15 Habits Of People Who Are More Attractive Than They Think

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It’s hard at times to know how we come across to people. We know who we are on the inside, but what about what’s going on externally? Are we giving off good vibes that will draw people to us? If you have any of the following habits, chances are you’re far more attractive than you realize.

1. They smile a lot.

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Someone more attractive than they think will always have a smile on their face. We all have that one friend who’s always down for a good time, and whether you’re going through a rough patch or not, they’re always upbeat. You love being around them because they light up the room when they’re in it, and they make you want to smile. This instantly makes you more attracted to them, right?

2. They’re generous with their time.

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We all lead busy lives, so someone who makes time for other people no matter how hectic things get really stands out. People who are more attractive than they think are typically willing to help people out and show their selfless side more often than not. Perhaps they stay behind after church to help pack up or volunteer at their children’s sports events. They’re always quick to invite you over for a coffee, and instead of rushing you out the door again, they’ll sit down with you and have a meaningful conversation.

3. They make good eye contact.

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People who exude attractiveness, inside and out, are good at maintaining eye contact, Mark Manson notes. Eye contact is an important part of communication, and while some people avoid it, those who are attractive relish it. When you first meet someone like this, they’ll warmly shake your hand or even give you a hug and maintain eye contact with you throughout the conversation. This makes you feel like they are really listening and really care about what you have to say.

4. They’re passionate about their interests.

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We all have that one friend who throws themselves into everything they do. Whether they’re passionate about golf, stand-up paddleboarding, hiking, tennis, dancing, or being on the church volunteer team, they always show up and put 110% in with lots of energy and a big smile on their face. This passion and zest for life rubs off on you and inspires you to be the same way.

5. They have a warm, contagious laugh.

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You can hear it from a mile away, and it’s so contagious that you can’t help but laugh, too. No matter what mood you’re in, you know that when you hear them chuckling or giggling away, it will warm your heart and make you feel lighter. They might throw their head back and make you feel like there’s nothing better in life than being able to laugh. It’s extremely attractive, to say the least!

6. They don’t do jealousy.

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Jealousy is often found in insecure people who hate seeing other people happy. However, you’ll find the opposite in people who are more attractive than they think. Perhaps your partner is like this. You have complete freedom to catch up with your friends whenever you want, and whether you go out to a bar or play golf, your partner is easygoing and relaxed about it. You don’t have to tell them exactly when you’ll be home — they’ll see you when they see you. They’re secure in themselves and have complete trust in their partner.

7. They truly love themselves.

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Another trait that’s often associated with attractive people is self-love. If you have a friend who exudes confidence and attractiveness, so much so that you’re drawn to them and can’t help but want to spend a lot of time with them, then they most likely have a healthy level of self-love. They look after themselves and nurture their relationship with their hearts, bodies, and minds by eating healthy, going to the gym regularly, practicing mindfulness, or maintaining good relationships with their loved ones.

8. They have a good sense of humor.

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You can’t be more attractive than they think and not have a good sense of humor. Your friend with the contagious laugh likely also has an infectious sense of humor. They’re sharp, quick-witted, and self-deprecating. You have a lot of fun with them because you tease each other, joke about the funnier side of life, and don’t take life too seriously. The ability to see the lighter side of life encourages other people to be more laid-back as well, and that’s hot.

9. They have natural leadership skills.

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Confidence often implies natural leadership skills, and that’s attractive. Perhaps your friend has been told since they were young that they would be a great leader one day. They won all the debate competitions in school, were class president, and leader of their dorm at college. They know how to carry themselves and have the moral standing and responsibility to lead others while being a good role model. Their ability to take running the show in their stride is really attractive.

10. They’re good conversationalists.

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What’s one of the things you most look forward to when catching up with your friend? Is it the conversation? If your friend is more attractive than they think, they’ll most likely be great at making conversation and discussing fascinating topics that leave you thinking. Most of the time, they skip the small talk, like “How was your day?” “What else have you got planned?” and instead asks the real questions, like “How’s your mom liking her new job?” “What do you think of all the new marine life forms they’ve just found off New Zealand?” or “You mentioned last time we met that your job is stressful. How are you feeling about it now?” This willingness to dive deeper draws in those who seek deeper, more meaningful connections.

11. They display open body language.

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Body language says a lot about how a person feels on the inside, and while sometimes we try to mask how we’re feeling, our body usually gives us away. Attractive people tend to have the kind of body language that draws you to them instead of pushing you away. You might have noticed that your friend is always open with their stance, their arms are at their sides, and they stand in a non-threatening way. This makes you feel welcome and safe.

12. They get truly invested in people.

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They love being generous with their time and investing their emotional energy in others. When they spend time with you, they make you feel that they care about you, not just about what they can get out of the time together. They’ll ask you personal questions like “How have you been feeling lately?” and when you answer, they sit and listen attentively, removing all distractions.

13. They show humility.

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Humility is a great trait to have, but not a lot of people do. Many people claim they’re humble, but this is often followed by a humblebrag, otherwise known as showing off in disguise. Attractive people usually find it easy to be humble. You might have noticed that your friend doesn’t like to spend too much time going on about their achievements, and if you do ask about them, they’ll quickly change the subject and put the focus back onto you.

14. They’re quick to praise people.

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Speaking of putting the focus on you, there’s a good chance your friend is quick to praise you. Perhaps you just got a promotion at work. Out of everyone in your life, your friend was the first to text you, saying, “Congratulations! You’re amazing; I knew you’d get it — you’re the most deserving, and you’ll blow them out of the water!” There aren’t any attachments to their praise, just pure joy at your successes.

15. They’re in tune with their emotions.

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One thing you genuinely admire about your friend is how in tune they are with how they’re feeling. You’ve never seen them lose their temper, break down in public, or randomly give you the cold shoulder with no explanation. If something is wrong, they’re quick to talk to you about it and want to resolve things. They know what they need when they’re sad, and they don’t place that burden on anyone else.

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