18 Phrases That Reveal Someone’s Holier-Than-Thou Attitude

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A holier-than-thou attitude isn’t always obvious. Sometimes, it’s subtle, hidden behind seemingly innocent phrases or behaviors. But those little clues can reveal a lot about someone’s mindset. Here are some common phrases that might indicate someone thinks they’re a bit superior to everyone else.

1. “I would never do that.”

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This phrase often comes up when someone is judging another person’s choices or actions. While it’s perfectly fine to have different values and preferences, using this phrase can imply that your way is the only right way and anyone who does things differently is somehow inferior. It shuts down conversation and understanding, replacing it with a sense of moral superiority, NPR warns.

2. “That’s so typical of them.”

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This dismissive phrase can be a subtle way of putting people down. It suggests that someone’s behavior is predictable and fits into a negative stereotype you’ve assigned to them. This attitude can be hurtful and prevents you from seeing people as complex individuals with their own unique experiences and motivations.

3. “I’m just being honest.”

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Honesty is important, but using this phrase as a shield for hurtful comments can reveal a lack of empathy and a disregard for other people’s feelings. It’s possible to be honest without being cruel or judgmental. Remember, the truth doesn’t always need to be spoken, especially if it’s only going to cause pain or damage a relationship.

4. “I’m not judging, but…”

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This classic phrase is often followed by a judgmental statement. It’s a way of trying to distance yourself from your own biases, but it rarely works. If you feel the need to say this, it might be a sign that you’re about to make a comment that could be perceived as critical or disapproving. Instead of focusing on other people’s flaws, try to approach situations with curiosity and understanding.

5. “I already knew that.”

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This phrase can be a subtle way of dismissing someone else’s knowledge or expertise. It implies that you’re already superior in that particular area and don’t need to learn anything new from them. This attitude can stifle learning and growth, as it prevents you from being open to new ideas and perspectives. Remember, everyone has something valuable to teach us, even if we think we already know it all.

6. “You just don’t get it.”

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This phrase can be used to shut down a conversation or dismiss someone’s point of view. It suggests that you have a superior understanding of the situation and that the other person is simply too ignorant or unintelligent to grasp it. This condescending attitude can be incredibly frustrating and alienating. Instead of assuming you’re the only one who understands, try to explain your perspective in a way that’s respectful and inviting of further discussion.

7. “Well, actually…”

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This phrase is often used to correct minor errors or provide unnecessary details. While it’s important to be accurate, using this phrase excessively can make you appear pedantic and eager to show off your knowledge. Instead of nitpicking every little thing, try to focus on the bigger picture and appreciate other people’s contributions. Remember, nobody’s perfect, and we all make mistakes from time to time.

8. “You should really…”

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This phrase can be a well-intentioned piece of advice, but it can also come across as condescending and controlling. It implies that you know what’s best for someone else and that they should follow your lead. Instead of dictating what other people should do, try to offer suggestions in a gentle and respectful way. Remember, everyone has the right to make their own choices, even if you don’t agree with them.

9. “I’m so blessed.”

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While gratitude is a wonderful quality, overusing this phrase can come across as bragging, especially if it’s accompanied by a smug tone or a comparison to people who are less fortunate. Instead of focusing on how blessed you are, try to express your gratitude in a more humble and genuine way. Remember, everyone has their own struggles and challenges, and it’s important to be mindful of that.

10. “I’m not like other people.”

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This phrase can be a way of setting yourself apart from the crowd, but it can also imply that you’re better than everyone else. It suggests that you’re unique and special, while everyone else is ordinary and mundane. This attitude can be alienating, per Healthline, and prevent you from forming meaningful connections with people. Instead of focusing on how different you are, try to embrace your similarities and celebrate the diversity of human experience.

11. “I don’t have time for drama.”

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While it’s healthy to avoid unnecessary conflict, using this phrase can be a way of dismissing other people’s feelings and experiences. It suggests that their problems are trivial and unworthy of your attention. This dismissive attitude can be hurtful and prevent you from building strong relationships based on empathy and understanding. Remember, everyone experiences drama from time to time, and it’s important to be supportive and understanding, even if you don’t want to get involved.

12. “I’m above all that.”

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This phrase can be a way of distancing yourself from behaviors or activities that you deem beneath you. While it’s important to have standards, using this phrase can come across as arrogant and judgmental. It suggests that you’re better than those who engage in those activities, even if they’re harmless or enjoyable. This attitude can prevent you from experiencing new things and connecting with people from different backgrounds. Remember, it’s okay to have different interests and values, but it’s important to respect people’s choices.

13. “I’m not perfect, but…”

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This phrase is often followed by a list of accomplishments or positive qualities. While it’s important to acknowledge your strengths, using this phrase can come across as humblebragging. It’s a way of trying to appear modest while still drawing attention to your achievements. Instead of downplaying your accomplishments, try to celebrate them with genuine humility and gratitude. Remember, everyone has flaws and imperfections, and it’s okay to admit them.

14. “I’m always right.”

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This phrase is a surefire sign of a holier-than-thou attitude. It suggests that you’re infallible and incapable of making mistakes. This kind of arrogance can be incredibly frustrating and alienating. Instead of clinging to the belief that you’re always right, try to be open to the possibility that you might be wrong. Remember, learning and growth come from being able to admit your mistakes and learn from them.

15. “You’re overreacting.”

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This phrase is often used to dismiss someone else’s emotions or concerns. It suggests that their feelings are invalid and that they’re being overly sensitive or dramatic. This dismissive attitude can be incredibly hurtful and damage relationships. Instead of minimizing someone else’s feelings, try to validate them and offer support. Remember, everyone has the right to feel their emotions, even if you don’t understand them.

16. “I’m just trying to help.”

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While this phrase can be well-intentioned, it can also be a way of justifying unsolicited advice or criticism. It suggests that you know what’s best for someone else, even if they haven’t asked for your help. This kind of behavior can be seen as intrusive and controlling. Instead of offering unsolicited advice, try to respect other people’s autonomy and only offer help when it’s requested.

17. “That’s not how we do things here.”

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This phrase can be a way of enforcing conformity and discouraging individuality. It suggests that there’s only one right way to do things, and anyone who deviates from that norm is somehow wrong or inferior. This kind of thinking can stifle creativity and innovation. Instead of adhering to rigid traditions, try to be open to new ideas and approaches. Remember, diversity is what makes life interesting.

18. “I’m disappointed in you.”

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This phrase can be a powerful tool for manipulation and control. It’s designed to make someone feel guilty and ashamed for not meeting your expectations. This kind of emotional manipulation can be incredibly damaging to relationships. Instead of expressing disappointment, try to communicate your feelings in a more constructive way. Focus on the behavior that you’re unhappy with, rather than attacking the person’s character.

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