16 Ways Intuitive People Make Decisions Differently

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If you’re someone who trusts your gut feelings just as much as your brain, you might be highly intuitive. This isn’t magic! It’s about picking up on little details that everyone else misses, and your subconscious processing them faster than your conscious mind can. If this sounds like you, here’s how this affects your approach to making decisions.

1. You struggle to explain your thought process because it feels more like a “vibe” than logic.

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Highly intuitive people just know things sometimes, but when asked why that is, it’s hard to put into words. It’s a culmination of small observations, body language, and past experiences. Your brain’s done the analysis subconsciously, leaving you just with the conclusion. It’s actually kinda cool how it works.

2. You sometimes make quick decisions that other people would spend ages thinking about.

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If a situation feels good, you’re ready to move on it fast. Overthinking can muddy the waters, making that initial gut feeling less clear. This can seem impulsive to more logic-driven people, but for you, hesitation can lead to missing out. As Verywell Mind points out, people who follow their intuition are more likely to make the right decision, so don’t feel bad about it!

3. You get frustrated when people want a pros and cons list to justify a decision you just “know” is right.

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Spreadsheets don’t capture the emotional nuance intuitive types factor in. It’s not that you ignore facts, but they’re weighed against less tangible things, creating a holistic picture that’s internally clear, but hard to translate externally.

4. You’ve been told you’re “too sensitive” or that you “overthink everything.”

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False! Highly sensitive people pick up on subtle cues. You notice the flicker of doubt on someone’s face, or the slight off-vibe of a place. Other people might dismiss these, but your intuition gives them weight. This is valuable data, not a character flaw.

5. You feel drained after too much analysis, or being around people who overcomplicate things.

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For you, the simplest solution is often the best. Your intuition guides you to the heart of the matter quickly, so you don’t really see the point of sitting around overanalyzing. When you’re forced into endless group brainstorming or having to revisit settled decisions, it’s exhausting.

6. You’re willing to walk away from something that looks “good on paper” if it feels wrong in your gut.

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Whether it’s an opportunity, the perfect job offer, or a great apartment, it doesn’t matter if that inner alarm bell is going off. Forcing it usually leads to regret. Even if you can’t pinpoint the reason, your intuition is warning you about a catch you haven’t consciously identified yet.

7. You’re a good judge of character, and pick up on dishonesty quickly.

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Whether it’s a dodgy used car salesman or a date whose stories don’t add up, something will feel slightly off. You notice inconsistencies most people don’t even pay attention to. That misalignment between words and subtle nonverbal cues sets off your internal radar.

8. You crave time alone to recharge and process information.

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Being highly sensitive to the world around you is tiring! Alone time lets your intuition sift through everything it picked up. Answers or decisions that felt murky before suddenly become clear after some quiet reflection, PsychCentral explains.

9. You have a hard time making decisions when you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed.

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Intuition works best when your system isn’t flooded with cortisol. Stress creates mental static that makes it hard to hear that quiet inner voice. Self-care and managing anxiety are crucial for intuitive people to access their strongest decision-making skills.

10. Despite being intuitive, you occasionally make a wrong call, and that throws you for a loop.

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Intuition isn’t foolproof! Sometimes it’s misinterpreting old fears, or you get attached to a specific outcome and miss the warning signs. Mistaking “wanting it badly” for a strong intuitive “yes” is a common trap. Be kind to yourself when this happens – it’s a learning opportunity.

11. You often know how a situation will turn out long before most people do.

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Your pattern recognition skills are strong. You see where things are headed,  or the potential fallout of a choice, even if everyone else is still naively optimistic. Sadly, this can be frustrating when you try to warn someone and they think you’re being negative.

12. You’re drawn to creative outlets since they allow you to express things that can’t be put into words.

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Art, writing, and/or music become outlets for processing your deepest thoughts and feelings, and they help you interpret those intuitive feelings into something tangible. Creativity is a form of problem-solving for intuitive people, and often fuels clarity in other areas of life!

13. You’re more likely to follow inspiration than to stick to a rigid plan.

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Intuitive people thrive on a bit of flexibility. When a detour feels right, you’re brave enough to take the exit ramp of the mapped-out route. This can lead to amazing discoveries, but it helps to have a basic structure in place as a safety net.

14. You’re highly perceptive to both positive and negative energy in your environment.

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A beautiful space can lift your mood instantly, while a cluttered or hostile environment drags you down. You notice things like lighting, smell, the emotional state of people around you – these all factor heavily into your sense of well-being, far more so than less intuitive types.

15. You experience “somatic feelings” as part of your decision-making process.

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Anxiety might make your stomach tighten. Excitement creates a fluttery sensation, and intuition often speaks through body sensations as much as mental flashes of insight, AACAP notes. Learning to recognize what different physical cues mean for you is key.

16. You sometimes struggle to trust your intuition if past decisions based on it didn’t turn out well.

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Doubt is normal after a bad call, but don’t let it shut down your intuition entirely. Analyze: was it a genuine misfire, or did you ignore the warning signs and force the outcome you wanted? Learning to discern the difference rebuilds your confidence in this skill.

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