18 Red Flags You’re In A Relationship With A Serial Cheater

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There’s nothing worse than getting that sinking gut feeling that something isn’t quite right in your relationship. Serial cheaters are masters of deception, but there are subtle (and some not-so-subtle) clues they usually can’t fully hide. Here are some of the red flags to watch out for so you can stop wasting your time on someone who won’t ever be faithful.

1. Their history is littered with messy exes and unexplained breakups.

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Pay attention to how they talk about past relationships, Psychology Today warns. Is every single ex “crazy,” “jealous,” or the villain in their romantic history? Do they offer vague reasons for why things ended? Serial cheaters often create drama as a distraction technique when they’re getting caught. It’s rarely true that every person they’ve dated was the problem – more likely, they were the common denominator in those messy situations.

2. They guard their phone like it’s a national secret.

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It’s always on them, face down, and they freak out if you get near it. They delete texts immediately, act shady about who they’re messaging, and have elaborate excuses if you happen to see a suspicious notification. While some privacy is healthy, this level of secrecy breeds mistrust, especially when combined with other red flags.

3. You get the sense they’re always crafting a cover story for their whereabouts.

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They offer way too much detail about their day, almost as if trying to preemptively erase suspicion. Or their explanations are full of holes if you start asking basic follow-up questions. A serial cheater has to think several steps ahead, always prepared to justify inconsistencies others might point out in their carefully constructed narrative.

4. You catch them in small lies that seem pointless.

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Lying becomes so habitual they do it even when the truth is harmless. If they get caught fibbing about where they ate lunch or who was at the gym when they were there, it’s a big warning sign. Lying with little consequence trains them to be deceptive; it’s practice for the bigger whoppers they’ll tell when the stakes are higher.

5. They’re excessively flattering towards seemingly random people.

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Overly complimentary towards the waitress, unusually chatty with your friend’s partner…it’s not always harmless. Serial cheaters are often testing boundaries, using charm to assess if someone is receptive to their advances. Pay attention to your gut: does it feel like innocent banter or are your flirting-detectors tingling?

6. They accuse you of cheating (with no evidence).

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Classic projection! They assume because they’re the unfaithful one, you must be doing the same. Sudden accusations of infidelity, wanting to snoop through your phone, or being unreasonably paranoid about your whereabouts are often a way to deflect from their own guilt and misbehavior.

7. Your gut is screaming at you, but you don’t have solid proof…yet.

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Intuition is powerful! When something feels off, even if you don’t have the smoking gun, those feelings are valid. Serial cheaters are pros at covering their tracks, leaving you questioning if you’re being paranoid or actually picking up on their deception. Don’t gaslight yourself; trust your instincts.

8. They have an unusually large number of “just friends” of the opposite sex.

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Sure, opposite-sex friendships exist. But serial cheaters often maintain a roster of seemingly innocent friendships that blur the lines. These are potential backup options they keep warm. Look for blurring of boundaries like texting very late at night, deleting their chat histories, or minimizing the significance of these “friends” to you.

9. Their availability is inconsistent and changes with very last-minute excuses.

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They cancel plans at the drop of a hat, go MIA for hours, or are suddenly “too busy with work” right when you were meant to be hanging out. Chronic flakiness is disrespectful, but it can also be a sign they’re juggling other partners. A serial cheater’s schedule often revolves around sneaking around, not building a solid relationship with you.

10. They disappear for suspicious amounts of time with vague excuses like “dead phone” or “traffic was insane.”

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It’s one thing to get caught in a traffic jam occasionally; it’s another to constantly have elaborate, unlikely stories for why they’re unreachable. If their explanations push the boundaries of believability and seem to happen suspiciously often, this lack of accountability is a red flag.

11. They turn the tables the minute you question something that seems off.

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Instead of addressing your concern, it suddenly becomes about your “trust issues” or “insecurities.” They may use guilt, claiming you don’t appreciate them or accusing you of pushing them away by being suspicious. This tactic makes you doubt yourself and distracts from the original issue, giving them the perfect excuse to avoid a discussion they don’t want to have.

12. They go hot and cold on you.

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One minute, they’re showering you with affection, then the next, they’re distant and withdrawn. This push-pull dynamic keeps you off-balance. You might blame yourself for their mood swings or chase their validation when they’re hot, making you less likely to notice something shady is going on when they pull away.

13. They speak negatively about fidelity in general.

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They mock monogamy, insist that “all men/women cheat,” or seem cynical about the possibility of truly trusting anyone. This is a way to normalize their behavior and subtly lower your expectations. They want you questioning whether it’s even realistic to expect faithfulness.

14. They overreact to normal boundary setting like declining to share passwords.

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Wanting separate social media accounts or not answering their phone every second shouldn’t be cause for a major fight. Serial cheaters crave control and access. Even healthy boundaries feel threatening because they limit the cheater’s ability to operate in the shadows.

15. They have a pattern of “bad luck” in their past relationships.

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Every ex cheated on them, misunderstood them, or is generally a terrible person – at least according to them. Playing the victim allows them to evade responsibility in past relationship failures and plants seeds of doubt about YOU. If all their exes are “crazy,” it makes you second-guess yourself when something feels wrong, wondering if you’ll end up demonized too.

16. They lack close, long-term platonic friends.

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Their friend group shifts frequently, they’re estranged from old friends, or people seem to fade out of their life dramatically. This inability to maintain stable relationships – not just romantic ones – is a red flag. It indicates patterns of conflict, disrespect, and betrayal that extend beyond their love life.

17. They minimize or dismiss your past hurts from being cheated on.

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If you share your history, they might downplay it with comments like “That’s in the past” or “you just haven’t met the right person yet.” Lacking empathy for how painful cheating is and brushing aside your fears makes them seem less likely to care about the damage they might cause you.

18. You have a history of attracting emotionally unavailable partners.

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Sometimes, it’s not just about THEM, but about your own patterns. If you’ve been cheated on repeatedly, it’s worth examining why you might subconsciously be drawn to people incapable of real intimacy and commitment. This can be hard to face, but therapy could be life-changing, helping you break the cycle.

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