16 Things You Should Never Ever Say To Someone You’re Trying To Impress

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You really like the person you’ve met at a party, and you don’t want to miss your shot. But, stop and take a deep breath! Before you ramble off about your ex or how cute this person is, make sure you avoid saying these 16 things ’cause they’ll just make a bad impression.

1. “You’re so adorable, it’s insane.”

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The person’s eyes are driving you crazy or they have the cutest face you’ve ever seen. Keep it to yourself! Gushing about their appearance can make you seem desperate or like you’re trying to love-bomb them.

2. “My ex was crazy.”

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It’s a red flag if you mouth off about your ex and how terrible they were. For starters, this doesn’t demonstrate that you’re a catch who should’ve been treated better by your ex—it makes them wonder what you’re hiding. Also, why waste time talking about an ex you’re supposedly over?

3. “I got a promotion.”

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When your crush asks you about your job, there’s nothing wrong with sharing why you love it. But, bragging about your promotion or how much money you earn is going to make you seem arrogant.

4. “Just my luck!”
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While a bit of self-deprecating humor can break the tension and make you seem a bit more confident, it’s never a good idea to go to town with it. Instead of making you seem interesting, it tells the other person that you’re insecure and fishing for compliments.

5. “So, two men walk into a bar…”

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Telling jokes to make the other person laugh can be a good distraction from your nerves and encourage some bonding, but honestly? If you’re acting like a comedian hired for a party, like by turning every conversation into a laugh fest, it screams that you’re trying too hard.

6. “You’re hilarious!”

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Instead of cracking jokes, maybe you’re laughing super-hard at everything the person says to impress them. Cringe. This is just making you seem like a people pleaser who craves attention and tries way too hard to make others feel good. Besides, it hurts your cheeks!

7. “Can you help me with this?”

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Playing the duke or damsel in distress? Stop right now. Although asking the other person for help with something, like assisting you in finding your earring on the dance floor or changing a tire, increases the length of time you have with them, that’s all it does. It doesn’t make them feel special, and chances are they can see through to your real intentions.

8. “Can I get you a drink?”

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You might think being super-nice to the person will make you enter their good books, but be careful not to go overboard with the kindness. It drips with desperation.

9. “I’m out of your league.”

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You might think that doing the opposite of being nice to the person will make them notice you, but throwing harsh comments at them will just make them think you’re rude or insecure.

10. “I love your hair, but your t-shirt looks weird.”

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Another no-no when trying to impress someone is negging. This is when you give them a compliment and chase it with criticism. It’s meant to give you power by throwing them off a bit, but honestly? It’s childish!

11. “Oh, I love that too!”

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Pretending to like what the other person likes is never a good idea. While you might think this will help you bond, it’s a lie so it’s not going to help you build an authentic relationship.

12. “I’m wearing Louis Vuitton.”

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Don’t be someone who tries to make yourself seem more amazing by focusing on your appearance, like what you’re wearing. Dishing out your favorite brand names only makes you seem superficial.

13. “Here’s what you should do…”

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You might think that you’re offering help and support by telling the person how to solve their drama at work or patch things up with a friend. Hey, you’re being nice, right? Well, if you’re throwing out unsolicited advice, it comes across as arrogant and like you’re a know-it-all.

14. “Look at that person over there…”

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It’s never a good idea to try to get the person to like you by mocking or insulting someone else. The negativity is such a turn-off and they’ll wonder what you’re going to say behind their back later.

15. “What does that mean?”

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While there’s nothing wrong with asking for clarification when the other person’s talking about something that’s going over your head, you shouldn’t do it on purpose. There’s no need to dumb yourself down so they can educate you and get an ego boost from it. You’re worth more than that!

16. “Let’s take a selfie.”

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You might be tempted to whip out your phone and take a selfie with the person you’ve just met, but resist the temptation. It makes you seem like you’re desperate for attention from your online followers. And, it can also make the other person feel self-conscious or awkward. Not everyone’s addicted to their phone camera.

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