17 Clever Phrases That Instantly Humble An Arrogant Person

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Dealing with an arrogant person can be exhausting. They firmly believe they’re the most important, and everything revolves around them. If you’re fed up with their boasting and want to bring them back down to earth, it’s time to come up with a clever response. Here are a few to try the next time you’re feeling fed up.

 1.” I value your perspective.”

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This saying is effective. When someone acts all superior, it’s usually because they’re not used to being questioned. When you say, “I value your perspective,” you’re not disagreeing directly with them, but you’re also not just agreeing with everything they say. It’s a calm way to say you agree with them while hinting that other perspectives, like yours, matter. This might help them see they don’t know everything and dial back their arrogance a bit.

 2. “We’re all in this together.”

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When someone acts arrogant, it’s often because they’re putting themselves above everyone else in their little world, Psychology Today explains. This phrase kindly tells them that we’re all connected somehow, reminding them they’re not alone. It’s about building a sense of community and unity. Remember, we’re all humans trying to figure out life as best we can. No one has all the answers, and nobody’s better than anyone else.

 3. “Respect is earned, not given.”

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This saying is a simple reminder for those who think they deserve respect because of who they are or what they’ve done. You can’t expect people to respect you just because you think you’re better. Respect isn’t something you give out easily; it’s something you earn through your actions and treatment of others.

 4.” It’s okay not to know everything”

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This saying is like a wake-up call for those who think they know everything. It’s okay to be unsure sometimes. We all have times when we don’t remember things. Nobody knows everything, and that’s okay. This can help avoid arguments in a talk with an arrogant person. It might even make them stop and see they don’t need to know everything. Admitting we don’t have all the answers feels pretty good. We’re all just learning as we go.

5.” Everyone makes mistakes”

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This phrase is a gentle reminder for anyone acting too proud. It’s true for everyone—nobody’s perfect, and we all mess up sometimes. This helps arrogant people remember that making mistakes is normal and helps us improve. It’s not about embarrassing them but reminding them we’re all human and make mistakes.

6.” How did you come to that conclusion?”

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There’s something about this phrase that’s both calming and interesting. When you ask an arrogant person, “How did you come to that conclusion?” you’re not directly saying they’re wrong. Instead, you’re asking them to explain how they reached their conclusion. This might make them think more about their viewpoint, sometimes making them more open-minded. It also shows that even if you disagree, you’re still keen on understanding where they’re coming from.

7.” I respect your confidence, but I see things differently”

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When you say, “I respect your confidence, but I see things differently,” you’re saying a few things. First, you acknowledge their confidence, which is okay. Second, you encourage discussion and respect by sharing your perspective without directly opposing theirs. This phrase ensures your voice is heard while keeping the conversation open.

8.” Your opinion is not my reality”

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Dealing with someone arrogant can be intimidating, but remember that their opinion isn’t necessarily the truth for you. Arrogance can make someone believe their opinions are always correct, creating a warped reality. But it’s vital to understand that their opinion doesn’t shape your reality. This brilliant phrase empowers you without starting a fight. It isn’t just a comeback; it’s a declaration of your confidence and refusal to be put down by arrogance.

9. “Thank you for sharing that. Here’s another perspective to consider.”

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This is one of the best phrases to use when dealing with an arrogant person. You can actually do a couple of things while using that phrase at once. You’re saying thanks for what they said, which can make them less arrogant. Secondly, it also shares your thoughts, but in a way that asks for a chat instead of an argument. And the last one is by being grateful and open, you’re showing how you want the conversation to be.

10.” Let’s hear from others”

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Dealing with someone arrogant can feel like they’re dominating the whole conversation. This saying gently brings down their ego and lets others join the conversation. It reminds everyone that everyone has something valuable to say. This isn’t about confrontation, but it softly encourages the person to give others a chance to speak up. Conversations aren’t meant to be one-sided; everyone deserves an opportunity to share their thoughts.

11.” Success is a journey, not a destination”

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Arrogant people often see themselves as already successful, believing there is more room for improvement. This phrase tells them that success isn’t just reaching a point but an ongoing journey with its highs and lows. It can humble them by reminding them that there’s always space to grow, and that nobody’s ever finished growing personally or professionally.

12.” I’m happy for you, truly. Now, can we change the subject?”

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This gives them accurate recognition even if they don’t like it much, which they might need, but it also changes the subject firmly. It stops their boasting without being openly aggressive, making it a good choice when you want to keep things civil.

13.” Your perspective is unique, just like everyone else’s.”

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This phrase gently reminds arrogant people that everyone has unique journeys and experiences to share. It powerfully shows how important diversity and equality are, and it acknowledges the diversity of perspectives worldwide, highlighting the subjectivity of human knowledge.

By affirming the uniqueness of one’s perspective, it encourages acceptance and respect for differing viewpoints, encouraging empathy and understanding. Ultimately, it serves as a reminder that while we may not always see eye to eye, embracing this diversity enriches our interactions and broadens our understanding of the world.

14.” Are you done yet?”

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Good manners are about being respectful and considerate, but there are times when you need to speak up. It’s not always about being polite. Interrupting someone’s bragging with a direct question can really catch them off guard. It shows how much they’ve been talking non-stop. Combine it with a severe look to make a strong impression, letting them know their self-promotion is dull and unappreciated.

15 “Funny, I don’t remember asking…”

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This phrase is effective for silencing them. They’re sneaky, bragging about themselves while pretending to tell a typical story. This response points out that nobody requested their self-evaluation and reminds them that not everyone sees them the same way they see themselves.

16 “You didn’t mean it to sound arrogant, did you?”

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This is an excellent way to respond without complicating things, while still showing them what they said was a bit arrogant. It suggests that they didn’t mean harm, but what they said wasn’t good. Now, it’s their choice if they want to make things right. It also lets them know you don’t want to be part of that conversation, and they’ll likely avoid making similar comments around you in the future.

17 “That’s not the only way of seeing things”

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This simple phrase challenges the notion of a single, fixed perspective by suggesting that alternative viewpoints exist. It encourages openness to different interpretations or approaches, promoting a more nuanced understanding of complex issues. Acknowledging the diversity of perspectives encourages empathy, critical thinking, and constructive dialogue. Rather than dismissing opposing viewpoints, this statement invites consideration and exploration, ultimately enriching discussions and promoting a more inclusive and collaborative approach to problem-solving.

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