17 Things Men Do When They’re Having A Midlife Crisis

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When men reach middle age, something happens. Their routine for the last twenty years looks monotonous and stale, and they start to crave new, exciting, and better. They might start to have existential thoughts about their mortality and make a mental list of all the things they want to do before they go. Here are some things that men tend to do when they’re going through a midlife crisis.

1. Refresh their style

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He’s had the same exact style for years, or even decades. However, during a midlife crisis, he suddenly switches things up. He goes from wearing pants, polo shirts, and dress shoes every day to sporting bright colors, tighter pants, and trendy sneakers that he’s never even shown interest in before.

2. Act younger than they are

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Maybe he’s always been a goofball — it’s something that people love about him. However, lately, he’s acting even more immature than usual. He loves to joke around with the kids and get on their level, but now it’s almost like he’s trying to fit in with people 10 or 20 years younger than him. He’s uploading more content to his Instagram, using “cool” words like “lit,” “that’s fire,” and “rizz,” and spends more time at clubs than bars when he goes out.

3. Think of things they regret

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We all have things we wish we had done differently, but if a man is going through a midlife crisis, you might notice that he’s started talking more about things in his past that he regrets. Maybe he’s mentioned how much he wishes he could go back and finish that last year of college that he skipped, take that job opportunity out of state that he was offered, or go on that fishing trip with all his buddies that he passed on a couple of years ago.

4. Upgrade their friends

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He’s probably had the same friend group he’s always had. They all met in college, and while they’ve all gone on to have families, get married, and start their careers, they’ve stayed close and regularly spent time together. Lately, though, he’s been talking about wanting to make friends outside of this group. He says that there are a couple of guys at work a bit younger than him who have just started, who he thinks he’d get along with really well.

5. Start working out

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As teenagers, men have the time and energy to look good and go to the gym. As they get older, things like family, job, and kids get in the way, and they often put working out on the back burner. However, during a midlife crisis, it’s not unusual for a man to suddenly decide to join the gym, getting up super early to pump some iron before heading to work. He’s even started snapping progress pics, leading the people in his life to wonder what’s sparked such a change.

6. Explore their spirituality

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He’s never been much of an existential thinker, preferring to leave that topic to others. Lately, though, it feels like he’s brought up the idea of spirituality more often than not. Maybe you’ve noticed him Googling topics like “God” and “What is Buddhism?” He’s maybe even mentioned that the whole family should go to church one of these Sundays.

7. Dye their hair

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When was the last time he dyed his hair, high school? Maybe he did it as a dare when he was a teenager. Since then, he’s kept it natural and hasn’t worried too much about what it looks like. Now, though, he’s starting to point out all the gray hairs he’s getting and mention that maybe he should think about dying it. Those grays are suddenly starting to bother him and wants to do something about them.

8. Quit their job

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As soon as he left college, he applied for a job related to his degree, and he’s been working for the same company ever since. It provided the family security and stability, and you couldn’t imagine him doing anything else. However, the last couple of weeks, he’s been talking about how over it he is right now and how much he thinks quitting is a good idea. He keeps thinking about that job offer he turned down and how much he’d love to explore that career avenue instead.

9. Change their diet

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When it comes to diet, he’s always been pretty predictable. While he’s got a couple of things that he refuses to eat, for the most part, you can put almost anything in front of him, and he’ll make quick work of it. If he’s experiencing a midlife crisis, however, he might have mentioned all the fitness influencers he’s following on Instagram and how much they inspire him. He’s mentioned wanting to try keto or paleo, citing all the supposed health benefits.

10. Shop impulsively

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When we get stuck in the same old life routine, we like to switch things up a little bit, and one way that people do this is by purchasing impulse items. You can tell when men are getting sick of their daily routine because they look for fulfillment in other areas of life. He likely buys expensive gadgets, fancy video game systems, or other purchase to try and quell the unrest he’s feeling inside.

11. Switch up their hairstyle

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He hasn’t dyed his hair or changed how he styles it in decades, and he’s always liked it that way. Maybe he’s always kept it short at the sides and swooped neatly on top. However, during a midlife crisis, he may start to spend more time in front of the mirror, playing around with different looks. He’s craving a change, and this is a great way to enact it.

12. Separate from their spouse

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While you understand that everyone gets sick of the same old routine at times, you might be little bit worried about what this midlife crisis means for your marriage. You have a couple in your friend group who are going through a similar thing— except the husband announced to everyone the other day at dinner that he’s leaving, and they’re getting a divorce. When men go through a midlife crisis, switching things up often includes bowing out of a stale marriage instead of getting help to repair it.

13. Seek adrenaline rushes

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Another thing that men do during a midlife crisis is tick things off their bucket lists. Most men create a list like this when they’re younger, intending to tick everything off before it’s too late. During a midlife crisis is the perfect time to bust it out and get moving on accomplishing the things on it, especially since they’re starting to feel the squeeze of time.

14. Talk about the past a lot

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When men experience a midlife crisis and regret past mistakes, they think back on the things they miss about their youth. They might talk about how much they miss being in college with all their friends or how they wish they could go back to the summer after high school, when everyone spent their days at the beach and their nights partying together.

15. Get depressed

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Both nurture and nature can contribute to poor mental health. A man might not have a history of depression, but lately, he’s been showing signs of it. He might not want to get up in the mornings, saying his drive to seize the day isn’t there. He doesn’t want to go out and socialize with friends, and he’s lost interest in his hobbies and keeps talking about how much he misses the good old days.

16. Distance themselves

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If a man is going through a midlife crisis, he might feel the changes are so significant that they’re driving a wedge between himself and his partner. Maybe you’ve noticed lately that he’s not as willing to talk about his feelings, doesn’t call you on the way home from work like he usually does, and is slow to reply to your texts. His midlife crisis is causing him to distance himself from you.

17. Buy a new car

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They’ve had their old faithful for years, and while they appreciate its reliability, they’re sick of the same old. They want something shiny and new to match their new hairstyle, clothes, and attitude. They aren’t as worried about function as they are about form — as long as it looks good and turns heads when driving it, they’re sold.

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