16 Body Language Tricks to Make You More Likable in Conversations

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Want to know a secret? A whopping 93% of communication is non-verbal. That’s right, it’s not just about what you say, but how you say it—with your body! So, let’s talk about some body language tricks that’ll have people gravitating toward you like you’re the last slice of pizza at a party.

1. Smile like you mean it

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Let’s kick things off with the simplest yet most powerful trick in the book—a genuine smile. We’re not talking about that awkward, forced grin you give in family photos. Nope, we mean a real, reaches-your-eyes kind of smile. It’s contagious, disarming, and instantly makes you more approachable. Plus, it releases feel-good chemicals in your brain. Win-win!

2. Make eye contact (but don’t be creepy about it)

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Making eye contact shows you’re engaged and interested. But remember, there’s a fine line between attentive and serial killer vibes. A good rule of thumb? Maintain eye contact for about 5-7 seconds, then take a brief break.

3. Open up those arms

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Crossed arms? That’s so “stay away from me.” Instead, keep your arms open and relaxed by your sides. It makes you appear more open, approachable, and confident. Just resist the urge to flail them around like an inflatable tube man at a car dealership.

4. Mirror the person you’re talking to

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Mirroring is subtly matching the other person’s body language. If they lean in, you lean in. If they speak softly, you lower your voice. It’s like a secret handshake that says, “Hey, we’re on the same wavelength!”

5. Nod along

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Nodding shows you’re listening and agreeing. It encourages the other person to continue talking. But easy there—too much nodding and you’ll look like a dashboard Hula doll. Keep it natural and sprinkle in some “hmm”s and “ah”s for good measure.

6. Face the person

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Point your toes and torso towards the person you’re talking to. It shows you’re fully engaged in the conversation. Pointing away might make them think you’re looking for the nearest exit. Unless you actually are—in which case, maybe work on your escape plan before.

7. Keep your hands visible

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Don’t stuff ’em in your pockets or hide them under the table. It makes you appear more trustworthy. Plus, you can use them to gesture and add emphasis to your words. Just try not to knock over any drinks in your enthusiasm.

8. Lean in

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Leaning slightly towards the person you’re talking to shows interest and engagement. It’s like you’re saying, “I’m so into this conversation, I literally can’t stay upright.” But remember, personal space is a thing. Lean, don’t loom.

9. Stand or sit up straight

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Good posture exudes confidence and makes you appear more authoritative. Imagine there’s a string pulling you up from the top of your head. But don’t go full military stance—you want to look confident, not like you’re about to salute.

10. Keep those feet grounded

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Shuffling or tapping your feet can make you appear nervous or impatient. Plant those feet firmly on the ground. Think of yourself as a mighty oak tree.

11. Raise those eyebrows

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A slight eyebrow raise when greeting someone or to punctuate a point in conversation shows interest and friendliness. It’s like a mini-smile for your forehead. Just don’t go full cartoon character.

12. Tilt your head in intrigue

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Slightly tilting your head to one side when listening shows you’re interested and processing what’s being said. It’s like your ear is trying to get closer to the fascinating words coming out of their mouth.

13. Breathe easy

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Remember to breathe! Deep, calm breaths will help you relax and appear more at ease. Plus, you know, oxygen is kind of important for staying conscious during conversations.

14, Remember to pause

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Don’t be afraid of brief silences in conversation. A well-timed pause can add emphasis to your words and show you’re thoughtful. Plus, it gives you a chance to breathe.

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