15 Body Language Hacks That Instantly Make You A ’10’

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Everyone knows that good looks aren’t just about your physical appearance. Being attractive is more about how you use your body language. If you do it right, it will make you seem much more attractive, displaying sexy confidence and showing that you’re approachable. Here are 15 body language tricks to remember when meeting someone new to make people feel drawn to your inner flame.

1. Smile naturally.

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Smiling makes you seem warm and approachable, so it’s always a must. However, you have to be careful not to look like you’re constantly forcing a smile, as that can backfire, making it seem like you’re fake (and a bit weird). It’s too much. Instead, when you see someone you want to impress, allow a big, natural smile to enter your face. It conveys that you’re happy to see them, making your presence more intriguing.

2. Make eye contact (and break it slowly).

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To look confident (and not creepy), you should maintain steady eye contact with someone during conversation, CNBC advises. However, it’s normal to look away during conversation to avoid making the other person feel uncomfortable. To do this effectively, when you glance elsewhere, do it slowly as though you’re pulling your eyes away from their face. This prevents you from darting your eyes around, which gives the impression that you’re insecure or nervous.

3. Do the “slow nod.”

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When someone’s talking, show them that you’re actively listening to them by slowly nodding at appropriate points in their story. A slow nod also indicates to the speaker that you understand what they’re explaining to you, while encouraging them to continue speaking. Just make sure that you’re not overdoing it as this can make it seem like you’re nodding to make them think you’re listening when you’re not. It’s also important to avoid nodding too fast, as this can give the impression that you’re trying to make them stop speaking.

4. Maintain enough personal space.

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Being careful not to get too close to someone during conversation is a show of respect for their personal boundaries. However, it can also enhance your attractiveness because it communicates confidence. You’re showing them that you’re comfortable in your own skin and don’t need to invade their space by getting too close. Another bonus is that you’re making the person feel comfortable by wanting to engage with them in conversation without being aggressive or too eager.

5. Stay open.

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Open body language is when you avoid crossing your arms or legs, showing that you’re approachable instead of closing yourself off to others. It involves keeping your hands open, such as by gesturing with open palms instead of clenched hands, as this conveys honesty and sincerity. Keeping your arms at your side when standing will also help you exude a comfortable yet confident stance, without being aggressive. These body language hacks show an eagerness to engage with the person.

6. Keep your hands visible.

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You should always show the other person where your hands are! Although it might sound simple, showing your hands means that you’ve got nothing to hide. If you’re stuffing your hands in your pockets or hiding them behind crossed arms, it looks like you’re being shifty or lying about something. The other person might also assume that you’re anxious or don’t want to talk, which will keep them moving onto someone else.

7. Mirror their movements.

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Mimicking the other person’s body language and gestures can help you to build a greater connection with them, Forbes notes. It shows that you’re in tune with their feelings and experiences, making you seem empathetic and likeable. However, it’s essential to make the mirroring appear natural. You don’t want to copy everything the person does as this will make it seem like you’re trying too hard to impress them.

8. Lower your vocal pitch.

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Speaking in a lower voice conveys that you’re calm and in control, as opposed to speaking in a high-pitched voice, which can make you seem frazzled or nervous. Research by Penn State has found that a lower voice pitch makes both men and women sound more attractive to people looking for long-term partners. The study also found that men speaking with a lower voice pitch were viewed as having greater prestige.

9. Speak slower.

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If you’re speaking too fast, this can make someone tune out of a conversation with you. They’ll find it difficult to keep up with you or understand what you’re saying. It might also make them feel like you’re speaking too fast because you don’t want to slow down and engage with them. Speaking slowly can help you to seem more thoughtful, like you know what you want to say and are reflecting on your words instead of just blurting them out. It also displays a calm, confident presence.

10. Pivot your body.

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When you want someone to like you, you should turn your body towards them. This shows them that they have your full attention and you want to engage with them. By showing interest in this subtle way, it will make the person gravitate towards you. It also reduces the physical barriers between you, encouraging a more connected atmosphere that can enhance attraction. It improves communication by facilitating easier eye-contact.

11. Keep your body still.

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If you move your body too much during conversation, such as by fidgeting or touching your face, this gives the other person the impression that you’re unsure of yourself or you lack confidence. Instead, by keeping your body as still as possible, you come across as calm and composed. It shows them that you feel comfortable and confident, which instantly makes you more attractive to others.

12. Gently touch them.

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If you want to make a connection with someone, gently touching them can help you to bond. It encourages closeness and intimacy, promoting feelings of trust. It also triggers the release of “feel-good” chemicals in the brain that encourage a sense of wellbeing and pleasure. This can lead to more positive and enjoyable interactions with others, while making them view you as being more appealing. Do it lightly, though, so you don’t seem invasive. Brush your hand across their arm or touch their elbow.

13. Lean in slightly.

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Leaning in toward someone else is positive body language because it shows you’re trying to reduce the space between you. It conveys a desire to connect with them while encouraging physical proximity so you can hear and see each other more clearly. By showing you’re engaged and listening to the person because you’re literally leaning your ear closer, you’ll appear more interesting to them.

14. Tilt your head.

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Tilting your head conveys intrigue and curiosity, which can pique the other person’s interest in you. It’s also a non-threatening, non-defensive posture that can put others at ease. It makes you appear more approachable, which can increase your appeal during social interactions. Research published in Evolutionary Psychology has found that female faces are perceived as being more attractive when they tilt their faces forwards, while men seem more attractive when they tilted their heads backwards.

15. Pause before answering questions.

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When someone asks you a question, don’t be in a hurry to answer. By taking a second to pause before answering and looking the person in the eye, you’ll be sending flirtatious signals without coming on too strong. Instead of being insecure, like by trying to fill the silence or rambling to get attention, you’ll come off as confident. However, don’t make the pause too long as that can make it seem like you’re unsure of, or fabricating, what you have to say.

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