17 Unconventional Reasons To Get Hitched

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We all know the usual reasons people get married — love, companionship, starting a family. But sometimes, the decision to tie the knot is sparked by less obvious factors. Whether it’s a practical consideration or a quirky desire, here are some unexpected reasons people decide to say “I do.”

1. You want to throw an epic party.

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Let’s be honest, who doesn’t love a good party? Weddings are the ultimate excuse to gather all your loved ones, dress up in your finest attire, and dance the night away. If you’ve always dreamed of planning a grand celebration and being the center of attention, getting married might be the perfect opportunity to make it happen. Plus, you get to enjoy delicious food, fun activities, and create unforgettable memories with the people you cherish most.

2. You’re tired of being asked, “When are you getting married?”

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Ah, the dreaded question that seems to haunt every single person over a certain age. If you’re tired of fielding inquiries about your relationship status and deflecting questions about your future plans, getting married might seem like an appealing way to silence the naysayers. While it’s not the most romantic reason, it can certainly bring a sense of relief and put an end to those awkward conversations.

3. You crave stability and routine.

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Some people thrive on spontaneity and adventure, while others find comfort in stability and routine, Psychology Today notes. If you’re the latter, marriage might offer the structure and predictability you crave. Sharing a home, building a life together, and creating daily rituals can provide a sense of security and grounding that can be immensely satisfying.

4. You want to combine your finances.

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While not the most romantic motivation, combining finances can be a practical and beneficial reason to get married. Joint accounts, shared expenses, and combined financial goals can simplify money management and potentially offer tax benefits. Plus, pooling your resources can make it easier to achieve shared dreams, like buying a house or traveling the world together.

5. You want to make a political statement.

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For some couples, marriage is a way to make a political statement or advocate for social change. It can be a powerful symbol of love, equality, and commitment, especially in communities where marriage rights have been hard-fought. By getting married, you can stand up for your beliefs, celebrate your love, and contribute to a more inclusive and accepting society.

6. You’re ready to adopt a pet together.

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Pets can bring immense joy and companionship to our lives. If you and your partner have been dreaming of adding a furry friend to your family, getting married might seem like the perfect next step. It can signify a deeper level of commitment and create a sense of shared responsibility for your new pet’s well-being. Plus, who doesn’t want to see their pet dressed up as a ring bearer or flower girl?

7. You want to change your name.

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Changing your name can be a significant decision, often associated with marriage. Whether you want to adopt your partner’s last name, hyphenate your names, or create an entirely new surname, getting married can provide the legal framework and social acceptance to make that change official. It can be a way to express your unity as a couple and create a shared identity.

8. You want to travel the world together.

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Traveling as a married couple can offer unique advantages, such as easier visa applications, shared travel insurance, and potentially lower accommodation costs. It can also create a sense of adventure and shared experience as you explore new cultures, create lasting memories, and navigate the world hand in hand with your partner.

9. You want to gain access to certain benefits or privileges.

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Marriage can open doors to various benefits and privileges, such as spousal health insurance, inheritance rights, and decision-making power in medical emergencies. For some couples, these practical considerations can play a significant role in their decision to get married, especially if one partner has access to superior benefits or if they anticipate future healthcare needs.

10. You’re tired of dating and want to settle down.

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The dating scene can be exhausting, filled with endless swiping, awkward first dates, and the constant search for “the one.” If you’re tired of the dating game and ready to settle down with someone you love and trust, marriage can offer a sense of permanence and commitment that’s hard to find elsewhere. It’s a way to say, “I’m done searching, I’ve found my person.”

11. You want to build a legacy together.

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Marriage can be a way to create a lasting legacy together. Whether it’s starting a family, building a business, or simply creating a home filled with love and laughter, getting married can solidify your commitment to a shared future, BetterHelp points out. It’s a way to say, “We’re in this together, for better or for worse.”

12. You want to prove your love to each other and the world.

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In a world where relationships can be fleeting and commitment can seem like a rarity, marriage can be a powerful way to prove your love to each other and the world. It’s a public declaration of your devotion, a promise to stand by each other’s side through thick and thin. For some couples, this public display of love is an essential part of their relationship journey.

13. You want to experience personal growth and transformation.

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Marriage isn’t always easy, but it can be an incredible catalyst for personal growth and transformation. It challenges you to compromise, communicate effectively, and navigate the ups and downs of life together. It can push you out of your comfort zone, encourage you to confront your own flaws, and ultimately help you become a better version of yourself.

14. You want to create a sense of belonging and family.

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For people who feel disconnected from their biological family or who have always longed for a close-knit community, marriage can offer a sense of belonging and family. It creates a new family unit, a safe haven where you can feel loved, supported, and accepted for who you are. It’s a way to build your own tribe and create lasting bonds that extend beyond bloodlines.

15. You want to honor a religious or cultural tradition.

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For many people, marriage is a sacred ritual deeply rooted in religious or cultural traditions. It can be a way to honor their faith, connect with their heritage, and fulfill their spiritual obligations. By getting married, they are not only committing to their partner but also upholding the values and traditions that have shaped their lives.

16. You simply want to.

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Sometimes, the simplest reason is the most profound one. You may simply want to get married because it feels right. You love your partner, you cherish your relationship, and you want to take that next step together. There doesn’t need to be a complex explanation or hidden agenda. Sometimes, love is the only reason you need.

17. You’ve found your person, and you want to celebrate that.

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Finding your person, your soulmate, your partner in crime, is a rare and precious gift. And when you find that person, you want to celebrate them, honor them, and commit to them in the most meaningful way possible. Marriage can be that celebration, that expression of your love and commitment. It’s a way to say, “I choose you, and I’ll choose you every day for the rest of our lives.”

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