17 Signs You’re Dealing With A Moderate Narcissist

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Some people aren’t full-blown narcissists but definitely have those tendencies that drain your energy. While they’re not quite as bad as those with legitimate NPD, moderate narcissists can be just as toxic if you’re not careful. They’re harder to spot than the stereotypical ego-maniacs, but leave you feeling subtly off-balance, used, and exhausted in their presence. Here’s how to know when you’re dealing with one.

1. They’re never genuinely apologetic.

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A simple “I’m sorry” seems impossible for them. Even if they sort of acknowledge messing up, it’s a half-hearted attempt to placate you, not taking true responsibility. True apologies involve recognizing how their actions impacted you, Harvard Health explains, and this is where moderate narcissists struggle. It’s always subtly about them, subtly making excuses, or justifying their behavior somehow.

2. They do nice things, but with strings attached.

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Moderate narcissists aren’t stingy – they can be quite giving! The problem is, these acts of kindness often have a hidden agenda. They expect excessive praise, leverage those favors for future guilt-tripping, or use them to create a public image of being a saintly person. It’s less about genuine generosity and more about manipulation and controlling how others perceive them.

3. Conversations always circle back to them.

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You try venting about a bad day, but they subtly one-up your problems with something “worse” that happened to them. You share an accomplishment and they diminish it or find a way to talk about something similar they did, but better. Moderates are pros at hijacking conversations, always needing to be the center of attention, even in subtle ways.

4. They don’t truly celebrate your successes.

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Sure, they may manage a half-hearted “congrats,” but there’s an underlying vibe of competition or subtle envy. Your wins threaten their need to feel superior or special. They might change the subject quickly, belittle your achievement with a backhanded compliment, or find a way to make it about their struggles instead. Genuine friends beam when good things happen to you – a narcissist feels threatened.

5. They love to play the victim.

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Even when clearly in the wrong, they find a way to twist the narrative so all their problems are someone else’s fault. The world is unfair to them, they’re always the one getting mistreated, everyone’s out to get them…taking accountability? Not in their vocabulary! This constant victimized stance is designed to make you feel sorry for them, absolving them of responsibility and making any attempt to discuss issues nearly impossible.

6. They gaslight you in subtle ways.

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It’s not always blatant denial – moderate narcissists prefer subtle distortion of reality. They misremember conversations in their favor, exaggerate your flaws to make you question your sanity, or use guilt to deflect valid complaints. It leaves you subtly doubting yourself, questioning if maybe you are overreacting…even though deep down you know something’s wrong.

7. They’re obsessed with their social image.

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More than just liking nice things, a moderate narcissist’s identity is deeply tied to how others perceive them. They curate a meticulously crafted persona – the generous philanthropist, the loving parent, the successful career person… Criticism, even constructive, is seen as a serious threat. They need that external validation to mask deep insecurity, so anything that challenges their carefully crafted image is met with defensiveness or even rage.

8. They use guilt as a weapon to get their way.

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Moderate narcissists have mastered the guilt trip! They know your vulnerabilities, your deep need to be a good person, and they exploit it ruthlessly. Disagree with them? “After all I’ve done for you…” Set a healthy boundary? “I guess I’m just not good enough for you…” They make you feel responsible for their happiness, turning any attempt at self-preservation into a personal attack on them.

9. Criticism is their kryptonite.

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Even gentle feedback feels like a personal assault. They’re either hypersensitive, taking everything as an attack on their character, or they dismiss any criticism as jealousy or ignorance on your part. Constructive growth is impossible, because their fragile ego can’t handle the slightest implication that they might not be perfect.

10. They lack true empathy.

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They can fake it well – saying the “right” words when someone’s suffering, but it feels performative, not heartfelt. They struggle to put themselves in your shoes or understand how their behavior truly impacts others. Your tears might annoy them more than evoke compassion, and your struggles are primarily seen as an inconvenience to them. As Verywell Mind notes, this can cause a massive distance between you and make the relationship all but impossible to maintain.

11. They crave control in the relationship.

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Whether it’s friendships, a romantic partnership, or family dynamics, moderate narcissists want to be the ones in charge. Decision-making needs to run through them, they subtly undermine your independence, and might isolate you from other supportive relationships. This control can be disguised as “concern” or “just wanting the best for you,” but it’s all about keeping you under their thumb.

12. They give backhanded compliments.

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Praise from them stings more than it uplifts. They find ways to diminish your accomplishments while pretending to be supportive – “Great job for someone with so little experience,” or “You look so good…did you lose weight?” It keeps you insecure and grateful for their meager scraps of validation.

13. They’re hot and cold.

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One minute they’re charming, showering you with attention or praise, the next they go cold for reasons you can’t quite decipher. This unpredictability keeps you off-balance, walking on eggshells to regain their approval. It’s a control tactic, making you crave their validation and distracting you from their less-than-admirable qualities.

14. They rewrite history to paint themselves in a positive light.

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Conversations about the past are a minefield of confusion. They distort events, shifting blame onto you, so all their problematic behaviors become justifiable reactions to your “mistakes.” This rewriting of history makes you doubt your own memory and perception. It’s crazy-making at its finest!

15. They’ll rarely say “thank you.”

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This simple act of gratitude is missing from their vocabulary. Whether it’s a favor, emotional support, or just you being kind, a moderate narcissist has a deep sense of entitlement. Acknowledging your contribution would imply equality, and they can’t fathom a world where they’re not on a pedestal above everyone else.

16. They hate being ignored.

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The silent treatment is their weapon, but if you turn the tables, they crumble. Their whole sense of self is built on extracting validation from others. Being ignored makes them feel insignificant, which fuels their need to regain control. Expect desperate attempts to re-engage, whether it’s exaggerated apologies (which won’t last), guilt-tripping, or even aggression to get your attention – positive or negative, they don’t care.

17. You feel drained and unheard after every interaction.

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Being around a moderate narcissist is exhausting! Your own needs get minimized, your emotions brushed aside, your attempts at healthy confrontation shut down. You might feel confused, subtly manipulated, or just a lingering sense of unease that you can’t quite pinpoint. Listen to that gut feeling; it’s telling you something’s off about this dynamic.

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