The Unexpected Benefits Of Being Short

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Being vertically challenged might seem like a disadvantage, but let’s not get caught up in that “taller is better” nonsense. Being short actually comes with some awesome perks that those long-legged folks might be missing out on. Here are a few upsides to being a bit closer to the ground.

1. You have better balance.

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Ever seen a tall person try to walk on ice or navigate a crowded dance floor? It’s not always pretty! Shorter people tend to have a lower center of gravity, making them naturally more balanced, WebMD explains. This means we’re less likely to take a tumble, whether we’re playing sports, dancing, or just walking down the street. Plus, we’re practically ninjas when it comes to squeezing through tight spaces or dodging low-hanging obstacles!

2. You look younger for longer.

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Okay, maybe it’s not scientific, but anecdotally speaking, shorter people often get told they look younger than their actual age. Maybe it’s because we have to look up at everyone, so we avoid getting those forehead wrinkles. Or perhaps it’s because we exude youthful energy. Whatever the reason, I’ll take it! Who doesn’t want to age gracefully?

3. You’re more likely to survive a plane crash.

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This one’s a bit morbid, I know. But there are actual data to back it up! Studies have shown that shorter people have a slightly higher chance of surviving plane crashes due to their lower center of gravity and ability to fit into smaller spaces. Not that we’re wishing for a plane crash, but it’s a weird perk nonetheless. Let’s just focus on the positive aspects of being grounded, shall we?

4. You have an advantage in certain sports.

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Think gymnasts, figure skaters, or martial artists – being shorter and more compact can be a major asset in these sports. We’re more agile, have better leverage, and can spin faster than our taller counterparts. We might not dominate on the basketball court, but we’ll definitely nail that floor routine or throw you over our shoulder in judo.

5. You can rock high heels like nobody’s business.

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This one’s a win for the fashionistas! We can wear those sky-high stilettos without looking like we’re about to topple over. It’s a balancing act that tall people often struggle with. Plus, heels give us a little height boost when we want it, without making us tower over everyone else in the room.

6. You can fit into those tiny European cars.

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Traveling through Europe? Those adorable little cars that barely fit two people? No problem for us! We can squeeze into those tight spaces and still have legroom to spare. Tall people might have to contort themselves like pretzels, but we’re cruising in comfort. It’s a definite win for road trips!

7. You save money on clothes.

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This might not be true for everyone, but shorter folks often find that they need less fabric for clothing. That means potentially saving money on tailoring costs or buying less fabric overall. Plus, we can often shop in the kids’ section for certain items, which can be way cheaper than adult sizes. It’s a small win, but hey, every penny counts!

8. You’re less likely to hit your head.

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Low ceilings, cabinets, tree branches – tall people have to be constantly on the lookout for head-bump hazards. We, on the other hand, can navigate most spaces without fear of concussions. It’s a small thing, but it definitely makes life a little easier (and less painful!).

9. You get a better view at concerts and events.

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Tall people might complain about being stuck behind a forest of heads at concerts or sporting events, but we short folks often have a clear view of the action. We can slip through crowds with ease, find those little pockets of space with a great vantage point, and even snag front-row spots sometimes. Plus, we’re less likely to block anyone’s view, so we can dance and cheer to our heart’s content!

10. You’re more approachable and less intimidating.

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For some reason, tall people can seem a bit intimidating, especially to those who are even shorter. We, on the other hand, are often considered more approachable and non-threatening. People might feel more comfortable opening up to us, sharing their vulnerabilities, or asking for help. It’s a subtle advantage that can lead to deeper connections and friendships, HuffPost notes.

11. You’re forced to be resourceful.

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Can’t reach that top shelf? No problem! We’ve got chairs, step stools, and even those handy grabber tools to help us out. Being short often forces us to be resourceful and find creative solutions to everyday challenges. We learn to adapt and think outside the box, which are valuable skills in many aspects of life.

12. You have a unique perspective on the world.

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We literally see the world from a different angle than our taller friends. We notice details that other people might miss, like the intricate patterns on a flower or the tiny creatures crawling on the ground. This unique perspective can lead to creative insights, a deeper appreciation for nature, and a more nuanced understanding of the world around us.

13. You can wear cute, quirky clothes.

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Overalls, rompers, dresses with whimsical patterns – we can pull off those adorable outfits that might look a little odd on someone taller. Our petite frames lend themselves well to playful fashion choices, allowing us to express our individuality and creativity through our clothes.

14. You’re less likely to be picked for awkward tasks.

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Need someone to change that lightbulb or reach something on the top shelf? Chances are, they’ll pick the tallest person in the room, not you. This might seem like a small thing, but it can save you from a lot of awkward and potentially dangerous situations.

15. You appreciate the little things in life.

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Being short can teach you to find joy in the simple things. You might appreciate a good step stool, a pair of comfy flats, or even just being able to reach the gas pedal in your car. This appreciation for the little things can cultivate a sense of gratitude and contentment that might be overlooked by those who take certain conveniences for granted.

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