16 Things You Should Never Have To Justify Or Explain To Anyone

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With how judgmental society can be, you might feel like you have to justify your decisions all the time. But here’s the thing — it’s your life! You call the shots, and you don’t need permission or acceptance from anyone. Here are 16 things you never need to justify.

1. Your decision on kids

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Some people want kids, while some people don’t. It’s as simple as that. Having kids is a colossal decision and unless you’re 100 percent confident that you want them, then it’s best not to. If someone is pestering you and asking you to explain why you don’t want children, kindly tell them to mind their own business.

2. Your decision not to have more kids

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Even if you do have a child, you won’t be free from the relentless comments from family members and even strangers. “When will you have another?” is a common question you’ll be pestered with. And if you tell them that you’re not thinking of having another, you’ll probably be met with, “Well, why not!?” Look, it’s your family and your life. It’s completely personal to you, and it shouldn’t be anyone else’s concern. Just tell them that the choice is yours, not theirs.

3. Your hair and body

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Some people can be so judgmental when it comes to how other people look. They think their opinion matters the most, but it doesn’t. It’s your body, which means you can do whatever the hell you want with it. Want to dye your hair? Go for it. Want to shave all of your hair off? Do it. Live the way you want to, not how others want you to.

4. Your job

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As long as your job makes you happy and pays the bills, then why does it matter what you do for a living? Some people might ask you why you haven’t got a higher paying job or why you haven’t used your degree, but if they do, don’t feel the need to explain. Besides, money isn’t the only driving factor. If you enjoy what you do, everything else is irrelevant, and that includes other people’s opinions.

5. Your decision on marriage

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Not everyone sees marriage as their end goal. It’s definitely not for everyone, and that’s okay. If that’s you, don’t let anyone pressure you into explaining your decision or try to change your view on it. At the end of the day, you’re the one who calls the shots.

6. Your sexuality

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It’s 2024, so you would think that no one would care about sexuality, and yet, it still causes a stir in some people. Whether you’re straight, gay, bisexual, pansexual, it doesn’t really matter. If anyone asks you to explain your sexuality, ignore them. Sexuality isn’t something you can explain. It’s just who you are!

7. Your relationship status

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Whether you’ve been single for a few years or you’ve had a string of casual relationships, it’s likely that someone will have something to say about it. You might be bombarded with questions like, “When are you going to start dating again!?” or “Why haven’t you met the right person yet?” How do they seriously expect you to answer those questions? Whether you’re dating or not dating, it’s nobody’s business but yours. You can do what you like!

8. Your choice to stay at home

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Not all of us enjoy parties and going out over the weekend. Sometimes, you might prefer to stay in at night watching a movie or having a long, relaxing bath. And you know what? That’s absolutely fine. It doesn’t make you a bad friend. It doesn’t make you lazy. And it definitely doesn’t make you unsociable. If anyone tries to make you feel bad for staying at home, then they’re not worth having around.

9. Your diet

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Your diet is completely tailored to you, and unless you’re eating 12 pizzas every day, it shouldn’t be anyone else’s concern (and even then it really shouldn’t). So, whether you’re vegan, vegetarian, carnivore or gluten-free, that’s up to you. You don’t need to justify the way you eat to anyone, especially since you’re the one buying and preparing most of your own food.

10. Going on vacation alone

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If you tell people you’re going on vacation on your own, you might be met with, “You’re going alone!?”or “Won’t you be lonely?” and “Don’t you have friends you can travel with?” But here’s the thing: how you choose to spend your vacations is up to you. Going alone doesn’t mean you’ll be miserable or that you’re only doing it because you couldn’t find anyone to go with you. It’s a personal choice, and who says you can’t have just as much fun on vacation alone as you would with other people?

11. Your religious beliefs

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Your religious beliefs are so personal that it wouldn’t be right for anyone to question you about it. Whether you’re religious or an atheist, it doesn’t make much difference. It’s just another layer to your personality and identity. If someone questions your religion or makes you feel like you need to justify it, then tell them to back off.

12. Your fashion choices

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Everyone has a different sense of style, and that’s what makes us so unique. How you dress is how you present yourself to the world, so it’s part of your identity. Some people prefer bright colors, some prefer muted colors. There’s no right or wrong way to dress, so you definitely don’t need to try to explain your clothing choices to anyone. You do you.

13. How you spend your money

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You work hard to earn money, which means that you can spend it however you wish to. If you want to go on your third vacation of the year, then go ahead and book it. If you want to go out on a shopping spree, then that’s cool, too. You don’t need to justify your spending purchases to anyone, since it doesn’t affect anyone but you.

14. Your political beliefs

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Politics can divide people, even if you’re the closest of friends. It’s understandable that sometimes it can be hard to maintain a friendship if you have opposing views on something that you consider important, but ultimately, you don’t owe anyone an explanation. Plus, it’s possible to maintain a relationship even if you have conflicting opinions, as long as you can both see past it.

15. Your living situation

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There’s a certain expectation that when you’re at a certain point in your life or at a certain age, you should have moved out of your family home by now. But not everyone has the time, money, or resources to do that. For some people, living at home with parents or friends is the only option, and you don’t need to explain that choice to anyone. It’s rude for people to even consider asking that.

16. Your friendships

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Unless your friends are hurting you or other people around them, then no one should make a comment on it. Who you decide to hang out with is up to you. If they’re fun to be around and make you happy, then that’s all that counts. Don’t listen to what others might say.

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