15 Unique Experiences Only People with an Adventurous Spirit Will Understand

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If you want to break out of your comfort zone, you should spend more time with adventurous people in your life. They’re curious about the world around them and willing to face their fears to have amazing experiences. Ready to go? Here are 15 unique and fun experiences they’ll grab with both hands and you should too.

1. They pack up their car and go on a road trip.

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Spontaneity? People with an adventurous spirit are here for that! They’re always looking for opportunities to make the most of life, such as going on a road trip with friends instead of planning a mini-vacation down to the hour. They love jumping into situations and seeing what happens, and sometimes it’s so much fun to leave Google Maps at home.

2. They have regular digital detoxes.

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The cool thing about adventurous people is that they don’t get trapped by technology. Although it might make you gasp at the thought of leaving your phone behind and taking a walk in nature, this is the kind of fearlessness displayed by adventurous individuals. They try not to be tied to their devices as it prevents them from engaging with the world around them.

3. They rock bright, bold hair on a whim.

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Since they’re daring, they love trying new things with their appearance. They’re the person in your social circle most likely to get their hair dyed in all colors of the rainbow, and the best part? They’ll rock it with confidence instead of worrying about what others say or think. It’s all about chasing what they want, which is a motto to take into other areas of life.

4. They travel solo.

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Adventure lovers are fiercely independent. Although they love spending time with those they care about, they also prioritize chasing fun adventures by themselves. This could mean traveling to a foreign country or going on a backpacking trip closer to home. They have a lust for life that makes them want to explore the world and they’re confident enough to do it alone.

5. They love sleeping under the stars.

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For adventurous people, sleeping under the stars is a part of their love of outdoor exploration because it brings a sense of wonder and excitement during activities like hiking or camping. Being under the stars also gives one a sense of freedom. It’s so liberating to feel unrestricted, as compared to being closed in by buildings in the city. In addition, it provides opportunities to do some soul-searching.

6. They always have a new hobby.

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People with adventurous spirits love trying new things in life. They’re always jumping into a new hobby or interest that they find exciting, whether that’s writing, painting, surfing, or dancing. The sky’s the limit as their curiosity about life motivates them to chase new passions. It also helps them avoid getting bored, which they hate! Life’s too short.

7. They love getting lost.

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Although getting lost during a trip or hike can be scary for many people, adventurous individuals embrace the unknown because they find it exciting. It challenges them to rely on their instincts and enjoy new experiences. So, whether they’re driving somewhere and take a wrong turn or feel lost in life, they use it as an opportunity to learn more about themselves or the world around them.

8. They have regular “yes” days.

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Saying “yes” to new and exciting experiences is a big part of embracing the adventure of life. People with a need to experience new things are open-minded and they love challenging themselves. Instead of avoiding situations because of fear of the unknown, they dare to jump into them and see what happens. This is what makes them so inspiring to be around.

9. They spend money on experiences.

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They’re always down for planning fun experiences in which they can immerse themselves, whether that involves jet-setting to a foreign country or signing up for an exciting course. If they can learn something from the experience, it will enrich their life. This is what they’re after, which is why they’d rather shell out money for an adventure and experience, instead of splurging on material goods that don’t make them feel satisfied for too long.

10. They love dining out alone.

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Although eating alone can be a bit nerve-racking for some people, adventurous people welcome the experience! They’re independent and enjoy their own company, instead of finding the silence self-conscious. Whether they’re eating fast food from a local restaurant or trying new cuisine, they feel confident to enjoy new experiences and don’t need others to share in them. Eating alone enables them to people-watch or chill out in their surroundings without the pressure to keep a conversation going.

11. They do extreme sports and activities.

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They’re always seeking a thrill! For the adventurous spirit, there are many opportunities to have unique and memorable experiences all around them. Whether it’s enjoying breathtaking views from the top of a mountain or soaring through the sky in a parachute, extreme sports, and activities give them an adrenaline rush that’s exhilarating and helps them break out of mundane routines.

12. They pursue unconventional careers.

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Some adventurous spirits will chase the lesser-known path in life when it comes to what they choose to do for a living. They’ll ditch the nine-to-five office job to follow their passions, whether that’s art, photography, or makeup. The sky’s the limit when it comes to how they create their life and nothing stands in their way of achieving their wildest dreams. Instead of being afraid to fail, they see failure as a learning opportunity to fine-tune their plans.

13. They keep learning new skills.

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If you know someone who’s an adventurous spirit, you’ll surely know how they’re always learning something new. Maybe this week they’re learning how to read tarot cards and the next time you see them, they’ll be reading up about how to upcycle furniture. It’s hard keeping up with them! The lesson to learn from them is that they never stop being curious about life and sharpening their skills. It opens them up to new, exciting experiences.

14. They grow their own food.

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Adventure isn’t only about extreme sports and being a daredevil. People with adventurous spirits might be interested in activities such as growing their own food because it makes them feel more self-sufficient while helping them embrace new experiences. It offers an extended learning experience that they find satisfying. In addition, they focus on keeping their bodies healthy by eating nutritious foods so they can make the most out of life.

15. They start up a conversation with everyone they meet. 

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Someone who’s adventurous is confident and brave. When meeting new people, they can spark up a chat about any topic under the sun. They love interacting with people from different walks of life and making connections that lead to experiencing amazing things with others. Instead of holding themselves back because of self-consciousness, their lust for life and the love of people motivate them to live in the moment.

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