17 Unmistakable Signs You’re Dealing with Someone Who Lacks Basic Manners

Good manners make life easier for everyone, but sometimes courtesy flies right out the window. We’ve all been there — interrupting conversations (turns out, there’s a whole psychology behind it according to Verywell Mind), forgetting “please” and “thank you,” and maybe even a little accidental rudeness. But if you start to notice these habits creeping in, it’s time to seriously change your approach.

1. Talking Over People

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Cutting people off mid-sentence is like cutting in front of them in line. It’s just plain rude. Hold your tongue and let them get their thoughts out before jumping in with yours. Trust me, you’re missing out on a lot when you’re only focused on waiting for your turn to talk. Plus, interrupting all the time makes you come across like you think what you have to say is way more important than what anyone else has to contribute.

2. Ghosting

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Ditching in the middle of a conversation, whether you’re face-to-face or texting, is a weak move if you don’t explain why. If someone’s not your cup of tea, just say, “It was cool meeting you, but I don’t think we clicked.” It stings less than pulling a disappearing act. Ghosting leaves people hanging, feeling crappy and wondering what they did to deserve it. Sure, being direct can be a little awkward, but it’s way more honest and upfront than just bailing without a word.

3. Being Obsessed with Your Phone in Social Settings

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Constantly scrolling while others are talking is incredibly rude. If you’re expecting an urgent call, let people know. Otherwise, give those physically present with you your full attention. Zoning out on your phone signals to the people you’re with that they’re not important enough to warrant your focus.

4. PDA Overdrive

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A little affection in public is fine, but full-on make-out sessions is something nobody wants to witness. Respect people’s personal space and save the intense displays of passion for private moments. Forcing others to be an unwilling audience to your romance is just gross, and makes everyone in the vicinity uncomfortable.

5. Forgetting “Please” and “Thank you”

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A little politeness can make a big difference. If someone’s nice enough to do something for you, whether it’s a barista or a person holding the door, make sure to acknowledge it with a smile or a “thank you.” It shows you’re not above basic courtesy. Treating service workers like they’re beneath you is a surefire way to come across as having poor manners.

6. Chronic Lateness

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Leaving people hanging is just disrespectful, plain and simple. Sure, life can get in the way sometimes and being a little late is no biggie. But if you’re constantly the last one to show up, it’s time to get your act together and manage your time better. Always being late sends the message that you think your time matters more than everyone else’s. Not a good look, my friend.

7. Invading People’s Personal Space

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Ever feel the urge to jump in mid-conversation? Hold your horses! Letting people finish their thoughts isn’t just polite, it’s smart. You might miss a golden nugget of wisdom if you’re always waiting to talk. Not only is interrupting rude, it makes you seem like you’re not really listening and that your own ideas are the only ones that matter. Zip your lips.

8. Blasting Music Out Loud Instead of Wearing Headphones

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Blasting your music so loud that everyone else can hear it, or keeping your headphones on when talking to service workers is just obnoxious. It shows you couldn’t care less about how your behavior impacts the people around you. Using your headphones to create your own little bubble and ignore everyone else in public is a guaranteed way to seem rude and unapproachable. Nobody wants to be around someone who has no consideration for anyone else.

9. Oversharing With Strangers

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The cashier doesn’t need to hear about your medical problems, nor does your Uber driver want unsolicited relationship advice. Keep personal conversations with your actual friends. Remember, not everyone is your therapist, and most people don’t enjoy being emotionally dumped on by strangers. (According to the Huffington Post, there’s a whole psychology to oversharing, too!)

10. Having Zero Self-Awareness in Public

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Blocking aisles while staring at your phone, letting your kids run wild in restaurants… it all shows a lack of consideration for other people sharing the space. Be mindful of your surroundings and how your actions might disrupt the experience of everyone around you.

11. Littering

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Tossing your trash everywhere instead of finding a garbage can is just immature and disrespectful to everyone around you. The world isn’t your personal dumping ground, so pick up after yourself and quit expecting others to deal with your mess. Littering makes public spaces crappy for everyone and can really do a number on the environment. Grow up and find a trash can, it’s not that hard.

12. Not Letting People Off Public Transport

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Barging onto a bus or train before people have gotten off is a recipe for a grumpy commute. Wait your turn, let people exit, and everyone’s day will run a little smoother. Don’t be the reason the entire bus hates you before you’ve even found a seat. Not only is it rude, but this behavior can also cause unnecessary delays and potentially create safety issues.

13. Using (or Rather, Abusing) “Reply All”

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Hitting “reply all” on mass emails for your irrelevant question or opinion is incredibly annoying. Respect people’s inboxes and avoid clogging up email chains with contributions that don’t pertain to the entire group. Think twice before subjecting a hundred coworkers to your musings on the company lunch menu.

14. Giving Advice No One Wants or Asked For

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Nobody asked your opinion on their weight, parenting choices, or haircut. Unless someone specifically requests your input, keep those brilliant insights to yourself. Nobody enjoys being on the receiving end of random lectures about their life choices. It’s presumptuous and often comes across as judgmental, even if you have the best intentions.

15. Talking Loud in Quiet Places

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Some places are meant for peace and quiet so people can focus. Shattering that calm with your loud chatter is just inconsiderate. If you can’t keep it down, go find somewhere else to let loose and run your mouth. When you ignore the vibe of a space, you’re ruining it for everyone else who’s trying to use it for what it’s meant for. It’s not all about you, so show some respect.

16. Taking Seats Meant for People Who Actually Need Them

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Sprawling your bags on the seat next to you on a crowded bus, or claiming the accessibility seats when you don’t need them is selfish. Public transport is a shared space, be considerate of those who might genuinely need those seats more than you do. Denying a seat to someone who needs it is unkind and displays a blatant lack of empathy.

17. Leaving the Toilet Seat Up (Guys…)

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It takes literally two seconds to put it down. Leaving it up is unhygienic and risks middle-of-the-night mishaps for sleepy bathroom users. Put the seat down, it’s a simple gesture that shows respect for those you share a bathroom with. It’s a small but considerate act that can prevent accidents and unnecessary arguments.

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