The Zodiac Signs Ranked From Nicest To Meanest

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Whether you’re an astrology pro or like hearing the positive traits of your particular sign (that’s many of us), it’s fun to dive into the world of zodiac signs. While of course you won’t relate to everything, and you’re a unique person, it’s never a bad idea to get information that could help you understand yourself better. As it turns out, some zodiac signs are harsher and more prickly than others. Which zodiac sign is the nicest?

Pisces signs are always sweethearts.

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If you’re a Pisces, you probably already know that you can be fairly emotional. Your sensitive personality means that sometimes you take things too seriously and get more upset than you should, Allure reveals, but that also means that you’re incredibly sweet. You’re full of empathy and compassion.

Virgos have a kind (yet shy) personality.

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Just like Virgos behave uniquely in relationships, they have some traits unique to them. If you’re a Virgo, you might be sick of people saying that you’re quiet and shy. Your introverted nature isn’t a bad thing, though. It makes you the second kindest sign in the zodiac because you take the time to get to know people and are a loyal, caring friend and partner.

Libras just want everyone to get along.

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Justice, fairness, and cohesion are some of the things that Libra signs care most about. If this is you, then you’re warm, friendly, and inclusive. It pains you to imagine leaving someone out when you’re sending out birthday invites, and you welcome new friends with open arms.

Geminis are friendly and social.

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While you can be introverted at some moments in your life, you like being around people if you’re a Gemini. Since you’re a social person, you don’t have a harsh nature. Instead, you treat people the way that you want to be treated (no matter how corny that sounds). You’re too busy making weekend plans to even think about insulting others or being petty.

Aquarius signs will be kind… most of the time.

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Having an Aquarius in your life can be tricky since they have two modes: introverted and extroverted. If this is your sign, you know that you’re a kind-hearted person who puts others’ feelings before your own. But sometimes, you’ve turned inward and are ruminating a lot, and that can make you a little prickly.

Taurus have a stubborn nature.

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Stubbornness is a much-discussed Taurus trait, and if you’re this Earth sign, then you probably wish that you could let go and be more flexible. Being stubborn also means that sometimes, you can be meaner than you want to be. Whether sharing where you want to go for dinner on your best friend’s birthday or where you and your partner should vacation this summer, you might accidentally offend the people closest to you.

Cancer signs will be mean if in a bad mood.

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There’s a lot to love about Cancers. This water sign is full of compassion and sensitive. However, they tend to be moody. If they’re having a terrible day when everything is going wrong, or they’re fixated on a problem in their personal life, they’re going to be meaner than they would be otherwise.

Aries signs are pushy and tough.

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Since Aries signs care about their careers and are motivated to do well, they can sometimes become aggressive and harsh. Even the sweetest Aries sign will unfortunately offend people in their quest to follow their dreams and make things happen. Their single-minded desire to reach their goals will sometimes backfire, and they will hurt a friend or co-worker’s feelings without meaning to.

Sagittarius signs speak their minds (sometimes to a fault).

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A Sagittarius is meaner than most of the other zodiac signs because they can’t help but share exactly how they’re feeling at any time. While having a conversation with a Sagittarius can be interesting since they’re world travelers who think a lot about the world, that also means that they can be too honest.

Capricorns can be snobby.

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Capricorns can act as if they’re smarter than others, which makes them the third meanest zodiac sign. If this is you, you turn your nose up at a friend’s dinner reservation suggestion and tell your mom exactly what you think of her new haircut. You get lost in explaining the right way to do things and always have an idea of what you want life to look like. Your snobbish nature can offend a lot of people (although you likely don’t want that to happen at all).

Leo signs want to be in charge.

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Are you a Leo? You’ve likely heard time and time again that you tend to take control of everything in your life. While you might not intend to be mean, your take-charge personality can result in a lot of petty arguments and people in your life getting their feelings hurt. From a friend’s bachelorette party or how to spend a Sunday with your family, you steamroll situations because you like being the leader.

Scorpios are the meanest zodiac sign.

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There’s a lot that people should know about dating Scorpios and if you’re one, you’ve heard that you don’t let people know about your feelings as much as the other zodiac signs do. Since this is your true nature, you might not be sure how to change that. Unfortunately, your desire to stay cool, calm, and collected means that you are the meanest sign in the zodiac.

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