15 Things You Crave When You’ve Suppressed Your True Self For Too Long

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There are various reasons why you might feel the need to censor yourself.

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For instance, maybe you’re trying to impress someone you’re dating or fit in with a group of friends. Although it might help you to gain others’ approval, it’s not real. Hiding who you really are behind a mask means you’ll never get to live life authentically and in a way that lines up with your values. No doubt you’ll be missing the following 15 things that can only happen if you unmask yourself!

1. Being silly

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If you’re always hiding yourself or staying on guard because you’re afraid of others rejecting you, you might take yourself a little too seriously for your own good. This prevents you from letting your hair down and having fun, like being silly with people you care about or belly-laughing with strangers. It’s so freeing to drop the mask sometimes, right? Chances are, you’re feeling tempted to let loose if you’ve been censoring yourself for ages.

2. Doing things you love

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Maybe you haven’t been pursuing your favorite hobbies and interests because they don’t fit in with what your friends or partner are doing, or perhaps you feel like they’re not in line with the image you should be cultivating for other people to like. By focusing on what you think you “should” be doing, you’re sacrificing all the things that bring you joy. Life’s too short to miss out on happiness.

3. Gaining genuine acceptance

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If you’re accepted for who you’re pretending to be, you’re probably craving the chance to unleash your real self so people can give you genuine approval — or reject you so you can find your tribe elsewhere. Right now, you might feel like people are approving a fake version of you instead of who you really are, so the accolades just don’t feel as sweet as they should. As Psychology Today points out, being your true self is always your best option.

4. Ditching guilty feelings

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Guilty feelings got no rhythm? They also don’t give you a positive vibe. When you’re not showing the world your truth, you might feel guilty at times because you’re basically lying to them. They might have a totally warped idea of what you like, what you want out of life, and what you enjoy doing. This can bring you down and make you feel negative. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to stop feeling like a bad person and throw all the societal pressures you’re carrying in the nearest trash can?

5. Expressing what you really want

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If you aren’t transparent about who you are, you’re probably not going to be clearly expressing what you want out of life or your relationships. Imagine if you could break out of your shell and open up to loved ones about what you need! It would be a relationship game-changer. If you don’t allow yourself to do this, you’ll keep putting all your needs on the back burner and sabotaging your chance of happiness.

6. Having more adventures

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What makes someone achieve genuine happiness is being able to have experiences that line up with who they really are, such as in terms of their interests, dreams, and passions. You might daydream of hitting the open road, hiking the tallest mountains in the world, or starting an exciting business venture. Instead of chasing these goals, you’re ignoring them because you feel you have to be something else that the world accepts. And yet, the world doesn’t end up with all your regrets at the end of the day. Only you do.

7. Making real connections

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It’s impossible to connect with others on a deep level if you’re not being 100 percent yourself. While you might have fun times with people you meet, you don’t let them in to see what your life’s really like or what you’re really about, which is sad. They’re missing out on connecting with you and achieving greater emotional intimacy with you that can lead to fulfilling and life-changing relationships.

8. Finding inner peace

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Without honesty in your interactions and relationships, you’ll never feel settled within yourself. Ditto for if you spend your time trying to be something you’re not. Being real with yourself and others, on the other hand, encourages inner peace and tranquility by reducing issues such as self-doubt and anxiety. When you do this, you’ll be able to walk around comfortably in your own skin. There’s no better feeling!

9. Gaining confidence

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Maybe you look at people who strut around and seem so at ease with themselves that you wish you could be like them. Constantly censoring yourself can zap your confidence and make you feel insecure or inferior to others. By breaking free of those self-imposed restraints, you’ll be able to gain inner strength and feel confident about who you are and what you have to give others. No more walking around on eggshells!

10. Releasing pent-up emotions

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If you never express your feelings to others, perhaps because you’re afraid of being judged for them, they’re going to bottle up until you explode. Yikes. You might have pushed your feelings down so far inside yourself that you wish you could unleash them like wild dogs because they’re unhealthy and toxic for your physical and emotional health. By letting them go, you can create space for greater wellbeing and happier relationships.

11. Being vulnerable

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If you’re not vulnerable, it can make you struggle with seeing yourself and all your mistakes, while preventing genuine connections with others. Vulnerability builds trust and empathy in your relationships, but you’re totally missing out on its benefits because you’re holding yourself back behind a six-foot-tall wall that no one can scale. Instead of vulnerability being a sign of weakness, realize that it’s a strength that helps you learn more about yourself.

12. Taking thrilling opportunities

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It’s hard to feel confident about racing after your passions in life and finding work that’s in sync with your purpose if you’re not honest with yourself about what you want and what brings you joy in the first place! Instead of hiding from opportunities that can help you jump onto the right path that makes you feel fulfilled, you should be grabbing them with both hands. They’re not going to come around forever.

13. Getting honest feedback

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Since you don’t know what others really think of you because you’re not being real, you probably desire the chance to get honest feedback from them. According to the American Psychological Association, receiving genuine compliments and praise, or getting constructive criticism on your creative projects you’re too afraid to share with people will help you to learn so much and grow from the experience so you can better accept and improve on yourself.

14. Gaining self-respect

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It’s challenging to respect and love yourself if you’re not being honest about who you are. Respect for who you are is associated with your honesty, values, and beliefs. By honoring these, you’ll be able to focus on how to live every day in a way that you feel proud of. You can’t achieve any of that if you’re keeping your authentic self under wraps and kicking yourself for being insincere.

15. Following your intuition

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Your intuition or gut feeling guides you through life, helping you to choose the best path that brings you joy instead of misery. If you’re not being honest about what you feel, you’re blocking those witchy intuitive powers, which can keep you stuck in unsatisfying situations. Breaking down your emotional walls with others and yourself can help you start getting in tune with that inner voice which just wants you to live life 100 percent your way.

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