daydreams about life without him.

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Fantasizing about a life without her husband in it can be a way for a wife to mentally escape a loveless marriage. The more she daydreams about leaving him, the more she’ll get used to the idea of her new reality. Losing love for her husband might make her feel alone and lonely in the marriage, so daydreaming about being single again could be a way for her to gain some comfort.

11. She displays negative body language around him.

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If a woman displays closed-off body language towards her husband, like crossing her arms, avoiding eye contact, or leaning away from him, it indicates feeling disconnected in her marriage. These defensive or avoidant gestures are subconscious signals that she’s not motivated to fix things, either. She’s checked out!

12. She’s making new friends.

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When a woman starts making lots of new friends outside of the marriage, this could indicate that she’s trying to nurture new bonds in her life. She could be feeling the lack of connection in her relationship so she craves it from others. She might also be reaching out to meet new people so she can feel excited about life again.

13. She’s becoming more independent.

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If her relationship isn’t fulfilling her, a woman will start investing more time in her career, personal interests, and goals. She might’ve previously neglected these interests to prioritize her marriage. Now that she’s falling out of love with her husband, she might be pursuing independent activities to boost her self-esteem, like going on solo travels, opening a business, or buying her own place.

14. She’s always putting her husband down.

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A wife who’s falling out of love with her husband might always criticize him. Instead of seeing his positive traits, she focuses on his perceived flaws and shortcomings. She might nitpick her husband or find fault with the things he does because her lack of interest in him is making her irritable. She might also be trying to push him away so he’s the one who demands a separation.

15. She stops making him feel special.

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When a woman’s in love with her husband, she’ll go out of her way to make him feel loved and appreciated. By comparison, when she’s losing her feelings for him, she’ll stop making so much of an effort. So, she won’t praise or compliment him, she won’t surprise him with a romantic dinner, or run him a bath after work to boost his mood. She’ll look like she’s coasting in the relationship, going with the flow because she’s not interested in strengthening her connection with him.

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