Unconventional Ways To Tell If Someone Is A True Friend

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In life, there is nothing more important than having good friends. Friends are there to pick you up when you’re down and they’re there to celebrate all of your wins. True friendships last through time, distance, and even arguments and fights. When you have a lot of friends, however, you may find yourself questioning and wondering if someone is a “true” friend—meaning, they aren’t there for their own benefit or just temporarily. There are some surefire ways to tell someone is in it for the long haul.

1. They know something is up with you without having to ask.

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True friends know when you are going through it. They don’t have to wait for you to ask them for advice or open up to them, they can tell by your facial expressions or even a change in your tone. They are there for you immediately when things go wrong or you just need someone to talk to. They don’t have to wait for an initiation, they’re just there.

2. They accept you and all of your flaws.

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Every person has flaws—no one is perfect. A true friend loves and appreciates all parts of you, even the parts you don’t love about yourself. They don’t try to pressure you to change and conform to fit their needs, they know you are who you are.

3. They give you advice but don’t expect you to take it.

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Good friends will give you advice but know that you don’t have to take it in order to remain friends. If you decide to do the complete opposite of what they’ve said, they’ll still respect your choice and be there for you, either way.

4. They treat your house like it’s their house.

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True friends can come over and open up your fridge and help themselves. They don’t need to ask you for a cup of water or some coffee, they will simply get it themselves. They’ll go through your closet and borrow whatever they need, come over, and even hang out with your dog when you’re not home.

5. They aren’t mad when you go MIA for a while.

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A true friend understands that everyone has their own lives and things can get busy. They don’t take offense if you’re not around when they call. They understand that you’re still their bestie, even if you can’t answer their text message immediately.

6. You can laugh through bad days together.

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We all go through rough patches. A good friend knows how to make you laugh despite whatever you’re dealing with. They don’t pity you or continue to pour sympathy on you, instead, they work to turn your frown upside down—they even poke fun at your issues to make you laugh through them.

7. They keep your secrets.

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We all need a person who we can open up to without worrying our business will be spread around town. A true friend is like a safe—they never open up to anyone about your business, no matter what. You can tell them anything without having to worry about who will find out and that’s a great feeling.

8. Awkward silence doesn’t exist.

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When you get together with old friends, you may find that hangouts feel dull because you’ve run out of things to talk about. But a true friend never runs out of things to say. You two always find something to discuss, make fun of, or argue over. Silence is non-existent between you two.

9. They never talk badly about you.

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No matter how much you piss them off, they won’t bash you to anyone else, ever. They know that every friendship goes through ebbs and flows. Instead of talking badly about you, they’ll tell you how they feel directly to your face so you can work things out, just you two.

10. There’s no jealousy.

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When a friend is succeeding and moving forward faster than the other, it can sometimes lead to animosity and jealousy. A true friend doesn’t feel that way though, they are happy to cheer you on and watch you grow. Even if they aren’t on the same track, they are running that race right next to you.

11. You have something in common to obsess over.

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Whether it’s a reality TV series, a music genre, or a hobby, friends who share similar interests always have a great time. This gives you both something to do together constantly and to fan-girl and talk about together. Plus, it’s so much fun to share what we love with someone we love.

12. They are blunt and honest with you.

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Some people need to hear the hard truth sometimes. A good friend will tell you what you need to hear, no matter how bad or hard it can be. It may hurt your feelings at the moment, but you realize later down the road their intentions were good and pure.

13. They are reliable.

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When you need a favor, they are the person you call. No matter how big or small, these friends are the ones who will always come through for you. They sacrifice to make sure they can help you out and it never goes unnoticed. It’s great to have someone you can always rely on.

14. They don’t try to change you.

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True friends can disagree on things and accept their differences, loving each other anyway. A true friend won’t try to change your mind on things simply because they feel the opposite. They don’t pressure you, they won’t distance themselves from you, and they certainly won’t ghost you for it, either.

15. They’re your go-to person for news.

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Who is the person you call first with news—good or bad? That’s your true friend. They are the ones you immediately run to because you just have to tell them everything, big or small. And, you know they will always pick up the phone when you call.

16. You can get deep with them.

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Surface friendships are the ones where you talk about everyday things—TV shows, makeup products, celebrity gossip. But, the friends you can get deep with—talk about trauma, loss, love—they are the ones who are the real deal. You always need a friend you can confide in about everything.

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