Things You Shouldn’t Have To Compromise On In A Relationship

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Many people go through life hoping to meet someone, fall in love, and spend the rest of their lives together. However, while being in a long-term relationship is something that many people desire, it doesn’t mean that they should settle or compromise things they love and value simply because they want companionship. While there are some things that you have to compromise on in a partnership, there are certain things that should never be up for discussion.

1. Your individuality and personality

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You may meet someone who’s nothing like you, but you’re super attracted to them and really want them to like you. Eventually, you realize that while you were busy trying to win them over by pretending to like the things that they like, do the stuff they love, and fake some of your desires, you’ve lost yourself along the way. You shouldn’t compromise who you are as a person just to be with someone else, Psychology Today notes. You’ll end up miserable.

2. Your religious beliefs

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Whether you believe in religion or not, your beliefs should always be respected in a relationship. If you find someone who has different spiritual beliefs, they shouldn’t try to change you just to fit their needs. There are many successful relationships with two partners who have different faiths — no one should have to give up their religion.

3. Your relationship with your family

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Family is super important — they’re the ones who raised you to be who you are. Many families come with their own craziness and baggage, but that doesn’t mean you should leave them behind when you find someone to love. Your partner should value your family just as much as you do, even if they are a little nuts.

4. Your friendships

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Just like family, your friendships should never be compromised when you are in a relationship. The most important thing is to never give up timewith your friends. Everyone needs a night away from their significant other and some independence. If you distance yourself from your friends, you’ll have no one to lean on when you need a break.

5. Your hobbies

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Whatever you are interested in should remain in your life even when you have a partner. Hobbies keep you happy and satisfied outside of your relationship. No one person should be responsible for your happiness and your attention — it’s important to have other things to occupy your time.

6. Your career aspirations

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Succeeding in your professional life is so important because your job is what you do every day, whether you’re in a relationship or not. Your significant other shouldn’t disrupt your professional goals. Being successful is a huge part of a person’s self-worth. If your relationship starts to get in the way, maybe it’s time to take a look at it again.

7. Your dreams and goals

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Outside of your career, there may be things you want to accomplish, such as owning a home or maybe running a marathon. If you have a partner who doesn’t support these aspirations, you can start to give up on them. You could end up disappointed in yourself or even resenting your partner for pushing you away from your true desires.

8. Your physical health

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If you are someone who loves to work out, that shouldn’t stop the moment you get into a relationship. Physical health is so important, especially for those who struggle with it. Never let someone talk you out of going to the gym or eating healthily if you want to get a salad and some grilled chicken instead.

9. Your mental health

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Mental health is so vital. If you are someone who struggles with depression, anxiety, or anything in that realm, it’s crucial to take care of yourself and seek the appropriate help when you need to. Therapy and counseling should always be a priority, should you decide to use them. Never be embarrassed to take care of your mind.

10. The way you view yourself

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You should want to be with someone who lifts you up, not makes you feel bad about yourself. Never let them talk down to you about your body, your looks, your job—anything. Once someone begins telling you that things are wrong, you begin to believe them, too.

11. Your home

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When your partner begins to come over often, they may start to “make themselves at home.” Partners leave things there to make life easier, but that doesn’t mean you need to start redecorating and changing things to appease them. Keep your space uniquely yours. Of course, if you move in together, that’s a different story. Until that time, stake your claim on your space.

12. Your peace of mind

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You shouldn’t have to feel like you can’t trust your partner, or you have to always worry about what they are doing when you’re apart. You should be with someone who makes you feel comfortable in the relationship. The minute you feel that you have to sneak around and spy, there is something wrong.

13. Financial independence

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In today’s day and age, you never know what can happen, and you don’t ever want to have to rely on someone else for financial stability. Having your own money makes you independent and gives you the ability to get what you want for yourself, The Guardian explains. Don’t let them drain your bank account, either, when they’re short on cash.

14. Your pets

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When you come into a relationship with pets, those are your babies. Even if the person you are with isn’t a dog/cat person, that doesn’t mean you just give up on your dog, cat, or whatever other animal you own. They are your family—they don’t just disappear when you meet someone new.

15. Your space

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You should always have your space and alone time, even when you are with someone long-term. Don’t compromise decompressing and practicing self-care. Unwinding and relaxing on your own can be a true game-changer after a long, stressful day. Don’t compromise that to validate someone else if that’s what you really need.

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