15 Things You Don’t Owe Your Parents an Explanation For

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As adults, we often find ourselves stuck in the middle of trying to live our lives while still navigating the expectations of our parents. They’ve been there since day one, so their opinions can feel significant. But there are certain aspects of our lives where we really don’t owe them a detailed explanation. So, let’s break it down.

1. What you do with your career

So, you’ve decided to ditch the corporate ladder for a freelance gig, or maybe you’re chasing a passion project instead of a traditional job. Your career path is yours to choose. You don’t need to defend why you left a stable job to start a bakery or why you’re switching fields. Sometimes you just need to try on different things until you find the right fit.

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2. What you do with your money

Ever had that awkward moment when your parents questioned why you bought a new gadget or why you’re saving up for that expensive vacation? Here’s the thing: Your financial decisions are personal. Whether you’re splurging on something that makes you happy or saving for a rainy day, your money management is yours to handle, not theirs.

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3. What you believe in

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Religion, spirituality, or the lack thereof—your beliefs are deeply personal and uniquely yours. Just because they might not align with what you grew up with doesn’t mean you have to explain your spiritual journey. Your beliefs are part of what makes you, you.

4. Who you’re voting for

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Political opinions can be a hot topic, especially with family. But here’s the deal: Your views are shaped by your own experiences and values. You don’t have to justify why you lean a certain way or why you support specific policies. Your political stance is part of your personal identity.

5. How you parent

If you’re a parent, the way you choose to raise your kids—how you discipline, educate, and interact with them—is a personal choice. You don’t need to justify your parenting style or explain why you make certain decisions regarding your children.

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6. Needing some personal space

Everyone needs a little space to breathe and recharge. Whether it’s a dedicated room for your hobbies or simply needing time alone, your personal space is crucial. You don’t need to explain why you need “me-time” or why you set certain boundaries.

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7. Your choices when it comes to romantic relationships

How you navigate your romantic relationships, including how you handle conflicts or communicate with your partner, is your business. You don’t need to explain the ins and outs of your relationship to anyone, including your parents.

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8. What you watch, read, or listen to

Whether you’re into obscure indie films, a particular genre of music, or a specific type of literature, your entertainment preferences are just that—preferences. You don’t need to justify why you love a particular show or genre or why you spend your leisure time in a specific way.

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9. Anything having to do with your body or appearance

Got a new tattoo, dyed your hair a wild color, or decided to embrace a unique fashion sense? Your body and appearance choices are yours to make. You don’t owe anyone an explanation for how you choose to express yourself through your style or body art. And if they keep pushing, they’re probably just projecting, according to Good Therapy.

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10. Who you’re friends with

The friends you choose to spend time with are a reflection of your personal tastes and experiences. Whether they’re from different backgrounds or simply aren’t who your parents expected, your social circle is yours to curate. You don’t need to explain why you hang out with certain people or why you’ve drifted from others.

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11. What you spend your free time doing

From collecting rare comic books to building model trains or anything in between, your hobbies are a reflection of what brings you joy. You don’t need to justify why you’re obsessed with a particular interest or why it’s important to you. Hobbies are a way to connect with your passions, and that’s enough.

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12. How you take care of yourself

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Choosing a diet, exercise routine, or health plan is a deeply personal decision. Maybe you’re into veganism or prefer a particular workout regimen. You don’t owe anyone an explanation for your health choices or why you’re taking certain steps to care for yourself.

13. What you want to achieve in life

Whether you dream of traveling the world, starting a business, or just living an easy life, your goals are personal, and according to Harvard Business Review, you shouldn’t let your parents’ opinions get in the way. You don’t have to explain why you’re pursuing a certain path or why you’ve set specific milestones. Your aspirations are what drive you, and that’s what matters.

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14. What you do with your education

Whether you’re pursuing higher education, switching majors, or choosing not to attend college, your educational journey is your own. You don’t need to justify why you’re on a specific academic path or why you’re making changes along the way.

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15. How you deal with your emotions

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How you deal with your emotions is extremely personal and is different for each person. Whether you express them openly or prefer to process them privately, your emotional responses are valid. You don’t owe anyone an explanation for how you handle or express your feelings. Full stop.

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