18 Healthy Habits Of Mentally Strong People

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When you’re mentally strong, you have this sense of control over yourself that other people may not understand.

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You’re less likely to be manipulated, you know how to move through your emotions without getting lost in them or ignoring them, and you tend to be one of the people your friend group looks up to because you rarely seem to be phased by stress, which slides off your back like water off a duck. How can you tell if you’re a mentally strong person? Here are some signs.

1. They know when to ask for help.

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You may think a strong person wouldn’t need help, but everyone needs a helping hand occasionally. When a mentally strong person needs assistance in any part of their life, they’re not afraid to ask for help, and they won’t waste too much time trying something on their own that they already know they can’t do. They’re not time wasters, either.

2. They’re in charge of their power.

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Do you know how some people blame everyone else for how they feel? Not those who are mentally strong. They know that they’re the only ones who can affect how they feel, and that other people’s actions shouldn’t define their emotions.

3. They embrace change.

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Change is inevitable. Nothing stays the same. Mentally strong people know this, and they find ways to embrace change—yes, even the bad ones. They know that with time, they can and will adapt to whatever life throws at them.

4. They choose their battles wisely.

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When you have stronger mental acuity, you know what problems to give your energy to and which to let slide off your back. You walk through life with an attitude that you can change when needed. If someone did something harmful to you, you will stand up for yourself, but if you get cut off on the highway, you’re more likely to ignore what happened than cause a road rage incident because you know that’s energy that will be wasted, and you can’t get back.

5. They’re not people pleasers.

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People pleasers tend to be that way because they want to be accepted. Mentally strong people are less worried about fitting in because they know they will find the right people simply by being themselves. They will do what needs to get done, but they’re less likely to do extra just to get noticed.

6. They take risks sometimes.

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Mentally strong people aren’t afraid to take informed risks. They may not jump at something new immediately; instead, they may take some time to research. But if they think something sounds like a sure bet, they’ll take that risk knowing there’s a chance things won’t go the way they expect — the thing is, they prepare for the good and the bad ahead of time so it’s less of a blow.

7. They live in the present.

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Some people dwell on the past constantly, and those are not mentally strong people. Those with strong mental powers focus on the present. They know that what goes on now has a more significant effect on the future than what has already happened. They don’t have time to think about the glory days because they’re creating them now.

8. They take time out for self-care.

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Self-care is essential for becoming a strong person, both mentally and physically. If you’re not taking care of yourself, your mind included, how can you ensure you’re fit enough to endure life’s adventures? To achieve more mental strength through self-care, adopt habits like eating brain-healthy foods, meditating, learning new things, and challenging yourself.

9. They learn from their mistakes.

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Rather than dwelling in the things of the past, mentally strong people learn from the past — including the mistakes they made. They’re the types of people who do not repeat the same mistakes repeatedly because they took the time to see the lesson in what went wrong. They’ll focus more in the future on those things to ensure there are no repeats of what went wrong before.

10. They applaud other people’s wins.

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There’s no jealousy from you when you’re mentally strong because you want everyone to succeed. You can see when someone works hard and earns what they get because you’re just like them. When someone succeeds without putting the work in, you see that, too, but you don’t let it bother you. You keep doing what you do, knowing you have the drive and work ethic needed to succeed, too.

11. They see failure as a stepping stone.

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And, while success doesn’t always come quickly, you are aware enough of how the world works to see failure as not the end of something but the beginning of something new. Failure is a learning experience and another rung on the ladder for you. Instead of giving up, you keep trying in new and creative ways until you get what you want.

12. They find alone time refreshing.

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For some people, being alone is boring. For mentally strong folks, alone time is precious. They could sit in absolute silence and enjoy it immensely. They’re also pretty adequate at coming up with unique things to keep them busy, such as writing in a diary, reading a book, or partaking in a documentary.

13. They have firm boundaries.

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Boundaries are essential, and for some of us, they’re hard to uphold. For mentally tough individuals, boundaries are high on their priority list. Not only do they set firm boundaries, but they also make it a point not to stumble over other people’s boundaries. They’re not afraid to be assertive and let you know when you’re crossing the line.

14. They practice gratitude.

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An attitude of gratitude can take you a long way in life. When you’re being grateful and happy, it rubs off on the people around you. Plus, if you believe in the Law of Attraction, you know that what you think about comes to you — so if you’re focusing a strong mind on gratitude and bounty, you are bringing more good into your life.

15. They don’t feel entitled.

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Mentally strong people aren’t looking to have things handed to them — they like to earn the things they get. Entitlement is quite the buzzword these days, but these folks weren’t born with silver spoons in their mouths, and if they were, they spit them out a long time ago in search of something they could call their own without it being given to them freely. It’s not that they have something to prove, either. It’s just that they want to use their own merits to become successful.

16. They practice patience.

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Mentally strong people stress less than other people because they know good things take time. They have the patience to launch new businesses, earn funds the hard way, and take time to learn their skills to the fullest. They know that good things rarely happen overnight.

17. They’re emotionally intelligent.

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Strong mental abilities require emotional intelligence, Mental Health American notes. This means that you are in touch with your emotions. You don’t ignore them or brush them to the side. Instead, you embrace them and learn from them without getting lost in the emotions you’re feeling.

18. They set goals.

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Do you know how mentally strong people become successful? They set attainable goals. They’re the list makers and the calendar users. They strive to meet or beat their goals but know not to kick themselves when they fail to meet a deadline. Instead, they try harder the next day.

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