15 Phrases Narcissists Use To Make You Question Your Reality

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Ever felt like you’re going crazy in a relationship? Maybe your partner says or does something hurtful, but then denies it ever happened. Or they twist your words, making you doubt your own memory. If this sounds familiar, you might be experiencing gaslighting, a common tactic used by narcissists to manipulate and control. Let’s unravel some of their favorite phrases and the sneaky tactics behind them.

1. “You’re remembering it wrong.”

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As Choosing Therapy explains, this is a classic gaslighting phrase. They’ll deny saying or doing something, even if you have a clear memory of it. They might even question your sanity, suggesting you’re imagining things or that your memory is faulty. This can leave you feeling confused, doubting your own perceptions, and ultimately, relying on their version of events. It’s a subtle way to erode your confidence and make you more dependent on them for validation.

2. “That never happened.”

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Similar to the previous phrase, this one is designed to deny reality and make you question your own sanity. They might claim that an event or conversation never took place, even if you have clear memories of it. This can be incredibly frustrating and disorienting, especially if it’s a pattern of behavior. It’s important to trust your own memories and perceptions, even if they contradict the narcissist’s version of events.

3. “You’re being dramatic.”

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Narcissists often use this phrase to minimize your feelings and make you feel like you’re overreacting. They might accuse you of being “too sensitive,” “irrational,” or “making a mountain out of a molehill.” This tactic is designed to invalidate your emotions and make you doubt your own judgment. It’s a way to control the narrative and make you feel like you’re the problem, not them.

4. “I’m the only one who really understands you.”

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This phrase is a subtle form of manipulation that can be incredibly effective. By making you feel like they’re the only person who truly gets you, they create a sense of dependency and isolation. It makes you less likely to seek support from people or question their behavior. This tactic is often used to isolate you from your friends and family, making you more vulnerable to their influence.

5. “You’re making me do this.”

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Narcissists never take responsibility for their own actions. They’ll always find a way to blame you, even if their behavior is completely irrational or hurtful. This phrase is a way to shift the blame onto you and make you feel responsible for their actions. Remember, you are not responsible for their choices, and you don’t have to tolerate their bad behavior.

6. “You’re so insecure.”

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This phrase is designed to undermine your self-esteem and make you question your own worth. Narcissists often project their own insecurities onto you, making you feel like you’re the one with the problem. This can lead to a cycle of self-doubt and make it difficult for you to stand up for yourself or challenge their behavior.

7. “You’re crazy.”

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This is a classic gaslighting tactic that’s meant to make you doubt your own sanity. It’s a way to dismiss your concerns, invalidate your feelings, and make you feel like you’re the problem. This kind of emotional abuse can be incredibly damaging to your mental health and well-being.

8. “Everyone else thinks I’m right.”

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Narcissists often try to gain power and control by isolating you from your support network. They might tell you that your friends and family are wrong, that they don’t understand the situation, or that they’re just jealous of your relationship. This tactic is designed to make you doubt your own judgment and rely solely on their opinion, further isolating you and making you more vulnerable to their manipulation.

9. “You’re just imagining things.”

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This phrase is another form of gaslighting, and it’s designed to invalidate your feelings and experiences. If you express concern or discomfort about their behavior, they might dismiss it as your imagination running wild. They might even question your mental stability, making you doubt yourself and your perceptions. It’s important to trust your gut and not let them dismiss your concerns.

10. “Nobody else has a problem with me.”

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Narcissists often try to isolate you by making you feel like you’re the only one who has an issue with them. They might say things like, “All my friends love me,” or “My ex never complained about this.” This tactic is designed to make you feel like you’re the one with the problem, not them. It can be incredibly isolating and make you doubt your own judgment.

11. “I’m the best thing that’s ever happened to you.”

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This grand statement is designed to inflate their ego and make you feel indebted to them. It’s a way to manipulate you into believing that you’re lucky to have them, even if their behavior is hurtful or disrespectful. Don’t fall for their charm! A healthy relationship is built on mutual respect and appreciation, not inflated egos and a sense of obligation.

12. “You’re so ungrateful.”

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Narcissists often expect constant praise and admiration for their efforts, WebMD explains, even if those efforts are minimal or self-serving. If you don’t shower them with gratitude or fail to meet their unrealistic expectations, they’ll accuse you of being ungrateful. This is a way to guilt-trip you into giving them more attention and validation.

13. “I’m just being honest.”

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Narcissists often use brutal honesty as a weapon to criticize and belittle the people around them. They might say things like, “I’m just being honest, you really need to lose weight,” or “I’m not trying to be mean, but you’re not very smart.” This kind of honesty is often just a thinly veiled insult designed to hurt your feelings and make you feel insecure.

14. “You’re too emotional.”

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This phrase is often used to dismiss women’s feelings as irrational or overblown. It’s a way to invalidate your emotions and make you feel like you’re the problem, not them. Emotionally mature people recognize that emotions are valid and important, even if they don’t always understand them.

15. “You’ll never find anyone better than me.”

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This is a classic fearmongering tactic. Narcissists want to make you believe that you’re lucky to have them, even if the relationship is toxic. They might threaten to leave you, remind you of all the ways they’re superior to your past partners, or simply make you feel like you’re not worthy of a healthy, loving relationship.

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