17 Things You Should Say to Your Partner Every Day

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In the whirlwind of everyday life, it’s easy to forget to slow down and truly connect with the person who means the most to us—our partner. Grand romantic gestures are great and all, but it’s the consistent, genuine expressions of love, appreciation, and support that really strengthen your bond. If you want to do that (and trust us, you do) here are 17 things you should say to your partner every single day.

1. “I’m listening.”

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The unfortunate truth about having a phone (and likely being addicted to it) is that we sometimes subconsciously shut out the world, and many partners feel the brunt of it. But giving your partner the gift of letting them know you’re fully present and engaged shows you care about their thoughts and feelings. 

2. “I’m in this with you.”

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Whether you’re talking about a win, a loss, or it’s a more general statement about life, everyone wants to be reassured that their person is not only along for the ride but an active participant in the team. It shows you’re fully committed to facing life’s challenges and celebrating happy times together, which creates a safe and secure environment for your relationship to thrive. 

3. “I’m proud of you.”

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Ever noticed how your partner is their own worst critic? Makes sense, we all are and it can be really hard to pat yourself on the back amidst the small wins. That’s why, it’s important for you to acknowledge and take real pride in your partner’s accomplishments—big and small. It shows that you’re paying attention, that you’re cheering them on, and that you have their back. 

​4. “You look amazing today.”

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Feel free to play around with this one and get more specific—whether it’s your partner’s outfit, how they did their hair, or just their general being makes you melt, complimenting your partner in the little, everyday moments is an important thing. It shows your partner that you find them attractive and notice them, even if they don’t always notice themselves. 

5. “I trust you.”

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We all know by now that trust is one of the most important things when it comes to building a healthy relationship. You can say this in a specific situation, like when you’re giving your partner the floor to make a decision for the two of you or it can be more general, just a nice reminder that you have unwavering faith in them. Either way, affirming your faith in your partner is a security-builder. 

6. “Thank you for…”

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Chances are, you’ve probably gone a day or more without thanking your partner for the specific things they do. Sure, some of that gratitude is unspoken, but there’s also a specialness to pointing out specific things that you’re thankful for. Maybe your partner helped you get out the door when you were rushing or they were a sounding board for your work issue—whatever it is, calling it out can mean the world.

7. “You make me laugh.”

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What’s a relationship for if not to have someone to giggle with? It can be easy to forget this in the day-to-day monotony of adult responsibilities, but letting your partner know how much they brighten your day is a nice thing to hear. It shows them that you appreciate their silly, authentic side. 

8. “You make me feel safe.”

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Sure, you might think that this is a given—while it might be, that doesn’t mean your partner likes hearing it any less. It reminds your partner that you trust them to provide a sense of safety and comfort for you and your unique needs. Who doesn’t want their partner to know they feel that way? 

9. “I love our life together.”

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It can be easy to forget about the magic of your relationships amidst the mundanity. That’s why it’s important to take a moment to reflect and be present so you can appreciate the life you’ve cultivated with your partner. Even on the days that are hard, boring, or kinda “meh,” you’re reminding them that you wouldn’t want to do life with anyone else. 

10. “I’m here for you.”

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We can all agree that one of the best parts about being in a relationship is knowing that you have a ride-or-die by your side. What’s even better is hearing your partner consistently tell you that they’ve got your back. Whether they need you to be a shoulder to cry on or help with solutions, your partner will be grateful for your undying support. 

11. “I love you.”

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We know it’s kind of obvious, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be saying this to your partner (at least) once a day. We’re not just talking about throwing it around as your partner is running out the door (though please still do that) we’re talking about the intentional “I love you.” The one where you hold your partner’s hand or look in their eyes and express how you feel. 

12. “You make me a better person.”

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Who wouldn’t want to hear this? Letting your partner know that they’ve impacted and influenced your life for the better is a great way to slow down and practice gratitude for your person. It doesn’t they’ve done it, all that matters is that you’re affirming your partner’s worth and the value they bring to your world. 

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13. “I appreciate the little things you do.”

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Your partner shows up for you in so many small ways—like refilling your glass of water without you asking, making your favorite snack after a hard day, or reminding you to take your pills. It’s easy to take these things for granted when they’re expected, but acknowledging how much these little gestures add to your life is so important. 

14. “I appreciate you.”

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It’s so simple but making your partner feel seen and valued should be a daily practice. Whether it’s after they’ve done something to help around the house or you just appreciate them for being them, make letting them know how much they mean to you a habit. 

15. “I love spending time with you.”

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When you say this to your partner, you saying way more than just you like being around them. It communicates that you’re not just tolerating your time together, but that you actively look forward to it and savor it. Your partner isn’t just someone you have to make room for in your busy schedule—they’re a priority and your source of comfort. 

16. “I believe in you.”

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You’re not just offering empty platitudes, you’re sending the message that you see your partner’s potential, even when they may be struggling to see it themselves. It’s a recognition that they have the inner strength and capacity to overcome anything and achieve everything they set out to do. 

17. “I love talking to you.”

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It can be easy for couples to lose touch with being fully present with one another. That’s why telling your partner “I love talking to you” is huge, it’s a recognition of the unique connection that lets you slow down, tune out the noise, and enjoy each other’s company.

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