15 “Weird” Habits of Happy Couples That Actually Work

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There’s happiness in a relationship, and then there’s happiness. Some people end up settling, finding comfort in the familiarity of their partner, and continuing to coast along until it’s clear that things aren’t working anymore. Then there are the people who work on their relationships every day so that they’re truly happy. Let’s look at several habits of happy couples that are effective and ensure a healthy relationship.

1. They talk all day long.

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You might think it’s weird to stay in constant communication with your partner—and even clingy—but keeping in touch with your partner is actually a sign that your relationship is working. Whether it’s texting them silly nothings throughout the day, sharing articles you’ve read via email, or giving them a call during your lunch break, keeping the communication constant and consistent throughout the day is great for your couple goals.

2. They go to bed together.

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When did you last go to bed at the same time as your partner? Perhaps you’re always so tired when you get home from work and can’t keep your eyes open past 9 pm. Your partner, however, gets a second wind and winds down from a long day by playing video games, watching a movie, or catching up on their favorite show. But you might want to try getting in bed together—it’s weird, but sharing a similar routine works when it comes to long-term happiness.

3. They hold hands when walking.

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When you first started dating your partner, you couldn’t get enough of them. Everything was a novelty, from going to the supermarket to pumping gas, and of course, you held hands during all of these everyday tasks. As time passes, though, the small gestures of affection tend to be forgotten. One weird habit of truly happy couples is they are still committed to hand-holding when walking side-by-side. It indicates that they’re proud to be seen with their better half.

4. They have a “work hard, play hard” attitude.

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Both you and your partner have busy jobs, so you only have a little time left in the week to set aside for having fun. Couples who work hard and play harder are truly happy together. Whether it’s planning an impromptu picnic down by the beach or deciding to take a road trip at the last minute, couples who play together stay together.

5. They have a tradition.

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What kinds of traditions do you have with your partner? Do you have a favorite song you always play in the car and sing together? Maybe every Saturday is pancake day, and you try a new recipe. Couples who have traditions or rituals together have an increased level of happiness because it allows them to find common ground and bond over shared experiences.

6. They have fun with simple things.

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When you’ve been with someone for a long time, finding meaning in the simple things is essential. It might not be a good year to book an all-inclusive tropical holiday, however, you can still appreciate your relationship by having fun with the small things—like planning a weekend bake-off or making up a drinking game you can play while watching your favorite show.

7. They hug when they see each other.

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Couples that show each other physical affection after being apart are truly happy. When your partner walks in the door after a long day at work, how do you greet them? Do you run up to them and jump on them? Or do you say, “Hey, dinner’s in the oven, can you get the cutlery please?” While you don’t have to tackle them upon entry, creating the habit of hugging your partner when you see them helps to ensure a happy relationship.

8. They break up the routine.

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Routine is great for relationships, but so is breaking it. Every now and then, it’s worth mixing things up and trying something different with your partner to stay happy. When you choose to do something out of the ordinary, like try a new restaurant instead of going to your old faithful or get out and go for a run together instead of going to your separate gyms, you create new memories and refresh the relationship.

9. They’re affectionate when they sleep.

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Do you like to spoon your partner when you’re sleeping, or do you prefer your space? Some nights, especially when it’s hot, having someone right up against you can be annoying. However, happy couples often ensure they’re touching when they sleep. Whether that’s rubbing their feet together, clasping hands, or just throwing an arm over a shoulder, staying connected while asleep can further solidify your connection when you’re awake.

10. They date one another.

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How many dates did you go on before diving into a serious relationship with your partner? When was the last time you went out on a date? Life gets in the way, work gets busy, and before you know it, months have gone by since you planned something together. But, a weird habit of happy couples is that they never stop dating one another. They make sure no matter how busy they are, they have time to go out for a drink together, play mini golf, or even take a stroll through the city.

11. They apologize a lot.

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You might think it’s weird to be the person who always apologizes in the relationship. Still, if you’re willing to say sorry, forgive, and forget quickly, you will have a happier relationship. Couples who are satisfied with their partner are more than willing to apologize at the end of an argument, even if they’re not necessarily wrong. It’s less about who’s right and more about reconciling because the relationship’s health is more important to them.

12. They joke about silly things.

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Couples who are happy joke about the little things. You might be driving to work and see a funny street sign and take a picture to send your significant other, or you scrolled past a meme on Facebook that you know they’ll find hilarious. This helps you stay in touch and allows for light-hearted communication beyond the mundane.

13. They tell each other secrets.

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It’s essential to be honest in a relationship to be happy. However, there’s honesty, and then there’s telling your partner everything on your mind. It doesn’t matter how big or small; couples who share secrets are happier than those who don’t. Perhaps you backed into the car parked behind you at the mall today and didn’t do any damage, but you’re still embarrassed. Instead of omitting this from your end-of-day breakdown, you remember to tell your partner because you know they won’t judge you. Besides, you feel closer to them when you share the small stuff.

14. They do the housework together.

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What’s your role in the household when it comes to chores? Do you do most of the work, does your partner, or do you share the load? Happier couples do the household chores together. This could be one person putting the laundry in and the other folding it or one person stacking the dishwasher and the other emptying it. When the burden of a task is shared, life feels more in sync.

15. They share a hobby.

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Every couple has different interests and it’s important they’re each allowed the time to indulge. However, it’s also important to have a common interest. Perhaps you and your partner love swimming together, watching sci-fi movies, or doing puzzles. You value the time you get with your partner when you share your hobby because it helps them understand you better.

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