16 Warning Signs You’re Dealing With A Very Bad Person

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We all encounter different personalities in life, but some folks just give off a bad vibe. Maybe it’s a gut feeling, or perhaps you notice some unsettling patterns in their behavior. Whatever the case, it’s important to trust your instincts and pay attention to red flags. Let’s delve into some subtle (and not-so-subtle) warning signs that you might be dealing with a less-than-stellar person.

1. They consistently lack empathy.

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One hallmark of a not-so-great person is their inability to put themselves in anyone else’s shoes. They may brush off your feelings, minimize your concerns, or act indifferent to your struggles. This lack of empathy can be a major sign of trouble, as it reveals their disregard for your emotional well-being and their own self-centeredness.

2. They manipulate and control people.

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Bad people are often skilled manipulators. They might guilt-trip you, gaslight you, or twist your words to serve their own agenda, Psych Central warns. They may try to isolate you from your loved ones or make you question your own sanity. Be wary of anyone who consistently tries to control your thoughts, feelings, or actions.

3. They lie and deceive with ease.

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Honesty is a cornerstone of any healthy relationship, but bad people have no qualms about bending the truth to their advantage. They may fabricate stories, omit crucial details, or make promises they have no intention of keeping. Their dishonesty destroys trust and creates a toxic environment.

4. They blame other people for their problems.

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Bad people rarely take responsibility for their own actions. They’ll often shift the blame to other people, external circumstances, or even you. They might play the victim role, refusing to acknowledge their own contributions to their problems. This lack of accountability can be frustrating and emotionally draining.

5. They constantly crave attention and validation.

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Bad people often have an insatiable need for attention and validation. They may exaggerate their achievements, brag excessively, or chase constant praise. This can make them seem insecure and self-centered. They may even go to extreme lengths to be the center of attention, regardless of how their actions affect the people around them.

6. They have a history of exploitative behavior.

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If someone has a track record of taking advantage of people, whether financially, emotionally, or physically, be cautious. This behavior often indicates a lack of respect and empathy. Bad people may see others as tools to be used for their own gain, rather than as individuals with their own needs and feelings.

7. They lack remorse or guilt.

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One chilling characteristic of bad people is their inability to feel genuine remorse or guilt for their actions. They might apologize for causing harm, but their apologies often feel insincere or empty. This lack of remorse suggests a lack of empathy and a disregard for the consequences of their behavior.

8. They exhibit a pattern of disrespect.

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Bad people often show a pattern of disrespect towards people. They may belittle you, mock your ideas, or talk down to you. They may make insensitive comments or jokes that cross the line. This disrespect can be a sign of their own insecurities and their need to feel better than everyone else.

9. They thrive on drama and conflict.

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Bad people seem to attract drama and conflict wherever they go. They stir up trouble, gossip behind people’s backs, and enjoy pitting people against each other. They might even create unnecessary drama to get attention or manipulate situations to their advantage. If someone constantly seems to be surrounded by chaos and negativity, it’s a red flag.

10. They lack genuine friendships and meaningful connections.

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Bad people often struggle to form and maintain healthy relationships. Their toxic behavior tends to push people away, leaving them with few genuine friendships or meaningful connections. They might have acquaintances or superficial relationships, but those are often based on self-interest or manipulation rather than genuine care and respect.

11. They’re envious and resentful of other people’s success.

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Instead of celebrating other people;s achievements, bad people often feel envious and resentful. They might belittle people’s accomplishments, make snide remarks, or try to undermine their success. This negativity stems from their own insecurities and their inability to feel happy for anyone else.

12. They have a sense of entitlement and superiority.

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Bad people often believe that they’re better than everyone and deserve special treatment. They expect everyone to cater to their needs and desires, regardless of the impact on those around them. This sense of entitlement can manifest in arrogance, rudeness, and a lack of consideration for other people’s feelings.

13. They refuse to apologize or admit wrongdoing.

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Even when confronted with evidence of their harmful behavior, bad people often refuse to apologize or take responsibility for their actions. They might deflect blame, make excuses, or simply deny any wrongdoing. This lack of accountability can be frustrating and infuriating for those who have been hurt by their actions.

14. They take pleasure in other people’s misfortune.

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This is perhaps one of the most disturbing signs of a bad person. They might openly gloat when someone experiences a setback or misfortune, or they might secretly revel in other people’s pain. This schadenfreude reveals their lack of empathy and their twisted sense of satisfaction derived from other people’s suffering.

15. They have a history of abusive behavior.

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If someone has a history of physical, emotional, or verbal abuse, it’s a major red flag. Abuse is never okay, and it’s important to protect yourself from anyone who has a pattern of harming people. As the National Domestic Violence Hotline points out, abusive behavior can escalate over time, so it’s crucial to distance yourself from anyone who exhibits these tendencies.

16. They leave you feeling drained and negative.

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Perhaps the most telling sign of a bad person is the emotional impact they have on you. Spending time with them might leave you feeling drained, anxious, or emotionally exhausted. Their negativity can be contagious, leaving you feeling down and discouraged. If someone consistently makes you feel bad about yourself or leaves you feeling worse than before you interacted with them, it’s a clear sign to reevaluate the relationship.

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