18 Magic Phrases To Make Anyone Trust You

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We all want to be liked and trusted in life — it makes life way smoother! While there’s no foolproof way to hack human nature, there are certain phrases that tap into psychology, making someone more receptive and trusting towards you. Here are some of the phrases to include in your vocabulary to draw people to you.

1. “I need your help.”

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This seemingly simple phrase is powerful! Asking for help signals vulnerability and makes others feel valued for their expertise. Plus, doing a favor for someone bonds you to them – it’s the “Benjamin Franklin effect,” oddly enough! Don’t exploit this, but asking genuinely for advice or a small favor creates a sense of goodwill.

2. “You were right.”

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Nobody likes a know-it-all. Admitting when someone else was right, even on a minor thing, shows humility and that you value their opinion. This builds trust far quicker than stubbornly insisting you know best, even when deep down, you realize you didn’t.

3. “What do you think?”

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Asking for someone’s input makes them feel heard and respected. This is especially powerful when facing a decision, whether personal or professional. Even if you don’t end up following their advice, involving them in the process shows you value their perspective and builds trust.

4. “I trust your judgment.”

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This conveys faith in a person’s abilities. It empowers them, and in turn, makes them more likely to extend that same trust back to you. Use this phrase sparingly and sincerely though – flattery gets sniffed out a mile away.

5. “I’m not sure, how would you handle this?”

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This couples asking for help (see point 1!) with actively showing respect for their approach. You’re not just looking for a solution, but specifically wanting to learn from them. This makes the person feel both valued and seen as a source of knowledge.

6. “I understand where you’re coming from.”

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Empathy is key to building trust. Even if you disagree with someone, acknowledging their perspective makes them feel heard. This diffuses tension and opens the door for a more productive conversation. It doesn’t mean giving in, but finding common ground before moving forward.

7. “Let me see if there’s anything I can do.”

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Offering help, even tentatively, signals that you’re their ally. You may not have the solution immediately, but the willingness to try on their behalf goes a long way. This is especially effective in situations where someone feels stuck or helpless.

8. “I’ll keep you updated.”

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Reliability builds trust. This phrase shows that you value their time and won’t leave them hanging. Whether it’s promising a follow-up email after a meeting or keeping them informed about a project’s progress, living up to this promise builds up your credibility in their eyes.

9. “How can I make this better?”

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This simple question shows a willingness to grow and improve. It signals that you’re not defensive about your work and that you genuinely care about the outcome. Plus, it gives the other person a chance to feel involved and invested – a win-win for building trust.

10. “You can count on me.”

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Follow-through is everything. If you say you’ll do something, do it! This simple phrase conveys dependability, which is a cornerstone of trust. People trust those who consistently deliver on their promises, no matter how big or small.

11. “I made a mistake.”

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Owning up to mistakes is a sign of integrity. Trying to cover up or deflect blame erodes trust. A sincere apology, accompanied by a plan to do better next time, shows that you’re honest and willing to be accountable.

12. “Thank you.”

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Gratitude seems basic, but it’s shockingly underused. Thank people for their time, their help, and even just for being themselves. Genuine appreciation makes people feel good, strengthening your bond and building a foundation of positive interactions that lead to trust, Psychology Today explains.

13. Use their name.

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This isn’t a phrase per se, but it’s powerful. Our names are core to our identity; hearing it from others feels validating and creates connection. Sprinkle their name into conversation (without being weird about it!) to build rapport.

14. “I remember you mentioned…”

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Recalling details someone shared earlier shows you were actively listening and that you care. This makes people feel seen and valued, which encourages them to share more openly and, in turn, trust you more.

15. “Would you be open to…” or “Is there anything I can do to…”

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Instead of making bold promises, use open-ended questions like these. You’re demonstrating willingness to help without overstepping or making commitments you can’t keep. This balance shows consideration and builds trust slowly and naturally.

16. “That sounds tough.” or “That must’ve been frustrating.”

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Simple empathy goes a long way. When someone’s venting or going through something difficult, validate their feelings. Trying to fix things immediately is less important than just being present and showing that you get it. This fosters trust far more than forced optimism.

17. “I won’t share this with anyone else.”

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Discretion is paramount for trust. When someone confides in you, making it clear that their information is safe with you builds immense trust. This applies to seemingly small things too – a piece of gossip entrusted, a private opinion someone shared… keep it locked down.

18. [Silence]

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Okay, this one’s weird, but hear me out! Sometimes, the most powerful “phrase” is simply silence. Giving someone space to share without interrupting, rushing to fill the quiet… it lets them feel truly heard. This level of active listening builds trust deeper than a lot of words could.

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