Essential Skills Every Man Should Know To Be A Better Communicator

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Men and women bring different skills to a relationship, but it’s women who are usually considered the better communicators. While both have things they could work on, men can definitely develop skills to be better at sharing their thoughts and feelings and resolving conflicts. When there is good communication on both sides of a relationship, the chances of success are increased. Here are some tips guys can use for doing just that.

1. Be a good listener.

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If a man wants to hone his communication skills, one characteristic he needs to develop is attentiveness. When a man listens to his partner, he makes it easier for that connection to continue to build between them. He also ensures that she feels he truly understands her, which is essential in a good relationship.

2. Be concise with your words.

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In a relationship, both men and women need to be able to convey how they’re feeling, no matter how small or trivial. If a man wants to better his relationship and develop his communication skills, he needs to work on being clear and to the point. The more direct you are with what you’re trying to say, the easier it will be to communicate.

3. Learn to be an empathetic communicator.

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When communicating, it’s important to be empathetic with the person you’re communicating with. If they’re going through a tough time or have something that they need to confide in you, make sure that you convey empathy and offer sympathy where appropriate. Showing others that you care about them through your communication helps build trust.

4. Develop confidence.

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Communication is one of the most essential skills in a relationship, but it can also be challenging. Communicating your most vulnerable side to your partner and others requires strength and boldness. The more confident you are in sharing, the easier it will be.

5. Learn to be friendly.

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Many facets of communication go beyond the words you’re trying to convey. Body language and tone are just as important, which is why it pays to learn how to have a warm tone when communicating. Whether talking to your partner about what you’re having for dinner tonight or breaking some bad news, doing so in a pleasant tone makes you a better communicator and increases their trust in you.

6. Develop your observation skills.

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Communication isn’t just about talking — it’s about observing, too. Being able to pick up on people’s body language and tone when communicating with them is essential, as it helps you develop a sense of how to communicate with them. When you read the room like this with your partner, you can assimilate your communication based on their needs.

7. Learn to be appreciative.

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You might be so stuck in your ability — or lack of — to communicate that you need to remember to praise your partner’s ability to do so. It takes two to communicate well, and two to validate the other.

8. Learn how to be polite.

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Like developing a friendly and warm tone with your partner and others, learning how to communicate affably is essential. When you’ve been in a relationship for a long time, you can get comfortable with the other person and often forget to be polite to them. Holding yourself to a higher standard with communication ensures successful conversations.

9. Make sure that you’re genuine.

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Alongside communication, honesty is a hallmark of a good relationship. You can only have good communication in a relationship with honesty. Try to be authentic and honest every time you speak. This allows your partner to feel vulnerable and safe with you.

10. Develop a good sense of judgment.

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A good communicator will learn to read the room. While this includes picking up on body language, it also means discerning whether it’s a good time to communicate what they need to. It might not always be the best time to talk about something heavy with your partner, and with good discernment, you can determine if you need to wait until later to do so.

11. Remember to be respectful.

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Good communication requires respect. You can be a good communicator in a relationship and not show courtesy to your partner. If you didn’t have respect, this would show through your words, tone, and body language. When you hold yourself to a higher standard and convey consideration, you can have open, vulnerable conversations.

12. Maintain consistency.

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The longer you’ve been with your partner, the more reliable you need to be in your communication with her. You might not have been so consistent initially, but now that you’re establishing a serious relationship with her, she needs you to communicate consistently. This way, she knows what to expect from you.

13. Learn how to be retentive.

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Whether you’re communicating with your partner or someone else, remembering your conversations is essential. Being retentive means remembering details about the person and previous conversations that you might have had. This lets you quickly pick up where you left off with them and prove reliable and consistent as a communicator.

14. Remember to be interested.

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A sign of good communication is attentiveness. When you communicate with someone, it’s important to show a genuine interest in them. Ask lots of questions and allow them plenty of time to respond without interruption. This way, they’ll feel heard and understood.

15. Learn how to be proactive.

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Being enthusiastic in how you communicate is especially important in a relationship. If something’s weighing on your mind, it’s better to beat your partner to the punch and discuss it with them. This way, you can avoid resentment and issues building up and maintain a closer relationship with them.

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