Men Who Are Unfulfilled In Life Often Display These 18 Behaviors

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While everyone wants to wake up every day and feel happy and ready to take on the day, that’s not always possible. Sometimes you go through a tough time and you’re in a rut. Although of course everyone is unique, when men need more fulfillment in their lives, they tend to show the same 18 behaviors.

They isolate themselves from friends and family.

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If men feel like their lives are lackluster at the moment, they’re not going to get together with loved ones very often. They’ll stop texting friends to see how they’re doing and won’t make plans to see their family. Since they feel down, they won’t want to socialize any more than they have to. While alone time is important for reflection and re-energizing, too much solitude can become isolating and negatively impact mental health, Psychology Today notes.

They stop putting in effort at their job.

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While work can’t be enjoyable every day (no matter how much we might want it to be), unfulfilled men will go through the motions at work. They won’t ask their boss about any special projects, put in overtime, or go the extra mile. This is a sure sign that something is off.

They order take-out and eat junk food instead of cooking.

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It’s hard enough to make a healthy, home-cooked meal when life is busy but fulfilling and fun. When a man feels unfulfilled, he’ll lean hard on takeout pizza and indulge in snacks. He won’t want to get to the grocery store very often as that will feel like too much effort.

They spend most of their time at home watching TV.

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Most people include Netflix in their daily routine, whether watching a movie after a breakup or catching up on a new TV drama. But if someone feels like they’re bored with their life or in a rut, they’re going to make TV watching their full-time activity. Like many other hobbies that involve staying home and not seeing other people, this is only going to make them feel worse.

They stop dating or stay in an unhealthy relationship.

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Men who are dissatisfied with their lives won’t feel like going on dates and meeting new people. They won’t want to talk about themselves over beers at a bar on a Friday night with a new person, and using a dating app will sound awful. They also won’t want to leave a relationship where they don’t love their partner anymore for similar reasons.

They don’t follow their dreams or set goals.

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If a man is feeling unfulfilled, they aren’t going to search for their dream job, start the business that they have always wanted to, or reach a goal of starting a running routine. Of course, ignoring these things will make them feel even more stagnant.

They don’t talk about their feelings.

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It can be hard enough to talk about emotions when someone feels great about their life and everything is on track. Whether a man is single, in a serious relationship, or married, he’s going to keep his innermost thoughts to himself.

They won’t plan any trips or feel curious about the world.

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Some people have a serious case of wanderlust and others like to go on weekend trips slightly closer to home. Either way, a man who is struggling to find meaning and joy won’t feel like traveling. This will cause a vicious cycle of feeling bored but not feeling up to taking action to change things… which of course can be frustrating.

They complain without meaning to.

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Everyone has that one friend or family member who complains constantly. We all have to get things off our chests from time to time, but an unfulfilled man is going to complain during most conversations that he has. Since he feels lost, he won’t be able to help it.

They feel envious of others.

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If a man wants to get married and start a family but it just hasn’t happened yet, or they’ve experienced a series of rejections lately, they’re going to feel jealous of their friends, relatives, and co-workers who have what they want. Although jealousy may be a normal part of the human experience (unfortunately), comparing themselves to others will only make them feel more depressed.

They judge those around them.

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It’s easy to be accepting of other people’s quirks and mistakes when life feels smooth and easy. Unfulfilled men will judge that one friend who is always accidentally fifteen minutes late, or they’ll find themselves thinking harshly about a co-worker for no real reason.

They dwell and ruminate on the past.

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While it would be awesome if only good memories played on a loop in our brains, of course that’s not how it works. Men who feel stagnant in their lives will find it hard to stop thinking about that one awkward first date or the worst job interview they’ve ever had. Getting stuck in the past won’t help anyone move forward, but it’s tricky to get out of the mindest that maybe they could have done things differently and they would be happier now.

They’re closed off to opportunities.

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It may sound corny, but no one can predict the future and that can be cool. Opportunities are everywhere. That random conversation at a bar could lead to a lasting relationship. A connection through a work friend could lead to an amazing new job. But when someone feels unfulfilled, they won’t be open-minded and they will focus too much on themselves to see what’s possible.

They view everything through a negative lens.

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People who are fulfilled know that life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, but there’s a difference between being a cynic and being a realist who feels optimistic about many things. If a man can’t find fulfillment, he’s going to be incredibly negative.

They have trouble sleeping and relaxing.

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A good night’s rest and a weekend without even thinking about work are hard enough to accomplish at the best of times. Men who find themselves feeling like their life should have more to offer them than it does could develop insomnia and could also have trouble unplugging and relaxing.

They scroll social media too much.

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We all love seeing perfectly curated food photos on Instagram and keeping up with news online. However, there’s definitely such a thing as too much social media. Men who aren’t fulfilled are going to end up on their phones just mindlessly scrolling, whether as soon as they wake up in the morning or late at night (or both!). We’ve all been there, but it can be a tough habit to break, especially when someone already feels “blah” about their life.

They overspend.

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Men who aren’t fulfilled are going to spend money without a second thought. They might forgo their typical monthly budget, or think that there isn’t any point in saving like they usually do. Whether they’re in a relationship or single, this will definitely cause some headaches.

They have too much pride to ask for help or advice.

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Men who don’t feel that their lives are going in the right direction aren’t going to ask others for advice or wisdom, but hopefully, if a friend, family member, or partner notices that they seem to be feeling down and starts a conversation, they might make some changes and start feeling better.

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