Weird Habits That Are Actually Signs Of High Intelligence

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We all have weird habits. Whether it’s vacuuming twice a day, or only filling up the tank to a quarter full every time, we each carry around little quirks that make us who we are. While some of these habits might mean we’re a bit neurotic, others could be a sign of how smart we are. Let’s look at some weird habits that show you’re super bright.

1. You’re messy at the office.

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Perhaps you’re known as the messy one in the office. People always give you a hard time for being unorganized and suggest that you do a deep cleaning of your desk. While you might not love this part of your personality, you may be surprised to learn that being messy is actually a sign of being creative and able to think outside the box.

2. You’re a night owl.

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There are two types of people in this world—those who love bouncing out of bed early in the morning and those who prefer to stay up late and sleep in. If you’re highly intelligent, then there’s a good chance that you’re the latter. You seem to find your creative spark after hours when everyone else is asleep.

3. You cuss a lot.

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Some people have a more colorful vocabulary than others. For a long time, it was thought that people who swore a lot weren’t as smart as people who didn’t. It was believed that the swearers didn’t have the smarts to come up with alternative adjectives. However, the opposite is true. Studies have shown that people who swear more have a more extensive vocabulary than those who don’t.

4. You like to take cold showers.

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If you’re a reasonable, normal human being, you might be wondering why someone would voluntarily jump into a cold shower. However, there’s been a health wave lately of people choosing to switch the water to cold in the name of higher bodily function. Not only is this supposed to help with fatigue and tension, but it’s also supposed to improve brain function.

5. Your biggest pet peeve is people chewing loudly.

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When you go out for dinner, you can’t stand it when someone sitting at the table next to you, or even someone you’re with, won’t chew with their mouth closed. It’s loud, annoying, and distracting, and it prevents you from having a nice evening. If this is your biggest pet peeve, you might be smarter than most. Studies show that people of higher intelligence struggle to block out sensory information.

6. You like to draw.

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Whether you’re in a Zoom meeting, on the phone, or meeting someone for coffee, you find yourself picking up the nearest pen and scribbling. You don’t know why you do it, but it feels good and helps you concentrate. In fact, studies show that people who like to doodle are able to recall more information than those who don’t.

7. You’re hard on yourself.

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You’re at a good place in your career. You’ve gone through college, managed to land your dream job, and have even been promoted a couple of times. However, you still deal with imposter syndrome. No matter how well you do in life, there’s a voice in your head ready to bring you down a few pegs. The good news is that this is a sign you’re smart.

8. You find yourself spacing out.

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You’re great at your job and love interacting with your colleagues, but sometimes, if you’re in a long meeting or you have a bit of time between projects, your mind starts to wander. You might want to shake this weird habit, but it means you’re smart. Studies show your brain needs a break occasionally, and daydreaming is the perfect respite.

9. You talk to yourself.

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On the way to work, during a quiet period in the afternoon, or in the evening when everyone has gone to bed, you catch yourself muttering under your breath. Nobody’s around, yet you continue to maintain a conversation out loud. You might think this is a bad sign, but it actually shows that you can recall and recount information better than others.

10. You enjoy your own company.

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Even though you are well-socialized and enjoy spending time with family and friends, you also find it refreshing to have time alone. You recharge best when you get space to yourself. Studies show that people who preferred their own company actually showed higher signs of intelligence than those who preferred to be around others more.

11. You are lazy from time to time.

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You believe that life is all about balance. You relish the success your career has brought you, but you also appreciate downtime. You’re just as happy lounging around at home as you are working on a project in the office. This isn’t something to be ashamed of—in fact, it proves you’re a thinker.

12. You put things off.

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You’re pretty good at sticking to deadlines at work, but sometimes, you push things further out on your schedule. You don’t know why you procrastinate; it just feels right at times. The good news is that smart people procrastinate every now and then, and according to research, it’s all about waiting for the right time.

13. You’re late a lot.

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One habit you wish you could change is your tardiness. You don’t mean to miss deadlines and hold people up, but for some reason, you just can’t seem to get it together. Even if you think you leave with enough time, you still somehow manage to show up later than everyone else. You might wish you could change this, but it’s also a sign of intelligence.

14. You like to chew gum.

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While you ditch this habit when the occasion calls for it—like a wedding—most of the time, you can be found with a stick of gum in your mouth. You may be a little ashamed of this habit, but it could be a sign that you’re smarter than you think. Chewing gum makes you more alert and helps you retain information.

15. You get bored quickly.

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If you get tired of something quickly, you’re probably always on the lookout for the next form of stimulation. Once you’re over something, you’re over it, and, as a result, you get impatient. The good news is that this weird habit actually might be a sign you’re brainy. Studies show that it means you’re a thinker.

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