16 Phrases That Reveal Someone’s Lack Of Empathy

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Have you ever chatted with someone who always seems to miss the mark when it comes to understanding your feelings? Maybe they brush off your concerns or seem completely oblivious to your emotional cues. We’ve all encountered people who lack empathy, and it can be frustrating to say the least. But how can you spot people like this? Turns out, their language can be a dead giveaway. If they say any of these things, they clearly lack empathy.

1. “You’re being too sensitive.”

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This classic line is probably the most obvious sign of someone who lacks empathy. Instead of acknowledging your feelings and trying to understand where you’re coming from, they dismiss your emotions as an overreaction. This can leave you feeling invalidated and unheard. This is known as emotional invalidation, Psych Central explains, and it’s an incredibly toxic habit.

2. “Get over it.”

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Another dismissive phrase, “get over it” minimizes your experiences and suggests that your feelings aren’t worth their time or consideration. It’s a hurtful remark that shows a complete lack of understanding for what you’re going through. If moving on from something that hurt, upset, or disappointed you was that easy, everyone would do it!

3. “I don’t see the big deal.”

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When someone utters this phrase, it’s clear they’re not even trying to put themselves in your shoes. They fail to grasp the significance of the situation for you, and their indifference can make you feel isolated and misunderstood.

4. “Stop being so dramatic.”

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Similar to “you’re being too sensitive,” this phrase invalidates your emotions and paints you as the problem. It’s a way for the unempathetic person to avoid dealing with your feelings and shift the blame onto you.

5. “It’s not that bad.”

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This phrase minimizes your struggles and suggests that your problems aren’t as significant as you think they are. It’s a dismissive remark that can make you feel like your experiences don’t matter.

6. “Just be positive.”

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While positivity can be helpful, it’s not always the right response to someone’s pain. Telling someone to “just be positive” ignores their valid emotions and implies that they’re choosing to be unhappy. It’s a simplistic solution to a complex problem.

7. “You shouldn’t feel that way.”

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This phrase is a blatant attempt to control your emotions. No one has the right to tell you how you should or shouldn’t feel. It’s a sign of someone who lacks empathy and respect for your emotional experiences.

8. “You’re overreacting.”

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This phrase, like others on this list, dismisses your feelings and suggests that your reaction is disproportionate to the situation. It’s a way for the unempathetic person to avoid engaging with your emotions and taking responsibility for their own actions.

9. “That’s your problem, not mine.”

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This cold-hearted phrase shuts down any possibility of support or understanding. It shows a complete lack of willingness to be there for someone in need, and it can leave the person feeling abandoned and alone. Sure, it’s no one else’s responsibility to deal with your problems, but they could at least offer a bit of support!

10. “Why are you always so negative?”

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This accusatory question places the blame on the person expressing their feelings, rather than acknowledging that negativity might stem from valid concerns or difficult experiences. It’s a way to avoid engaging with the underlying issues and dismiss the person’s emotions.

11. “You’re just looking for attention.”

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This dismissive phrase implies that the person’s emotions are insincere and manipulative, rather than a genuine expression of their feelings. It’s a hurtful accusation that can damage trust and make the person feel even more isolated.

12. “Don’t take it personally.”

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While this phrase might seem like an attempt to comfort, it often backfires by invalidating the person’s feelings. It suggests that their reaction is unwarranted and that they shouldn’t feel hurt or offended, even if the situation was genuinely hurtful or offensive. Telling someone not to take things personally is also easier said than done, especially since we’re all human beings with emotions that can be hurt!

13. “You’ll get over it eventually.”

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While it’s true that time heals wounds, this phrase can be dismissive and insensitive in the moment. It fails to acknowledge the pain the person is currently experiencing and offers no immediate comfort or support.

14. “You’re blowing things out of proportion.”

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This phrase minimizes the person’s concerns and suggests that they’re overreacting. It’s a way to avoid taking their feelings seriously and dealing with the issue at hand.

15. “I’m too busy to deal with this right now.”

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While everyone has busy moments, consistently brushing off someone’s emotional needs with this phrase can be hurtful and neglectful. It sends the message that their feelings aren’t a priority and that they don’t deserve your time or attention.

16. “There are people with bigger problems than yours.”

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While it’s true that some people might be facing more difficult circumstances, this phrase minimizes the person’s struggles and suggests that their feelings aren’t valid. It’s a way to avoid empathizing with their pain and offering support.

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