16 Standout Character Traits Of A Quality Woman

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A quality woman is easy to spot. She stands out from the crowd for all the incredible qualities she brings to the people in her life as well as to the world at large. Think you’ve found one? If she has these traits, you’re definitely right.

1. She knows her worth.

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One of the biggest indicators of a quality woman is her knowing her worth. She doesn’t need to seek validation from anyone else. Her self-worth comes from within, and it isn’t shaken by rejection. She knows she has strengths and weaknesses, and she knows that’s okay.

2. She has emotional intelligence.

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Not everyone has emotional intelligence, Psychology Today notes, so when you find a woman who possess it in spades, you know she’s a quality woman. She shows empathy for people and tries to understand their perspectives. As a result, she’s a good communicator in relationships.

3. She’s naturally kind.

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Kindness is one of the strongest indicators of a quality person. While kind women aren’t pushovers, they show compassion and kindness to everyone. They see the good in other people and show grace to them in tough times.

4. She’s independent but not afraid of making connections.

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It’s important for women to be independent, but that doesn’t mean they can’t make connections with other people. These women are great at maintaining relationships while having their own life, interests, and goals. They enjoy their alone time and their time with friends and partners.

5. She holds herself accountable.

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Quality women always hold themselves accountable. They never play the victim or try to shift the blame onto someone else. They apologize when they do something wrong and try to ensure it doesn’t happen again.

6. She prioritizes her well-being.

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Quality women understand that you can’t be in a fulfilling relationship if you don’t take care of yourself. So, they prioritize their well-being. Women like this have healthy eating, sleep, and workout habits. They know when to take mental health days, and when it’s ok to hang out with friends.

7. She’s body-positive.

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Quality women are positive about themselves and other people. They don’t feel the need to put down other women for how they look. Additionally, they understand that comparing themselves to models in magazines is unrealistic. They love their body and don’t let unrealistic beauty standards get the best of them.

8. She strives to learn and grow.

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Quality women understand that complacency is not a good way to live your life. They never stop evolving. They always strive to learn new things, have new experiences, and welcome constructive feedback.

9. She handles conflict with grace.

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Quality women know that disagreements are inevitable, especially in relationships. However, these women don’t let conflicts ruin relationships. They handle those conflicts with grace by communicating with mutual respect, even when angry or hurt. They bring a mature approach to conflict that results in healthy relationships.

10. She’s resilient.

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Resilience is a very important character trait in quality women. Women with this trait don’t let setbacks shatter them. They know that life has its ups and downs, and you can’t let the downs keep you down. These women trust their ability to bounce back from bad moments.

11. She’s authentic.

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Quality women don’t try to be someone they’re not. They’re comfortable in their own skin, regardless of quirks. As a result, they’re real and approachable. They don’t waste time chasing trends or trying to be perfect because they like who they are.

12. She sets goals for herself.

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Quality women are usually ambitious. They set goals for themselves and aren’t afraid to pursue them. They know that failure is a possibility, but it’s ok to fail because you can’t succeed without failure.

13. She doesn’t have time for drama.

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High-quality women don’t waste their time getting bogged down by drama. They don’t worry about getting wrapped up in pointless gossip and manufactured conflicts. They focus their energy on positive things and shut the negativity out of their lives.

14. She keeps a close inner circle.

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Some people have dozens of friends, but when you have that many friends, you can’t be that close to any of them. Quality women don’t have as many friends, but their inner circle is very close. The friends she keeps are supportive, genuine, and lift each other up.

15. She’s light-hearted.

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Quality women don’t need to be serious all the time. They know when to be serious but they all know when to have fun. You’ll notice that quality women often have light-hearted fun with their friends and partners. They have a playful side that’s infectious.

16. She radiates warmth.

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Some things are hard to pin down to one trait or quantify. Some women simply radiate warmth. There’s something about them that makes you feel good. They put people at ease because of their genuine personality. They’re approachable and give everyone a sense of belonging.

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