17 Phrases Only Authentic People Use

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Meeting someone genuine in a world of pretenses and fake fronts is like breathing fresh air. But how can you tell if they’re truly authentic? Psychology reveals that authentic people have a unique way of expressing themselves. Their phrases mirror their true selves, conveying honesty, sincerity, and integrity. So, if you’re wondering if someone’s authentic, these phrases can be a telltale sign.

1. “I’m sorry.”

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Most people find it difficult to admit their mistakes, as it requires swallowing their pride. However, admitting mistakes is a vital part of being authentic.  Authentic people aren’t afraid to admit their mistakes because they know the importance of a heartfelt apology when they’ve hurt someone. When someone says, “I’m sorry,” it’s not just about fixing a mistake. It also helps to strengthen trust and respect. It proves that a person is genuine and values connections more than perfection.

2. “I’m here for you.”

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Authentic people understand the importance of being there for others in need. The phrase “I’m here for you” is one sign that a person is genuine, reliable, supportive, and present when you need them the most. Despite dealing with their problems or having a lot going on, they still find time to help the people they love. They listen when you need to talk, hug you when you’re sad, and stick with you when you need them most.

3. “Let’s agree to disagree.”

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Authentic people are usually open-minded and respect everyone’s different opinions.  They understand it’s okay to have different views without starting fights and keep the friendship alive. If someone tells you,  “Let’s agree to disagree…”  It shows they’re willing to maintain respect, even if they disagree, putting the relationship first instead of insisting on being right. It also shows they can handle tough talks with maturity. This proves they’re genuine.

4. “You can do better.”

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Authentic people aren’t afraid to tell you, “You can do better.” They believe in those in their circle and don’t hesitate to push them towards their full potential. This phrase might seem harsh to some, but for authentic people, it’s a way of showing tough love. They understand that sometimes a push is needed to step out of your comfort zone. However, they’re not overly critical; they see greatness in others even when they can’t see it in themselves.

5. “That’s hilarious!”

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Authentic people love saying, “That’s hilarious!” This might seem unimportant or even silly to some people, but it’s just another way of being honest. They genuinely enjoy humor and aren’t afraid to show it. They don’t hide their joy or hold back their giggles. If something is funny, they’ll laugh wholeheartedly and tell you they find it hilarious. Refreshing.

6. “I need some time to think about this.”

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Nowadays, people want fast answers and quick decisions. But sometimes, it’s better to pause and think things over carefully. Authentic people know when to take a moment to mull things over. They don’t rush to make important decisions about serious matters. They don’t mean to make others wait, but they respect everyone involved and know it’s better to think carefully before responding and to have a clear action plan.

7. “How are you doing?”

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Authentic people frequently ask, “How are you doing?” When most people just say, “I’m fine,” a genuine person wants to know more than just the basic answer. They care about others and want to know how they feel. They’re not asking just to be polite or converse; they genuinely want to know. This might feel like prying or too personal to some, but to genuine people, it’s simply about being caring and understanding. They know everyone has ups and downs and want to celebrate the highs and lend a hand through the lows.

8. “What do you think?”

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Genuine people don’t just want to talk about their ideas; they also want to listen to others’ thoughts. They’re open to seeing things from different angles and learning new things. Being genuine means respecting others’ viewpoints. That’s why they’re always eager to ask, “What do you think?”

9. “I appreciate you.”

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Genuine people quickly see the good in others and say thanks for it. “I appreciate you…” is a special phrase they use often. It’s not just about saying thanks for what someone does but also about showing how much they really admire them. It is also their way of sincerely saying how much the other person means to them. It’s not just talking; it’s showing genuine love and respect.

10. “I’ve been there.”

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A clear sign of an authentic person is when they say, “I’ve been there.” They don’t say it to make it about themselves but to understand and connect more deeply. We’ve all been through tough times and happy moments. Genuine people get this shared human experience and aren’t scared to talk about their trials to connect with others. Rather than giving advice without being asked or trying to solve everything, they just acknowledge the other person’s feelings and show understanding.

11. “I don’t know.”

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Genuine people are not scared to admit when they don’t have all the answers. They know it’s impossible to know everything and feel okay saying they’re unsure about certain things. Being authentic means telling the truth, even about what you don’t know, rather than acting like you know everything.

12. “You matter to me.”

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This phrase is sincere and impactful. It tells the person in trouble that you genuinely care about them and their feelings. It shows that you value your relationship and are concerned about their well-being. Furthermore, it eases any guilt or worry about burdening others. It lets them know that their issues aren’t causing any trouble or inconvenience—you want to help because this person means something to you.

13. “I don’t care if everyone else is doing it.”

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This phrase takes a lot of courage to say, but authentic people say it often. They’re not stubborn but have a strong sense of knowing who they are. Choosing not to go along with everyone else boils down to sticking to what you believe in and what matters to you. It shows you’re dedicated to your principles, even when other people or popular trends try to sway you.

14. “I believe in you.”

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Authentic people have a unique way of seeing and bringing out the good in others. They’re there to support and lift people, like cheerleaders. When said genuinely, this phrase can change someone’s life. It’s a solid way to show you believe in them and offer your trust and support. It can lift their spirits and make them feel more motivated and confident. If someone says, “I believe in you,” they see your potential and want you to succeed.

15. “Take all the time you need.”

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When a friend is going through a tough time, wishing they could feel better immediately is normal. But healing needs time. Authentic people understand this and often tell their hurting friends, “Take all the time you need.” This phrase lets the person going through a tough time take things as they come without feeling like they need to hurry up and “get over it.” It respects their unique way of healing and understands there’s no specific time frame for when they should start feeling better. What’s important is it shows them you’re in it for the long run, offering support and comfort for as long as they require.

16. “I need help.”

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Authentic people know what they can and can’t do and are not afraid to ask for help when needed. They believe in teamwork and working together to get things done. They’re not afraid to say, “I need help.” It’s not about being weak; it shows they know themselves well and respect others’ skills. They’re open to new ideas, which shows they’re real.

17. “It’s okay to feel this way.”

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Authentic people who understand emotions often comfort their friends by saying, “It’s okay to feel this way.”  This simple phrase tells their friends that it’s not shameful to talk about what they’re going through. By recognizing and confirming their feelings, they’re helping their friend deal with the tough situation better. It’s not about pushing them to focus on the bad stuff but about giving them space to understand and handle their emotions.

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