Feeling Stuck? 15 Strategies to Help You Move Forward in Life

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Most of us feel stuck at some point in our lives. It could be that you feel stuck in your current job, a relationship, a creative project, or your life in general. Whatever it is, it’s holding you back from reaching your full potential. Here are 15 strategies to help you regain control and move forward.

1. Reflect on your life

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If you don’t know what you want from your life then you’re going to stay stuck for a long time. You need to first consider why you might be feeling stuck and unhappy. Is it your relationship? Is it your job? Do you feel like you don’t have a purpose? Ask yourself these big questions and discover what the issues might be. Once you know what the problem is, it becomes easier to try and fix it.

2. Don’t sit and wait

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In life, it’s easy to become complacent. You want and crave change, but you don’t have the motivation or the energy to do what you need to do. So, you sit around and wait for something to magically change. You hope that by waiting, everything will perfectly align. But obviously, that’s not how it works. If you want something to change, you have to take those steps to get there. Start with a small step and go from there.

3. Break it down into smaller pieces

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It will feel overwhelming if you look at it as a big puzzle that needs to be figured out. Change the way you approach it. Can you start off by making a small change for now? For instance, if you feel stuck in your job and you’re unsure if you want to pursue a different career path, why not start by looking into courses that interest you? There’s no pressure to apply for anything, just do some research. When you break it down into smaller pieces, it will be more manageable.

4. Remember why you wanted it

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Whether it’s a job, relationship, or something else entirely, it helps to reflect on why you wanted it in the first place. What drew you to it? Why did you put so much time into it in the beginning? If it’s not relevant to you anymore, then ask yourself why. Have you changed as a person? This isn’t a bad thing, it’s normal for your interests to change as you get older. However, thinking about why you were so interested in the first place could help reignite that passion you once felt.

5. Brainstorm solutions

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It can be hard to make a lot of changes all at once, which is why it’s best to brainstorm some solutions first. For instance, if you’re feeling stuck in your relationship, consider what could be helpful to you. Sitting down with your partner and opening up about your feelings is a good option. Taking a short trip together or planning some dates so you can have alone time together are great ideas, too. This could help you to reconnect and get some clarity about your relationship.

6. Talk to a friend

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No matter how you’re feeling, it’s a good idea to talk it out with your friend. If you’re unsure why you’re feeling stuck or you’re not sure how to move forward, they can help you figure it out. After all, two heads are often better than one. And who knows, you might find out your friend feels exactly the same way you do. And knowing you’re not alone can really help.

7. Take a break

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It’s good to take breaks. Our lives can get hectic and routines can become boring, so taking a break from it all can give you a new perspective on things, which could lead to better opportunities. If you’re not sure about your career right now, see if you can take a couple of weeks off. Similarly, if there’s a creative project that’s burning you out, take a break from it for a while. Spend some time outdoors in nature and go out with your friends—this break could be all it takes to reignite your interest.

8. Accept what you can’t change

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If you’re feeling stuck because you’re not where you planned to be a few years back or because you’re not working your dream job, then you need to take a step back for a moment. Just because you’re not there yet, doesn’t mean you’ll never be. Realistically, it might not be viable to do what you need to do in order to achieve your goals, and that’s okay! When the time is right, you’ll know.

9. Consider what’s not working

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It’s not always easy to figure out what’s not working for you, but once you do, you have to be willing to make changes. For example, if your relationship isn’t working because you don’t trust each other or there’s no longer a spark, then you need to face those facts. Can you change this? Not likely. Therefore, the only way to move on in your life is to walk away from the relationship. It might be hard at first, but it’s worth it for your happiness.

10. Change your perspective

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Instead of only focusing on what needs to change, gravitate towards what doesn’t need to change. What makes you happy and fulfilled? What are you most passionate about? Perhaps you have a hobby that you love and it brings you a lot of joy—well, do more of it! The more you do those things you love, the more motivated and energized you will feel.

11. Switch it up

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If you’re stuck in the same boring routine, then it makes sense that you might be feeling lost and stuck. Do you do the same chores, eat the same meals, and go out to the same places every week? Well, try switching it up a bit. Go to a new place to eat, visit a city you’ve never been to, or take a free online course. Do anything that excites and interests you. This will give you a new perspective on life.

12. Focus on self-care

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It’s important that you show yourself love and compassion. Why? Because the relationship you have with yourself is the most important relationship you’ll ever have. Take a long bath, do some yoga or meditation, eat a healthy meal cooked from scratch, and focus on your needs and desires. Taking good care of yourself will help you to feel energized and motivated.

13. Ask for help

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You can’t expect to make big life changes all by yourself. Well, you could, but it would be harder without any support. So, ask your manager for advice and support, or ask friends and family members if they can help you brainstorm ideas. The more people you have in your corner, the easier it will be to move forward with your life.

14. Break out of your comfort zone

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Here’s an activity for you: grab a pen and paper and write down all of the things that scare you and excite you at the same time. That could look like snowboarding, parachuting, applying for a new job, going on a date, whatever it is, write it down. Then slowly start doing the things on your list, one by one. It will be hard and scary at first, but it will definitely be worth it. Breaking out of your comfort zone and doing something different will motivate you and open up new doors.

15. Accept it won’t change overnight

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It takes time to make big changes in your life, and that’s absolutely fine. Rome wasn’t built in a day. Even making a small change will make a big difference to how you feel. Accept that every change you make is building up to something bigger and better and your life is about to shift in dramatic ways.

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