17 Things Women Do When They’re Falling In Love

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Love can turn even the most level-headed woman into a giddy, starry-eyed schoolgirl. But how can you tell when a woman is truly falling head over heels? While everyone’s experience of love is unique, some telltale signs often give it away—here are 17.

1. She suddenly becomes a texting fiend

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Gone are the days of waiting hours to reply. When a woman is falling in love, her phone practically becomes an extension of her hand. She’s constantly checking for messages from her crush and firing back responses at lightning speed. It’s almost like she knows when that certain someone is about to text.

2. The smallest things remind her of him

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You know that feeling when everything somehow circles back to one person? That’s love, baby. She might hear a song on the radio and immediately think, “Oh, he’d love this!” or spot his favorite snack at the grocery store and have to resist the urge to buy it for him.

3. She starts planning imaginary scenarios

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Daydreaming takes on a whole new level when love is in the air. Suddenly, she’s mentally rehearsing future dates, planning their hypothetical wedding, or even picking out names for their non-existent children. It’s not that she’s getting ahead of herself—her imagination is just working overtime to explore all the exciting possibilities.

4. Her friends can’t get her to shut up about him

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If her friends start rolling their eyes every time she mentions his name, it’s a dead giveaway. She just can’t help herself! Every conversation somehow loops back to her crush. Whether it’s retelling a funny story he shared or gushing about his latest accomplishment, he’s become her favorite topic of conversation.

5. She develops a sudden interest in his hobbies

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Never cared about football before? Now she’s glued to the TV every Sunday. Has zero interest in sci-fi movies? Suddenly she’s binge-watching Star Wars. When a woman is falling in love, she often finds herself genuinely curious about the things that light up her partner’s world.

6. Her body language speaks volumes

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Even if she’s trying to play it cool, her body often betrays her true feelings. She might find herself unconsciously mirroring his gestures, leaning in when he speaks, or finding excuses for innocent touches according to Marriage.com. Her body is magnetically drawn to his presence, even if her mind is trying to keep things casual.

7. She becomes a walking, talking ball of nervous energy

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Butterflies in the stomach aren’t just a cliché, they’re a real phenomenon. She stumbles over her words, laughs a little too loudly at his jokes, or finds herself fidgeting more than usual when he’s around. Sounds like her usual cool, collected self has taken a temporary vacation.

8. Her social media habits change

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Notice her posting more selfies than usual? Or maybe she’s suddenly very active in liking and commenting on his posts? When a woman is falling in love, her social media often reflects it. She might be subtly (or not so subtly) trying to catch his attention.

9. She starts dropping hints about the future

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Without even realizing it, she might start using “we” instead of “I” when talking about future plans. “We should try that new restaurant sometime” or “That would be a great place for us to vacation”—these little hints are her way of testing the waters and imagining a shared future.

10. Her self-care game gets stronger

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Love often inspires women to level up their self-care routines. Maybe she starts hitting the gym more regularly, treats herself to a new haircut, or experiments with new makeup looks. It’s not just about looking good for him, feeling love often makes women want to be the best version of themselves.

11. She becomes his biggest cheerleader

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When a woman is falling in love, she turns into her partner’s personal hype woman. She celebrates his wins as if they were her own, offers unwavering support during tough times, and fiercely defends him if anyone speaks ill of him. She’s joined his team and is determined to be the MVP.

12. Her productivity at work takes a hit (temporarily)

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It’s hard to focus on spreadsheets when you’re floating on cloud nine. She’ll daydream at her desk or check her phone more often than usual. Don’t worry, this phase usually passes once the initial love high settles down. According to the Huffington Post, this is a real phenomenon.

13. She starts “accidentally” leaving things at his place

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A sweater here, a toothbrush there…these “forgetful” moments are often subconscious attempts to integrate herself more into his life. It’s a subtle way of staking her claim and creating reasons to see him again.

14. Her emotional highs and lows become more intense

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Love can be a bit of an emotional rollercoaster. She’ll feel euphoric one moment and anxious the next. Every interaction carries more weight, and the stakes feel higher. It’s all part of the exhilarating (and sometimes nerve-wracking) journey of falling in love.

15. She develops a keen interest in his past

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As she falls deeper in love, she becomes genuinely curious about what shaped him into the person he is today. She might ask more questions about his childhood, past relationships, or formative experiences.

16. She starts envisioning how he’d fit into her world

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A woman falling in love often starts mentally integrating her partner into various aspects of her life. She imagines how he’d get along with her family, what he’d think of her favorite coffee shop, or how he’d fit in with her friend group. It’s a sign that she’s seriously considering him as a long-term fixture in her life.

17. She starts noticing “signs” everywhere

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Suddenly, every love song on the radio feels like it was written just for them. She spots heart-shaped clouds in the sky and finds lucky pennies on the sidewalk. When a woman is falling in love, the world often seems to be conspiring to reinforce her feelings.

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