16 Embarrassing Things Only Classless People Do In Public

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Class has nothing to do with what clothes you wear and how much money you have in the bank — it’s all about how you carry yourself and interact with the world around you. Want to know if someone is classy or not? Well, they certainly wouldn’t be caught dead doing any of these things, that’s for sure.

1. They’re rude to service staff.

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Treating waiters, cashiers, or anyone in the service industry like they’re beneath them is a major red flag. Classy people understand that everyone deserves respect, regardless of their job title. Snapping their fingers, talking down to them, or making unreasonable demands all reveal a deep-seated belief that they’re somehow superior.

2. They brag about their wealth or material possessions.

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Constantly name-dropping designer labels, talking about the price of everything they own, or flaunting their extravagant lifestyle are the epitome of tacky. Truly wealthy people with class don’t feel the need to shove their status in everyone’s faces. They let their character speak for itself, their accomplishments speak for themselves — they don’t need to rely on material possessions to feel important.

3. They pick arguments in public.

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Whether it’s yelling at their partner in the middle of the store, berating a friend loudly enough for the whole restaurant to hear, or creating a scene with a stranger, public outbursts are the opposite of class. Mature adults with self-control handle disagreements privately or learn to walk away and cool off before lashing out in front of an audience.

4. They hog the conversation and never ask questions about other people.

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Classless people think the world revolves around them. They dominate every conversation, constantly talking about themselves while showing zero interest in the lives of those around them. Class is about genuine connection, making everyone feel seen and valued. If they never bother to ask you about your day, your interests, or your opinions, run!

5. They’re terrible tippers.

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Stiffing waitstaff, arguing over a tiny percentage, or making a show of calculating the tip down to the penny is beyond unclassy. Tipping culture might be flawed, but the fact remains – servers rely on those tips. If you can’t afford to tip appropriately, you can’t afford to eat out. Generosity, or basic human decency at the very least, is essential to having even a shred of class.

6. They have zero manners (or basic hygiene).

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Talking with their mouths full, elbows on the table, burping or passing gas without excusing themselves, picking their nose really aren’t cute. Lack of basic manners is a sign they have no respect for themselves or those around them. Also, if basic hygiene (washing hands, brushing teeth) seems optional, that’s a hard pass, no matter how charming they are!

7. They’re always glued to their phones.

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Checking their phone mid-conversation, scrolling while someone is trying to talk to them, or living their entire life through their social media feed is incredibly rude. It signals that virtual validation is more important than the people actually present. Classy people know when to put the phone down and be fully engaged with the world around them.

8. They’re chronic gossips.

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Spreading rumors, trash-talking people behind their backs, or generally thriving on other people’s drama is low-class behavior. People with genuine class lift people up, focus on the positive, and refuse to participate in gossip-fueled negativity. If they constantly have something snarky to say about someone who isn’t around to defend themselves, that speaks volumes about their character.

9. They litter without shame.

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Tossing cigarette butts out car windows, leaving trash on hiking trails, or just being too lazy to walk a few steps to a garbage can reveals a fundamental disrespect for their environment. Classy people care about the world around them and understand that keeping shared spaces clean is basic consideration for other people. Plus, who wants to live in a garbage dump?

10. They cut in line.

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Whether it’s at the grocery store, a concert, or the DMV, ignoring basic queuing etiquette is rude and entitled. Everyone’s time is valuable, and respecting the order is just how civilized societies function. Pushing ahead like their needs are the only ones that matter shows a complete lack of consideration for their fellow humans.

11. They give unsolicited advice.

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Telling new parents how to raise their kids, offering armchair medical diagnoses, or instructing strangers how to do their jobs…unless they explicitly asked for your input, keep those brilliant opinions to yourself! It shows a lack of boundaries and the arrogant assumption that they know best in every situation.

12. They overshare personal information with strangers.

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Launching into their detailed medical history with the grocery cashier, complaining about their relationship woes to the barista, or airing their dirty laundry to anyone who will listen…that’s a no-go zone. Some discretion is necessary! Not everyone needs front-row seats to your drama, and oversharing often blurs the line between openness and desperately seeking attention.

13. They refuse to admit they’re wrong.

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Doubling-down on an incorrect statement even in the face of proof, becoming defensive rather than owning mistakes…a fragile ego masquerading as confidence isn’t classy. Truly classy people have the humility to admit when they’ve messed up, apologize, and strive to learn and grow from their errors.

14. They make fun of people, especially for things they can’t control.

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Body-shaming, mocking someone’s disability, making jabs about someone’s appearance, or tearing someone down to feel superior is just plain cruel. Classy people embrace diversity, lift everyone up, and recognize that everyone has intrinsic value. Belittling people reveals their own deep insecurities, not some inherent superiority.

15. They’re sore losers AND gloating winners.

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Pouting when they don’t win a game, making excuses for their poor performance, or refusing to shake hands with the victor shows horrible sportsmanship, per Referee.com. On the flip side, rubbing salt in the wound with excessive gloating or bragging about their victory is equally unclassy. A little friendly competition is fun, but being able to win and lose with grace is a sign of true maturity.

16. They never RSVP.

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Ignoring those invites or replying at the very last minute without any apology makes planning anything a nightmare. It’s disrespectful of the host’s time and effort. Simple courtesy means responding in a timely manner, even if it’s to decline the invitation politely. Flaky, inconsiderate behavior reveals a fundamental lack of respect for others.

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