16 Signs Your Hard Times Won’t Last Forever—Better Days Are Coming

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When you’re in the thick of it, it can feel like the dark clouds will never lift. But here’s the truth: nothing lasts forever, including hard times. If you’re looking for a glimmer of hope, here are some signs that better days are on the horizon. Keep your chin up and let’s look towards a brighter tomorrow, okay?

1. You’re starting to have more good days than bad

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Remember when every day felt like an uphill battle? If you’re noticing that you’re having more days where you feel okay, or even good, that’s a solid sign things are improving. It might be subtle at first—maybe you catch yourself smiling more or feeling a bit lighter.

2. You’re sleeping better

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Tough times often go hand in hand with restless nights. If you find yourself sleeping more soundly or waking up feeling a bit more refreshed, your body might be sensing the turn of the tide before your mind does. According to Everlywell, better sleep not only signals reduced stress but also gives you more energy to tackle challenges.

3. You’re making plans for the future

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During really hard times, it can be difficult to see beyond the present moment. If you find yourself thinking about future plans, whether it’s a weekend getaway or a long-term career goal, it’s a sign that your mind is opening up to possibilities again. This forward-thinking mindset is a great step towards better days.

4. You’re laughing more

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Laughter might have felt foreign or forced during your darkest days. So if you’re finding yourself genuinely chuckling at a friend’s joke or a funny video, it’s a sign that joy is making its way back into your life. Humor is a powerful coping mechanism, we love to see the good times coming.

5. You’re able to find meaning in your struggles

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If you can look at your hard times and see how they’ve made you stronger, wiser, or more compassionate, it’s a clear indication that you’re not just moving past your difficulties—you’re growing through them! This ability to find meaning doesn’t make your struggles non-existent, it just turns them into a source of power.

6. You’re reaching out to others more

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Isolation often accompanies tough times. If you find yourself texting friends more, accepting invitations, or even initiating social plans, it’s a sign you’re ready to reconnect. This social energy not only shows you’re healing but it helps you build back a support network so you can continue to grow.

7. You’re setting boundaries

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Learning to say “no” to things that don’t serve you and “yes” to what does is a powerful sign of personal growth. If you’re getting better at establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries, you’re creating the space for more positive experiences in your life.

8. You’re feeling more creative

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Creativity has a tendency to get stifled during hard times. If you find yourself doodling again, writing in a journal, or feeling inspired to start a new project, it’s a sign that your mind is freeing up space for imagination and innovation! And that’s a clear indicator of brighter days.

9. You’re more patient with yourself and others

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According to Verywell Mind, stress can make us short-tempered. Notice you’re not flying off the handle as easily? Or that you’re giving yourself grace when you make mistakes? That’s a sign that you’re regaining emotional balance. This is both a result of healing and contributes to better relationships and experiences.

10. You’re noticing beauty in small things

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When life gets tough, it’s easy to develop tunnel vision and miss the small joys. So, if you’re starting to notice and appreciate little things—a beautiful sunset, the taste of your morning coffee, a kind gesture from a stranger—it’s a sign that your world is opening up again.

11. You’re feeling motivated to learn or try new things

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Curiosity? Many people don’t know her when they’re going through challenging times. So if you find yourself interested in picking up a new skill, reading about a new topic, or trying a new hobby, it’s a sign that your inner fire is sparking.

12. You’re less affected by setbacks

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Resilience is like a muscle—it grows stronger with use. When small setbacks aren’t derailing you as much as they used to, it’s a sign that you’ve developed stronger coping mechanisms. This is not only a sign of personal growth but also a tool that will help you navigate future challenges more easily.

13. You’re making healthier choices

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When we’re struggling, it’s easy to fall into habits that provide short-term comfort but long-term problems. If you notice you’re choosing healthier options—maybe drinking less, eating better, or avoiding toxic—it’s a sign that you’re investing in your future self. Good on you.

14. You’re able to help others

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When we’re in survival mode, we often don’t have the capacity to support others. But now? You find yourself able to lend an ear to a friend or volunteer for a cause, and it’s a sign that you’re regaining your emotional strength. The ability to help others not only indicates personal healing but also creates positive connections that can further improve your life.

15. You’re feeling more optimistic about the future

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Pessimism likes to rear its ugly head during hard times. If you catch yourself feeling hopeful about what’s to come, or able to imagine positive outcomes, it’s a significant sign that your mindset is shifting. This optimism isn’t just a feeling—it can actually help create the better future you’re envisioning.

16. You’re reconnecting with your values and beliefs

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Hard times can shake our foundations and make us question everything. If you’re feeling a renewed connection to your core values or spiritual beliefs, or even redefining them in a way that feels authentic, it’s a sign that you’re rebuilding. We see you and we’re proud of you.

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