16 Witty Comebacks To Advice You Never Asked For And Don’t Want

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We’ve all been there — stuck in a conversation where someone’s dishing out advice you never asked for. It can be frustrating, especially when it’s about something you’ve already got under control. But instead of letting it ruin your day, why not inject a little humor into the situation? Here are a few witty comebacks to help you gracefully shut down unsolicited advice and keep things lighthearted.

1. “Thanks for the input, but I’m actually a qualified (insert relevant profession here).”

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This response is a polite yet firm way to remind the advice-giver that you have the expertise and knowledge to handle the situation. It also subtly implies that their advice might not be entirely accurate or helpful. Use this comeback when you want to assert your authority without being overly confrontational. As Forbes notes, it’s all about focusing on the situation, not the person you’re responding to.

2. “Wow, you should totally write a self-help book!”

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This is a sarcastic response that playfully acknowledges their unsolicited advice but also subtly undermines it. It implies that their advice is so generic and obvious that it belongs in a self-help book, rather than being tailored to your specific situation. This comeback is a lighthearted way to deflect unwanted advice without being rude.

3. “Is this the part where I’m supposed to say ‘thank you, Captain Obvious’?”

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This response is a playful jab at the obviousness of their advice. It lets them know that you’re already aware of the information they’re sharing and that their advice isn’t adding anything new to the conversation. This comeback is perfect for situations where someone is stating the obvious or offering advice that’s already been considered.

4. “Oh, I didn’t realize you were an expert on (insert topic here). When did you get your degree?”

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This is a sarcastic response that challenges the person’s authority on the topic. It subtly questions their expertise and implies that they might not be qualified to offer advice in that area. This comeback is a clever way to shut down unsolicited advice from someone who’s overstepping their bounds.

5. “Funny, I was just about to ask for your opinion on this.”

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This is a sarcastic response that highlights the fact that you didn’t actually ask for their advice. It’s a subtle way of letting them know that their input wasn’t welcome and that you’d prefer they keep their opinions to themselves. This comeback is a good option when you want to maintain a polite tone while still expressing your annoyance.

6. “I’ll be sure to add that to the list of things I didn’t ask for.”

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This is a witty response that acknowledges their advice while also subtly dismissing it. It implies that their advice isn’t helpful or relevant and that you have no intention of taking it. This comeback is a humorous way to shut down unsolicited advice and move on with the conversation.

7. “That’s interesting. Have you ever considered becoming a professional backseat driver?”

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This response is a playful jab at their tendency to offer unsolicited advice. It compares them to a backseat driver, someone who constantly offers unwanted commentary and instructions. This comeback is a humorous way to address the issue while also putting them in their place.

8. “I’m so glad you have all the answers. Now, if only I had a problem…”

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This is a sarcastic response that subtly points out the fact that you don’t actually need their advice. It implies that you’re perfectly capable of handling your own affairs and that their input is unnecessary. This comeback is a good option when you want to shut down unwanted advice and assert your independence.

9. “Thanks for sharing your wisdom. I’ll be sure to ignore it completely.”

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This response is blunt, yet playful and direct. It acknowledges the advice given but makes it clear that it won’t be taken seriously. It’s a good option for those who prefer a more straightforward approach and aren’t worried about hurting feelings.

10. “Did you miss the part where I asked for your two cents?”

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This comeback is a bit sassy and calls out the person for overstepping boundaries. It reminds them that their opinion wasn’t solicited and implies that you value your own judgment over theirs. This response is perfect for those who want to put an end to the unsolicited advice without being overly aggressive.

11. “Wow, you’re really good at solving problems that aren’t yours.”

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This is a sarcastic response that subtly mocks the person for meddling in your affairs. It highlights their eagerness to offer solutions without fully understanding the situation. This comeback is a humorous way to shut down unwanted advice and redirect the conversation.

12. “I’ll file that under ‘things I’ll never do.'”

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This is a dismissive response that makes it clear you have no intention of following their advice. It’s a lighthearted way to brush off the suggestion without getting into a lengthy discussion. This comeback is best used when you want to end the conversation quickly and move on. After all, a little sarcastic humor in the right circumstance never hurt anyone, Harvard Business Review points out.

13. “You know, I’m actually quite happy with the way things are going.”

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This response is a polite yet firm way to shut down the advice-giver. It emphasizes your satisfaction with the current situation and implies that their advice is unnecessary. This comeback is a good option when you want to maintain a positive tone while still setting boundaries.

14. “I appreciate your concern, but I’ve got this covered.”

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This response is a more gentle way to decline unsolicited advice. It acknowledges their concern while also asserting your ability to handle the situation independently. This comeback is a good option when dealing with someone who might be genuinely trying to help, but whose advice isn’t needed.

15. “I’m surprised you have so much time to worry about my life.”

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This is a slightly sarcastic response that subtly calls out the person for focusing on your problems instead of their own. It’s a way to redirect their attention and put them back in their place. This comeback is best used when dealing with someone who’s overly invested in your affairs.

16. “Thanks for the tip. I’ll be sure to consider it when I’m living in an alternate universe.”

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This response is a playful way to dismiss the advice as irrelevant or impractical. It suggests that the advice might be valid in a different reality, but not in your current situation. This comeback is a lighthearted way to shut down unsolicited advice and end the conversation on a humorous note.

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