15 Instant Ego Checks For Humbling Arrogant People

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Arrogant people make it so hard to be nice. They make everyone else feel less important and even less smart. When you’re tired of recycling niceties to keep the peace, use these instant ego checks to make that one arrogant person in your life realize they’re being rude. Fair warning — these phrases may trigger an egotistical person into an argument, but it might just be worth it if you’re done putting up with their toxic behaviors.

1. “I’m going to finish my thought, thank you very much.”

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Arrogant people assume they’re always right. They often interrupt people because they’re two steps ahead in the conversation. Someone might guess what you’re about to say and want to skip to their comeback, but this phrase stops them short with an assertive tone.

2. “Did I ask for your advice?”

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Unsolicited advice is the worst. It prevents you from solving something on your own and learning from the experience. Research shows that only 27% of people ask for advice when they need help, but that means nothing for an arrogant person. They’ll give their unwanted and unhelpful advice anyway, so remind them how reality works with a phrase like this.

3. “I’m saying this to help you, so listen to me.”

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Eventually, someone has to tell an arrogant person how to do something better. Whether it’s in the workplace or your personal life, use this phrase to snap an egotistical person out of their reality. They need to hear about their mistakes and how to fix them because no, they aren’t actually perfect. You shouldn’t have to pretend like they are.

4. “Apologize. Right now.”

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People with huge egos love being mean to people with less power. You might see an arrogant person pick on someone with less standing in your workplace and want to do something about it. Get straight to the point by using this phrase to stand up for yourself or other people.

5. “Arguing with you is pointless.”

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When someone likes to argue, it often means they think they’re right about the topic. They aren’t willing to listen or learn from your perspective. Comparatively, an active listener pays attention to what you say and potentially changes their opinion afterward. Save your energy by shutting down an argument with an arrogant person using this phrase.

6. “Why would you think that I care about that?”

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Conceited people love to talk about things they find interesting. They think it makes them appear more knowledgeable, but that only works if you want to hear what they have to say. If you can’t get out of a conversation with an arrogant person by excusing yourself, this phrase will communicate your frustration and give you an out.

7. “You do understand how you just looked like a jerk, right?”

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This phrase is effective because it’s slightly belittling. Arrogant people take insults to their intellectual abilities very seriously. you’ll grab an egotistical person’s attention with this comeback and call them out for their rude behavior.

8. “You already told me about this, and I’m not interested in hearing it a second time.”

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If someone’s bragging about the same accomplishment over and over, you don’t have to stand there and feel bored to death. Say this phrase to assert a boundary that prioritizes your needs. The arrogant person may gaslight you by denying the obvious, like saying they’ve never told that story in their life. Just stand firm in your boundary and leave the conversation.

9. “That’s not actually special.”

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Someone who really irritates you with their bragging will feel shocked if you use this comeback. There’s nothing gentle about this phrase because it’s for those moments where you feel like you’re going insane. Tell the person to find you when they actually do something noteworthy. They’ll probably find a different person to talk to, which solves your frustrations.

10. “You’re not listening to me, so I’m leaving.”

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Conversing with an arrogant person is sometimes impossible. Remember, they think they never make mistakes. When you’re done trying to convince an egotistical person that you have a better idea or solution, state the obvious with this comeback and find something better to do with your time.

11. “Oh, are you still talking?”

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Although it may not always be the best move, you do have the option to shut an arrogant person down with a bit of humiliation. They often talk at people without ever letting their conversational partner speak. This attention-seeking habit creates one-sided relationships because you never get to talk or feel valued as an individual. You’re just another source of attention.

Saying this phrase is like dropping a bomb in the conversation. They’ll likely get offended and leave, so save this comeback for people who aren’t your boss or a beloved family member.

12. “That’s not my job.”

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Egotistical people won’t do things they think are below them. Picture someone asking a conceited CEO to take out the trash in their own office. They’d likely scoff and ask their assistant to handle the garage.

When you become the metaphorical assistant in that situation, politely say this phrase to the arrogant person. If you hold firm, they may not ask again because they know you have boundaries.

13. “You need a big slice of humble pie.”

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When someone’s being ridiculous, sometimes an equally silly statement finally gets their attention. Use this comeback right before telling a conceited person a hard truth. They might not listen, but at least you got them to shut up long enough to speak your mind.

14. “I’d rather spend my time doing literally anything else.”

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Sometimes, rude behaviors deserve rude responses. When an arrogant person tries to pull you into another activity or responsibility you don’t want to do, say this phrase to make your feelings clear. The conceited person might even want to hear why you feel that way, which may start a helpful conversation about how they should learn to do things by themselves.

15. “Did you even hear how arrogant you just sounded?”

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Calling out an egotistical person can feel so good. Use this comeback to get how you feel off your chest. It’s best for moments when the arrogant person has been incredibly rude and other people around you are suffering silently from it.

This type of venting often pushes people away, but if you’re done trying to connect with an arrogant person, that’s actually a positive thing. You might need to be mean back to get them to direct their behavior elsewhere.

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